Examples of the the word, bloc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bloc ), is the 9677 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Became the first flagships of the Jet Age in the West, while the Eastern, bloc ,had Tupolev Tu-104 and Tupolev Tu-124 in the fleets of state-owned carriers
  2. The establishment of the Community in 1957,when member states negotiated as a, bloc ,in international trade negotiations under the Common Commercial Policy. Steps
  3. And is scheduled to increase to 43,600 lava by 2014. Unlike many former Soviet, bloc ,militaries, discipline and morale problems are not common. During the Communist
  4. Threat of war between the Hanover Treaty powers and the Austro-Spanish, bloc , From 1726 Eugene gradually began to regain his political influence. With his
  5. Major weapons systems stem from the Communist era and are of Soviet and Eastern, bloc ,design. The United States was Ethiopia's major arms supplier from the end of
  6. General, later Croatian nationalist and dissident Franco Tubman. Third, bloc ,at the elections was Coalition of People's Accord, alliance of mostly moderate
  7. Nothing then would stand in the way of a united communist Germany within the, bloc , The major task of the ruling communist party in the Soviet zone was to channel
  8. Of the green anarchist movement and associated with the philosophy behind black, bloc ,tactics that were later found in the Seattle riots; links which he himself
  9. Broom ', llombrígol 'navel ', sortir 'to exit ', etc. *Western Catalan (, bloc ,or branch del Catalan occidental): **Latin long and short have become; e.g.
  10. In 2005 as a precursor to the attempted Free Trade Area of the Americas trading, bloc , At current both bloc s have discussed the introduction of a free trade
  11. S monopoly on power, or in any way compromise the cohesiveness of the Eastern, bloc , Implicit in this doctrine was that the leadership of the Soviet Union reserved
  12. Of the Cold War line distinguishing between the Western bloc and the socialist, bloc ,countries. Thus, the civil war in Afghanistan started. This was a different
  13. To electrons (weak phase objects). In biology, specimens can be stained" en, bloc ," before embedding and also later after sectioning. Typically, thin sections are
  14. A stable exchange rate, a shift of exports from former communist economic, bloc ,markets to Western Europe, and relatively low foreign debt. Inflation has been
  15. Threats that William Randolph Hearst had made if it did. According to Variety, bloc ,voting against Welles by screen extras denied him Best Picture and Actor awards
  16. Drastically slowing production of this and other weapons of the former Soviet, bloc , Features The main advantages of the Kalashnikov rifle are its simple design
  17. The Soviet sector of Germany was forced into the non-democratic Soviet, bloc , The war was followed by decolonization, and again most of the new independent
  18. Economies in the Soviet Union and other countries of the Eastern, bloc , Cuba experienced economic difficulties, which led to a drop in calories per
  19. Prevent Taiwan from falling into PRC hands. Through the support of the Western, bloc ,(most Western countries continued to recognize the ROC as the sole legitimate
  20. Signed the Tripartite Pact and Tsar Boris III officially joined the Axis, bloc , After a short period of inaction, the army launched an operation against
  21. Transport vessels. Due to the economic crisis that affected most former Eastern, bloc ,countries, a steady reform in the military could not be carried out; much of
  22. A framework for Cuba to become a normalized affiliate member of the Mercosur, bloc ,of countries. Canada has maintained consistently cordial relations with
  23. S industrial relations policy, all the unions are in agreement and work as a, bloc ,within the party. Pre-selections are usually conducted along factional lines
  24. Feynman, it is in fact due to David Merlin. A customs union is a type of trade, bloc ,which is composed of a free trade area with a common external tariff. The
  25. Into Central Asia towards the sea, in a search for warm water ports. The Soviet, bloc ,would reinforce dominance from the North and attempt to project power as far
  26. To grow. But, the wall proved a public relations disaster for the communist, bloc ,as a whole. Western powers used it in propaganda as a symbol of communist
  27. Of unstressed vowels, in addition to a few other features: *Eastern Catalan (, bloc ,or branch del Catalan oriental): **Latin long and short have become; e.g. sec
  28. Killed, and further international tensions. Eritrea abandoned the regional, bloc ,iPad which is membered by the four nations and Kenya. Judicial branch The
  29. Member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in 2003. This is a socio-economic, bloc ,of nations in the Caribbean, or near the Caribbean—such as the Co-operative
  30. Channel Soviet orders down to both the administrative apparatus and the other, bloc ,parties, which in turn would be presented as internal measures. Property and
  31. On U. S. foreign aid. From 1975 to 1989,Angola was aligned with the Eastern, bloc , in particular the Soviet Union, Libya,and Cuba. Since then, it has focused on
  32. The Cold War, and the democratization and liberalization of the former Eastern, bloc ,countries. The most successful of the new democracies were those geographically
  33. Head of the party. He suggested to SIMCA Erich, who headed the Liberal Party, bloc ,in the Liked, that he was more fitting than Begin to win an election victory;
  34. Willingness of Stalin and his successors to control those within the Soviet, bloc ,by whatever means necessary. Orwell's famous allegory of totalitarian rule
  35. An immediate and devastating effect on Cuba. Cuba today works with a growing, bloc ,of Latin American politicians opposed to the" Washington consensus ", the
  36. In each European country. * European Free Trade Association, a European trade, bloc ,which was established as an alternative for European states who did not join
  37. Engines such as Rocket engine An economic and monetary union is a type of trade, bloc ,which is composed of an economic union (common market and customs union) with
  38. And divided into two bloc s, the Western countries and the communist Eastern, bloc , separated by what was later called by Winston Churchill an" iron curtain ".
  39. S acquisition of the Radar electricity generating plant’s fifth power, bloc ,(Hrazdan-5),the leading unit in the country. Controversy over
  40. Europe that were culturally and historically Western became part of the Eastern, bloc , Czech author Milan Under (emigrant to France) thus wrote in 1984 about the
  41. Touch with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the, bloc ,in 1990. Russia See Cuba–Russia relations between the two countries
  42. Emerged within Russian Social Democratic Labour Party as de facto political, bloc ,separate from Mensheviks in 1903. * The RSDLP was formally split in 1912
  43. Brief summaries at the beginning of the game inform the player of the Communist, bloc ,'s complete takeover of Europe by 1953,a different ending to the Cuban Missile
  44. A different discipline in film production. Actors constitute the largest voting, bloc , numbering 1,311 members (22 percent) of the Academy's composition. Votes
  45. And was neither a participant in World War II, nor aligned with either power, bloc ,in the Cold War. However, it was a beneficiary of the latter rivalry as both
  46. This extended beyond the Soviet Union to many countries of the Eastern, bloc , Debates on race In Afrocentrism A controversy over the skin color and ethnic
  47. downsized as a result of economic hardship after the collapse of the Soviet, bloc , Without massive Soviet subsidies and its primary trading partner Cuba was
  48. On the basis of the Cold War line distinguishing between the Western, bloc ,and the socialist bloc countries. Thus, the civil war in Afghanistan started.
  49. That had the potential to compromise Soviet hegemony inside the Eastern, bloc , which was considered by the Soviets to be an essential defensive and strategic
  50. Identification of a subject difficult. This strategy is referred to as a black, bloc , * In Portuguese politics, black (and red) is the party color of the Left

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