Examples of the the word, refined , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refined ), is the 9687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Others, like the Belgian astronomer D. Roubaix (2002),have regularly, refined ,the precision of any new published orbital elements. For this reason, Alpha
  2. Britney. ... It does sound like the work of a star who has now found and, refined ,her voice, resulting in her best record yet. " The album was honored with two
  3. Notable are the parts, still largely roofed, built by the Earls of Morton, with, refined , Renaissance detail, in the second half of the 16th century. A fire in the late
  4. Detail between all classes within the organization. Players were patiently, refined ,until fundamentally sound instead of being hastily advanced to the next level.
  5. Heavily muscled appearance, while retaining small heads with wide jowls and, refined ,muzzles. There is controversy amongst owners, breeder and veterinarians
  6. That regulated the dollar value of contracts, the forerunner of the system, refined ,by Rickey and used today. It also gave the NA great power. Many independents
  7. 5 succeeded Ariane 4,but was not derived from it directly. Ariane 5 has been, refined ,since the first launch in successive versions," G "," G+ "," GS "," ECA "
  8. Was published in January 1940. The publication included a glossary that was, refined ,in 2010 and published online (see http://www.aeroplanemonthly.co.uk/glossary/
  9. Of 4.4 AU in a slightly eccentric orbit, and these measurements were apparently, refined ,in a 1969 paper. Later that year, Van de Kamp suggested that there were two
  10. Imbued with the old Roman culture, she gave to that son's education a more, refined ,and literary turn than suited the ideas of her Gothic subjects. Conscious of
  11. Ideas were developed and discussed freely. The thoughts and ideas discussed and, refined ,during this period have profoundly influenced lifestyles and social
  12. Found in the ruins during consolidation give an impression of the original, refined , rather austere, architectural effect. The distinctive round window high in the
  13. History of Alexander the Great were read to him. However, the classics had not, refined ,his taste, for he was amused by setting itinerant scholars, who swarmed to his
  14. Could solve the specific heat problem in classical mechanics. Peter Deb ye, refined ,this model. Adiabatic principle and action-angle variables Throughout the 1910s
  15. Developed by Apple, included in version 2.0 of the Newton operating system, and, refined , in Newton 2.1. Rosetta is generally considered a significant improvement and
  16. Light and the notation of the Earth’s axis. His cataloging of 3222 stars was, refined ,in 1807 by Friedrich Bessel, the father of modern asymmetry. He made the first
  17. 1170–1253) was a pioneer of the scientific theory that would later be used and, refined ,by the alchemists. He took Abelard's methods of analysis and added the use of
  18. Distillation of crude oil (boiling at) is sometimes referred to as ", refined ,bitumen ". Etymology The word asphalt is derived from the late Middle English
  19. En Must and Watermelon en Zee Anmol NV. Pipelines Crude oil 158 km;, refined ,products 535 km; natural gas 1,330 km (2008) Air transport According to the
  20. Known as Wallace's flying frog. While he was exploring the archipelago, he, refined , his thoughts about evolution and had his famous insight on natural selection.
  21. As a result of genetically determined chemical guidance, but then gradually, refined ,by activity-dependent mechanisms, partly driven by internal dynamics, partly by
  22. Concerns over arsenic content. Consumers have moved towards the use of, refined ,borates and boric acid that have a lower pollutant content. The average cost of
  23. Forestry, fishing,mining, and manufacturing goods such as textiles, clothing, refined , metals,and refined petroleum. Bolivia is very wealthy in minerals, especially
  24. Reflects poignantly on her own checkered past, and wonders what happened to her, refined ," Liaisons ". Back in Desiree's apartment, Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm proclaims
  25. While the Big Bang model is well established in cosmology, it is likely to be, refined ,in the future. Little is known about the earliest moments of the Universe's
  26. Little resemblance to his soft-hearted, liberal father, and still less to his, refined , philosophic, sentimental,chivalrous, yet cunning granduncle Alexander I, who
  27. The then world-class exporting oil refineries were the main suppliers of, refined ,products to the Allies. Aruba became a British protectorate from 1940 to 1942
  28. Is an absolute necessity for salvation however, Augustine appears to have, refined ,his beliefs during his lifetime, causing some confusion among later theologians
  29. Spoken) The" Former Standard," used for about 300 years or more in speech in, refined ,language, was the" Showrunner Deutsche ", a Socialist spoken by the imperial
  30. The greatest load is by this test the most structurally efficient. A more, refined ,measure for this exercise is to weigh the completed bridge rather than measure
  31. Substance. In American English, asphalt (or asphalt cement) is the carefully, refined ,residue from the distillation process of selected crude oils. Outside the U. S.
  32. Mining, and manufacturing goods such as textiles, clothing, refined metals, and, refined , petroleum. Bolivia is very wealthy in minerals, especially tin. The Bolivian
  33. For a tapestry made by this factory. Characterized by elegant and, refined ,yet playful subject matters,Boucher's style became the epitome of the court
  34. Using oxygen. This yields soluble products which can be further purified and, refined ,to yield the desired metal. Pyrite leaching (FeS2): In the first step
  35. California, in 1978. The prototype was given to engineer Howard Delmar, who, refined , it,productive it, and then added additional features for Atari's first
  36. In more precise analyses of the algorithms mentioned above, and gives a more, refined ,time bound. In the disjoint-set data structure’m represents the number of
  37. Moistened by the player's breathing, so bellows-driven bagpipes can use more, refined ,and/or delicate reeds. The most famous of these pipes are the Irish villain
  38. By Grothendieck, the idea of schemes was worked out, in conjunction with a very, refined ,apparatus of horological techniques. After a decade of rapid development the
  39. And theoretically so it may take considerable time for theory to be, refined , One of the earliest steps towards atomic physics was the recognition that
  40. And spectrometry techniques were discovered in the early 20th century and, refined ,in the late 20th century. The separation sciences follow a similar timeline of
  41. Iron, copper,and coal extraction, electronics,chemicals, machinery,steel and, refined ,petroleum fuel production, automobiles and vehicle components, firearms and
  42. As" beyond reasonable doubt ". In 2001 the Third Assessment Report (TAR), refined , this,saying" There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming
  43. Mining and refining operation. The company now ships more than 2000 tons of, refined ,ore from Andersonville each week. In 1974,long-time mayor Lewis Eastern and
  44. Worldwide. Breed characteristics The modern Quarter Horse has a small, short, refined , head with a straight profile, and a strong, well-muscled body, featuring a
  45. And there is a unity in the written language. It seems that, in time, a more, refined ,alphabet, suited to the needs of the language, began to develop from this in
  46. Pipelines,339 kilometers of oil pipelines, and 156 kilometers of pipelines for, refined ,products. Name cp14/> The pipeline system was scheduled for substantial
  47. The electrodes used in the electrolysis of aluminum oxide are carbon. Once the, refined ,alumina is dissolved in the electrolyte, its ions are free to move around. The
  48. Work could be applied to improve individual health and well-being. He further, refined ,his technique of self-observation and re-training to teach his discoveries to
  49. In 1555,is considered the first literary work of written Albanian. The, refined ,level of the language and the stabilized orthography must be the result of an
  50. Country comparison to the world: 37 Pipelines gas 5,250 km; oil 1,528 km;, refined ,products 1,730 km (2008) Ports and harbors Airports 65 (2008): country

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