Examples of the the word, subgroup , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And biological evidence, most scientists accept that birds are a specialized, subgroup ,of theropod dinosaurs. More specifically, they are members of Maniraptora, a
  2. The center of a group. Definitions A characteristic subgroup of a group G is a, subgroup ,H that is invariant under each automorphism of G. That is, : \var phi (H) = H
  3. A is a subgroup of an Abelian group G then A admits a direct complement: a, subgroup ,C of G such that G A ⊕ C. Thus divisible groups are injective modules in the
  4. Is characteristic. Examples of characteristic subgroup s include the commutator, subgroup ,and the center of a group. Definitions A characteristic subgroup of a group G
  5. In the area of abstract algebra known as group theory, a characteristic, subgroup ,is a subgroup that is invariant under all automorphism of the parent group.
  6. And the nonzero real numbers are an Abelian group under multiplication. * Every, subgroup ,of an Abelian group is normal, so each subgroup gives rise to a quotient group.
  7. Automorphism, every characteristic subgroup is normal, though not every normal, subgroup ,is characteristic. Examples of characteristic subgroup s include the commutator
  8. At the same rate. Furthermore, new subgroup s were segregated from, subgroup ,2b:; GROUP 2be: EXTENDED-SPECTRUM, Molecular Class A: Subgroup 2be,with the
  9. Function as receptors that raise cytosol calcium. The P2X isotropic receptor, subgroup ,comprises seven members (P2X1–P2X7),which are ligand-gated Ca2±permeable
  10. Among the Parasites Chapters 28 to 35 relate the account of a rebellion of a, subgroup ,of the Nephrite nation who called themselves Parasites. The Parasites believed
  11. Group second powers behave well: (XY)^2 = x^2y^2y,XY, x,y. \, If the derived, subgroup ,is central, then: (XY)in = XSN yen y, x^. Ring theory The commutator of two
  12. They are among the highest-mass stellar members of the Lower Centaurus-Crux, subgroup ,of the association, with ages of roughly 10 to 20 million years. Markers Since
  13. Not a direct command of A, so the torsion-free factor cannot be realized as a, subgroup ,of A and A is not isomorphic to T (A) ⊕ A/T (A). Thus, the theory of mixed
  14. Historical competitor has been the IEEE Computer Society, which is the largest, subgroup ,of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The IEEE focuses more
  15. A collection of maps, traditionally bound into book form * Atlas languages,a, subgroup ,of the Northern Berber languages spoken in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco *
  16. Under multiplication. * Every subgroup of an Abelian group is normal, so each, subgroup ,gives rise to a quotient group. Subgroups, quotients,and direct sums of
  17. Described. More generally, a torsion-free Abelian group of finite rank r is a, subgroup ,of Qr. On the other hand, the group of panic integers Up is a torsion-free
  18. 12 %); * southern tropical forest peoples, including the Beti-Pahuin, Bulu (a, subgroup ,of Beti-Pahuin),Fang ( subgroup of Beti-Pahuin),Make, Njem, and Aka
  19. Is not necessarily a contraction. However, normally acronyms are regarded as a, subgroup ,of abbreviations (e.g. by the Council of Science Editors). Abbreviations can
  20. Between the Nile and the Red Sea, in the vicinity of Aswan in Egypt. They are a, subgroup ,of the Beja people who are bilingual in Beja and Arabic. Overview The Arabia
  21. s. Th. \for all r, \exists N, \for all n > N, x_n \in H_r) is a normal, subgroup ,of C. The factor group C/C_0 is called the completion of G with respect to H.
  22. Identity if and only if g and h commute (i.e., if and only if GH = Hg). The, subgroup ,of G generated by all commutators is called the derived group or the commutator
  23. Together with Phrygia and the Indianian family into a higher-level, subgroup ,of Indo-European which is defined by such shared innovations as the augment.
