Examples of the the word, motto , in a Sentence Context
The word ( motto ), is the 9679 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Mercantilism, the dominating economic theory at the time, by taking up the, motto ,Lassen free et Lassen passer,Le Monde VA de Lew meme! (Let do and let pass
- Scale) and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his, motto ,the words Domino, dilexi decorum domes tube (Latin for:" Lord, I admired the
- To 1970,Boerhaave's image was printed on Dutch 25-guilder banknotes. *His, motto ,was Simplex SIGILL very; Simplicity is the sign of truth. *The Leiden
- Of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. Last came the city's official, motto ,: Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig (" Heroic, Determined,Merciful" )
- This comprised 1 DUP,1 SLP,1 Alliance and 1 Sinn Féin. Coat of arms and, motto ,The city of Belfast has the Latin motto ". " This is taken from Psalm 116 Verse
- 1963). The exclamation of Eureka! Attributed to Archimedes is the state, motto ,of California. In this instance the word refers to the discovery of gold near
- Notably Lin Carter and L. Prague de Camp). The addition of Nietzsche an, motto ,and Conan's life philosophy were crucial for bringing the spirit of Howard's
- Parties in noise from outside and held other public forms of protest under the, motto ," 50 Years is Enough ". While Spanish King Juan Carlos was addressing the
- And 1 Sinn Féin. Coat of arms and motto The city of Belfast has the Latin, motto ,". " This is taken from Psalm 116 Verse 12 in the Latin Vulgate Bible and is
- The United States. Franklin's proposal (which was not adopted) featured the, motto ,:" Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" and a scene from the Book of
- Itself took place at Mark Masons Hall in London, where Crowley accepted his, motto ,and magical name of Frater Perdurable, meaning " I shall endure to the end. " At
- Who got that nickname;" the Good Guys ", a reference to the team's one-time, motto ," Good guys wear black ", coined by Ken" Hawk" Harrelson; and" the Black SOX
- The form of squared logs, but shipments now consist mainly of sawn lumber. The, motto ," Sub Umbra Flowers" means: Under the shade (of the mahogany tree) I
- A local motto in recent years, featured on bumper stickers and t-shirts. This, motto ,has not only been used in promoting Austin's eccentricity and diversity, but
- A safe way. Since the 1980s these basic principles have been condensed into the, motto ," Safe, sane and consensual ", abbreviated as SSC, which means that everything
- And 72 losses. Their unorthodox style led to the team adopting an unofficial, motto ,coined by 1st baseman Tony Clark;" Anybody, Anytime. " On September 28,the
- Unity and justice and freedom" ) is widely considered to be the national, motto ,of Germany, although it was never officially proclaimed as such. It appears on
- Ocean to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north (hence the country's, motto ," From sea to sea" ), with the United States to the south (contiguous United
- Annually—pass through the iron gates crowned with the infamous, motto , Albeit yacht free (" work makes free" ).
- In Schoolhouse Rock's" Elbow Room ". A term similar to this is the Canadian, motto ,A Mari Use Ad Mare (" From sea to sea. ") Books *Lynn Sherr's 2001 book
- Expense of everybody else. " Henry David Thoreau wrote," I heartily accept the, motto , 'That government is best which governs least '; and I should like to see it
- The anagram gestalt honored; the physician George ENT took the diagrammatic, motto ,genie surge, which requires his first name as" Georgios ". James I's
- No strategic advantage to the victors. Greene summed up his approach in a, motto ,that would become famous:" We fight, get beat, rise,and fight again. " By
- After the under-construction Shard of Glass at London Bridge Station. Arms, motto ,and flag The Corporation of the City of London has a full achievement of
- Group of the club was Commando Ultra Curve SUD The most known club anthem and, motto ,is Roma, Roma,Roma by local singer Antonella Vendetta. The title roughly means
- Bench carries in relief the text 'Alan Matheson Turing 1912–1954 ', and the, motto ,'Founder of Computer Science' as it would appear if encoded by an Enigma
- Rag Week publication PTQ derives its name from the first three words of the, motto , The coat of arms of the city are blazoned as Party per Jesse argent and azure
- The letters" SOX ", interlocked in Old English Script font: Current Team, motto ,:" All In" :2005 World Series Championship Season Motto:" Win or Die Trying "
- Carnegie started his efforts in pursuit of world peace at a young age. His, motto ," All is well since all grows better ", served not only as a good
- A crest displayed on a helm above the shield, supporters on either side and a, motto ,displayed on a scroll beneath the arms. The crest and supporters came into use
- José Miguel Carrera. It is Chile's oldest and most prestigious school. Its, motto ,is Labor Romania Vinci, which means" Work conquers all things ". *1821 –
- States, the German Embassy coordinated a public diplomacy campaign with the, motto ," Freedom Without Walls ", to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of
- Practise Confucianism on the outside, Taoism on the inside. " But its main, motto ,is:" If one must rule, rule young" Most of Taoism's focus is on what is
- From the moon, knowledge "),borrowed from the U. S. Naval Academy's, motto ," Ex scientist Trident" (" From knowledge, sea power" ). The mission number
- To this percentage. Parks When Chicago was incorporated in 1837,it chose the, motto ,URLs in Horton, a Latin phrase which translates into English as" City in a
- In attendance among almost 10,000 well-wishers. At the opening, he gave the, motto ," Garden Bain" from his own family's coat of arms. Montgomery referred to the
- The general situation for Angolans remains desperate. Politics Angola's, motto ,is Virus Units Portion, a Latin phrase meaning" Virtue is stronger when
- And a church on St. Catherine's Hill (now levelled). " On Accord" is the, motto ,of the city and is French literally for" Good Agreement ". Legend tells that
- Area in France). Arts and culture" Keep Austin Weird" has become a local, motto ,in recent years, featured on bumper stickers and t-shirts. This motto has not
- Bottom, below the shield appears a banner upon which is scripted the national, motto ,:" Forward, Upward,Onward Together. " National flower The yellow elder was
- Who have excelled in playing, managing,and serving the sport. The Hall's, motto ,is" Preserving History, Honoring Excellence, Connecting Generations ". The
- For creating a totalitarian society and thereby experienced decline. Its main, motto ,is:" Set clear strict laws, or deliver harsh punishment ". Both Shang Yang and
- Depicts an ancient ship on wavers, for Devon's seafaring traditions. The Latin, motto ,adopted was Aurelio Divine (by Divine aid),that of Sir Francis Drake. The
- Lauri, Abbadie considered himself a Basque from Sole. The popularity of the, motto ,Zambia Bat is attributed to Abbasid. Abbasid, an Irishman? Irish through his
- In and out of the camp's gate to daily forced labor, and considered the, motto ," Albeit yacht free" over the gate an insult. The song repeats the phrase
- S provinces and is known for its natural beauty, as reflected in its Latin, motto , Splendor sine Occam (" Splendor without Diminishment" ). Its name was
- American bald eagle erased Proper. And in an escrow over the same this, motto ," DEVOTED TO PUBLIC SERVICE. " The swords and stars refer to the former
- Confirmed and granted by letters patent from the College of Arms. The Latin, motto ,of the City of London is" Domino dirge nos ", which translates as" Lord
- And the success it was bringing. The first Grinder Rule became the team's, motto ,for the 2005 season:" Win or die trying! " The rules themselves are an "
- S location in Colville. " In pulsar vines" ( In dust you conquer) is the, motto , The University seal depicts the Greek goddess of wisdom Athena in front of the
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