Examples of the the word, beam , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beam ), is the 4464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Optionally, an atom probe may also include laser-optical systems for laser, beam ,preparation, targeting and pulsing, if using laser-evaporation methods. Staged
  2. Rocket weapon for air-to-air use. In 1947 the Navy contracted Sperry to build a, beam ,riding version of a standard HEAR, the standard unguided aerial rocket, under
  3. By a non-constant inertia was proposed called the tapered double cantilever, beam ,(TDCB) specimen. * Peel tests measure the fracture resistance of a thin layer
  4. Generate modified Sawtooth and parabola current waveforms to scan the electron, beam ,linearly. The waveform shapes are necessary to make up for the distance
  5. The earliest evidence of settlements in the area of today's Berlin is a wooden, beam ,dated from approximately 1192. The first written records of towns in the area
  6. Counted by moving them up or down towards the beam . If you move them toward the, beam , you count their value. If you move away, you don't count their value. The
  7. Material, with the needle geometry produced by electropolishing, or focused ion, beam ,methods. Preparation is done, often by hand, to manufacture a tip radius
  8. Light back into a detector, where it is measured relative to the original laser, beam , When the particles are in great motion, they produce a Doppler shift for
  9. Family of automatic rifles and light machine guns Other * A dowel, pole,or, beam ,used as a support structure * Bar (heraldry),an ordinary consisting of a
  10. And splashdown of Apollo 15. (3.67 MB, ogg/Theory format). Image: Cyclotron, beam ,experiment at LBNL for apollo space program eye flash investigations. JPG|An
  11. Field proportional to the changing current, and this deflects the electron, beam ,across the screen. In the 1950s,television receiver time base supply was
  12. Introduced seed material) flowing along with air molecules near where the, beam ,exits reflect, or backscatter, the light back into a detector, where it is
  13. This may be done using purpose-built transducers to direct a narrow ultrasound, beam ,to a depth of 6–8 centimeters at acupuncture meridian points on the body.
  14. Distance variations from the electron beam source and the screen surface. Each, beam ,direction switching circuit is reset by the appropriate sync timing pulse.
  15. In pure mode I, pure mode II or in mixed mode. Most of these devices are, beam ,type specimens. We will very shortly review the most popular: * Double
  16. Originates from the Ancient Greek antis, aktinos (ακτίς, ακτίνος ), meaning, beam , or ray. And sometimes acetaldehyde. Properties Actinium is a soft
  17. Made of a hardwood. The beads are counted by moving them up or down towards the, beam , If you move them toward the beam , you count their value. If you move away, you
  18. Aircraft. It was effective at visual to beyond visual range. The early, beam ,riding versions of the Sparrow missiles were integrated onto the F3H Demon and
  19. Blanking (or retrace) interval and represent the time that the electron, beam ,in the CRT is returning to the start of the next display line. The vertical
  20. To" write" lines of electrons across a phosphor coated surface. The electron, beam ,could be swept across the screen much faster than any mechanical disc system
  21. Park – Butler's pantry – Buttress C Cable-stayed bridge – Caisson – Camber, beam ,– Came – Canal – ANYMORE – Cannabis construction – Canopy – Can't – Cantilever
  22. This physical property is used to make lasers, which can emit a coherent, beam ,of light energy in a narrow frequency band. Valence
  23. Returns to the top of the screen. As it passes each point the intensity of the, beam ,is varied, varying the luminance of that point. A color television system is
  24. Energy loss spectroscopy, which measures the energy loss of an electron, beam ,within a transmission electron microscope when it interacts with a portion of a
  25. Is achieved by adding hydrogen gas, boron trifluoride is used for CBN. Ion, beam ,deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, pulsed laser deposition
  26. Shapes are necessary to make up for the distance variations from the electron, beam ,source and the screen surface. Each beam direction switching circuit is reset
  27. Of free atoms. The burner height may also be adjusted, so that the radiation, beam ,passes through the zone of the highest atom cloud density in the flame, resulting
  28. Of the velocity of the observer, with respect to the vector of the incoming, beam ,of light (i.e., the line actually taken by the light on its path to the
  29. Can also be suspended with optical tweezers, using a highly focused laser, beam , Cost Scientists claim that antimatter is the costliest material to make. (
  30. Jerk along the horizontal axis to spin all the beads away from the horizontal, beam ,at the center. Sampans can be used for functions other than counting. Unlike
  31. Name was changed to protactinium (from Greek πρῶτος + ἀκτίς meaning" first, beam ,element" ) in 1918 when two groups of scientists, led by Otto Hahn and Life
  32. Are of interest. Laser Doppler anemometers Laser Doppler anemometers use a, beam ,of light from a laser that is divided into two beam s, with one propagated out
  33. Of cathode rays. Cathode rays were emitted from the cathode C, sharpened to a, beam ,by slits A and B, then passed through the electric field generated between
  34. Word actinium comes from the Greek antis, aktinos (ακτίς, ακτίνος ), meaning, beam , or ray. This metal was discovered not by its own radiation but by the radiation
  35. Linus Pauling, the discoverer of the helix, is fashioned from a large steel, beam ,rearranged in the structure of the helix. The tall, bright-red sculpture
  36. An image A cathode-ray tube (CRT) television displays an image by scanning a, beam ,of electrons across the screen in a pattern of horizontal lines known as a
  37. Is laterally long (usually 5–10 cm) and only a few mm deep. The radiation, beam ,passes through this flame at its longest axis, and the flame gas flow-rates may
  38. Amethyst Synthetic amethyst is thus man-made by gamma-ray, x-ray or electron, beam ,irradiation of clear quartz which has been first doped with ferric impurities.
  39. Blanking (or retrace) interval and represent the time that the electron, beam ,in the CRT is returning to the start of the next display line. Horizontal hold
  40. Palette for each of the screen's 200 scan lines as the monitor's electron, beam ,traced the screen line by line. This exotic technique did not leave many CPUS
  41. Unlike EM methods. Site specific preparation methods,e.g. using Focussed ion, beam ,preparation, although more time-consuming, may be used to bypass such
  42. In timing produced visual artifacts, a problem programmers called racing the, beam , The video hardware gave the 2600 a reputation as one of the most complex
  43. Procedure called" argon enhanced coagulation" which is a form of argon plasma, beam ,electrosurgery. The procedure carries a risk of producing gas embolism in the
  44. Tracking devices using a mutating horn as part of its antenna. This caused the, beam ,to be swept in a small cone. Signal processing would be applied to determine
  45. Specimens. We will very shortly review the most popular: * Double cantilever, beam ,tests (DCB) measure the mode I fracture resistance of adhesives in a fracture
  46. The development of the cathode-ray tube (CRT),which uses a steered electron, beam ,to" write" lines of electrons across a phosphor coated surface. The electron
  47. In a pattern of horizontal lines known as a raster. At the end of each line the, beam ,returns to the start of the next line; at the end of the last line it returns
  48. Capability. With an effective range of about, it was introduced as a radar, beam ,riding missile and then improved to a semi-active radar guided missile which
  49. By bonding plates of different thicknesses. * Mixed-mode deaminating, beam ,tests (MMDB) consist in a bonded bilayer with two starting cracks loaded on
  50. On Baer's law and meanders in the courses of rivers. *. The chasing a light, beam ,thought experiment is described on pages 48–51. * Collected Papers: Further

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