  24. Prime p. In this case, G is the integers under addition, and Hr is the additive, subgroup ,consisting of integer multiples of pr. If H is a cofinal sequence (i.e., any
  25. The Boules, in the Alan division, probably comprise the largest single, subgroup ,with 15%-20 % of the population. They are based in the central region around
  26. Level The third level of the code indicates the therapeutic/pharmacological, subgroup ,and consists of one letter. Example: C03C High-ceiling diuretics Fourth level
  27. Of integer multiples of pr. If H is a cofinal sequence (i.e., any normal, subgroup ,of finite index contains some H_r),then this completion is canonical in the
  28. What later came to be known as Ural–Altaic. More precisely, Ural–Altaic came to, subgroup ,Finno-Ugric and Samoyed as" Arabic" and Turkic, Mongolic,and Tunguska as "
  29. In particular Galois extensions. In the case of a Galois extension L/K the, subgroup ,of all automorphism of L fixing K pointwise is called the Galois group of the
  30. Be of the form: \math_p \plus \dots \plus \math_p, so elements of this, subgroup ,can be viewed as comprising a vector space of dimension n over the finite field
  31. The fourth level of the code indicates the chemical/therapeutic/pharmacological, subgroup ,and consists of one letter. Example: C03CA Sulfonamides Fifth level The fifth
  32. Groups Egyptian, Berber,and Semitic together in a" North Afro-Asiatic ", subgroup , * Igor M. Diakonoff (1996) subdivides Afro-Asiatic in two, grouping Berber
  33. Rather than pollen, which are gathered and used by oligolectic bees. One small, subgroup ,of stingless bees, called " vulture bees," is specialized to feed on carrion
  34. N over the finite field of p elements \math_p. The automorphism of this, subgroup ,are therefore given by the invertible linear transformations, so: \math rm (
  35. The Boolean prime ideal theorem. **The Nielsen–Schrader theorem, that every, subgroup ,of a free group is free. **The additive groups of R and C are isomorphic. And
  36. Conjugation by an is a group automorphism. The inner automorphism form a normal, subgroup ,of AUT (G),denoted by Inn (G); this is called Goursat's lemma. The other
  37. Peoples, including the Beti-Pahuin, Bulu (a subgroup of Beti-Pahuin),Fang (, subgroup ,of Beti-Pahuin),Make, Njem, and Aka pygmies (18 %); * predominantly
  38. Of each type is uniquely determined. Moreover, if a divisible group A is a, subgroup ,of an Abelian group G then A admits a direct complement: a subgroup C of G such
  39. The parent groups. Because conjugation is an automorphism, every characteristic, subgroup ,is normal, though not every normal subgroup is characteristic. Examples of
  40. Group. The integers and the rational numbers have rank one, as well as every, subgroup ,of the rationals. Finite Abelian groups Cyclic groups of integers modulo n
  41. The commutator subgroup and the center of a group. Definitions A characteristic, subgroup ,of a group G is a subgroup H that is invariant under each automorphism of G.
  42. Ainu. * Most recently, Sergei Starostin's school has accepted Eurasiatic as a, subgroup ,of Nostratic, with Afroasiatic, Dravidian,and Cartesian in Nostratic outside
  43. Two subclasses,2a and 2b.; GROUP 2a: PENICILLIN ASE, Molecular Class A: The 2a, subgroup , contains just penicillinases.; GROUP 2b: BROAD-SPECTRUM, Molecular Class A :2b
  44. Of G generated by all commutators is called the derived group or the commutator, subgroup ,of G. Note that one must consider the subgroup generated by the set of
  45. The factor group A/T (A) is torsion-free. However, in general the torsion, subgroup ,is not a direct command of A, so the torsion-free factor cannot be realized as
  46. Z is defined as: | z|^2 z\overlie x^2 + y^2. Since the positive reals form a, subgroup ,of the complex numbers under multiplication, we may think of absolute value as
  47. Area of abstract algebra known as group theory, a characteristic subgroup is a, subgroup ,that is invariant under all automorphism of the parent group. Because
  48. Is called mixed. If A is an Abelian group and T (A) is its torsion, subgroup ,then the factor group A/T (A) is torsion-free. However, in general the
  49. The European Commission. The pact involves the Caribbean Forum (CARIBOU), subgroup , of the Group of African, Caribbean,and Pacific states (ACP). CARIBOU
  50. Derived group or the commutator subgroup of G. Note that one must consider the, subgroup ,generated by the set of commutators because in general the set of commutators

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