Examples of the the word, buddy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( buddy ), is the 5006 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Even more baffled to find that the patent is credited to a" D. B. Davis. " His, buddy ,Chuck at Gear lets slip that he once saw time travel working, in a lab in
  2. Bogart was uneasy with Gardner because she had just split from" rat-pack ", buddy ,Frank Sinatra and was carrying on with bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguez.
  3. Apartment.; Shorty Vellum: Shorty (played by Shut Fisher) is Jed's longtime, buddy ,from back home whom Jed reunites with in 1969 when the Competes go back for an
  4. Were generally at least partially consumed, while divers who followed the, buddy ,system were generally rescued by their buddy . Tricks and McCloskey suggest that
  5. Was cast as the good-natured, easily-confused Burns and Allen announcer and, buddy , He also became one of the show's running gags, when his involvement in Gracie
  6. Of bombs) break loose, pinning Gunner. Unwilling to bail out without his, buddy , Jim manages to land, but it is too late for Gunner. When Jim realizes the toll
  7. Said We stray. " There we were standing there. I was holding the glasses and my, buddy ,was holding the liqueurs, and we looked at each other, and I said 'If that's
  8. Jones's first name, but a nickname he took from the family dog. The film was a, buddy ,movie of sorts, teaming Jones with his father, often to comical effect.
  9. In that it does not require approval from one buddy to be added to another's, buddy ,list. As a result, it is possible for users to keep other unsuspecting users on
  10. While divers who followed the buddy system were generally rescued by their, buddy , Tricks and McCloskey suggest that a standard pattern for great whites is to
  11. Is to select a menu option allowing communication only with those on one's, buddy ,list; this causes blocking (thus appear offline to) all users not on one's
  12. Roles such as in 48 Hrs. And Beverly Hills Cop. These type of films are often, buddy ,films, with mismatched partners such as in Midnight Run, Rush Hour, Bad Boys
  13. Boulevard. Barrymore had been a friend and contemporary (and drinking, buddy ,) of his fellow Philadelphia W. C. Fields. In the 1976 film W. C. Fields and
  14. J. D." Hog (" Boss Hog" ), whom Rocco referred to as his" little fat, buddy ,"," Little Chrome Dome "," Little Meadow-Muffin ", and several other names.
  15. It is always recommended that one not snorkel alone, but rather with a ", buddy ,", a guide or a tour group. Some commercial snorkeling locations require
  16. Allowing the 63 million AIM users to create an online, dynamic profile. The, buddy ,list serves as the basis for the AIM Page social network. An AIM Page is built
  17. Converted to US-3A.; KS-3B: Proposed air tanker based on S-3B and utilizing the, buddy ,refueling system, not built.; US-3A: S-3A modified for carrier onboard delivery
  18. Or buys him food at drive-in restaurants. Chuck Greenberg is Dan's" beer, buddy ," and best friend at Gear Manufacturing. Dr. Hubert Twitchell is a brilliant
  19. To“ shallow water blackout; snorkeling with a buddy (and being aware of the, buddy ,'s condition at all times) can help avoid this situation. When snorkeling on
  20. Two tennis partners with the same name from each other, the more junior tennis, buddy ,may be given a differentiated name or" nickname ". This is, and never will be
  21. Chiba. In the 1980s,Mel Gibson and Danny Glover had a popular string of ", buddy ,cop" films in the Lethal Weapon franchise. Beginning in the mid-1980s,actors
  22. S The Deer Hunter (1978). " The first third of the film is really an amazing, buddy ,movie with those five actors. You could tell they were best friends, but they
  23. Can now chat and share files with individuals or a group of friends in their, buddy ,list. From version 5.5.1,Likewise has added a key activation, which requires
  24. Contributors include Martha Wells on characters Crichton and D'Argo's, buddy ,relationship, P. N. Elroy on the villains she loves to hate, and Justina Robson
  25. Advanced features like file transfer, audio chat, video conferencing, or, buddy , info. It is implemented in Adobe Flash. It is an upgrade to the prior AOL Quick
  26. Wolf (CHS. 61-62). He describes the incident as follows," When I look for my, buddy ,I see he'd stripped and piled his clothes by the roadside ... He pees in a
  27. Mike and Gloria recall their first blind date, set up by Michael's college, buddy ,Jim (Guest),who dated Gloria's girlfriend Debbie (Priscilla Lopez). 1980s
  28. He offered to be a secret emissary between the Chancellor, Ribbentrop’s old war, buddy ,Franz von Paper and Hitler. Ribbentrop's offer was refused at the time, but
  29. A structure of leadership, directing search and recovery, and basic self aid, buddy ,care. During this event, the Military Training Instructors (MTV) act as
  30. The option on the AOL Instant Messenger client to allow only users on a user's, buddy ,list to contact them. This is to prevent harassment or spamming and is also a
  31. Agitated or annoyed by something or someone *Ducky: Common term for friend or, buddy ,(more often referring to women than men) *Scope: A nickname of a bottom
  32. Connections between specified known users (often using contact list, buddy ,list, or friend list),whereas online 'chat' also includes web-based
  33. Clients such as Yahoo! Messenger in that it does not require approval from one, buddy ,to be added to another's buddy list. As a result, it is possible for users to
  34. As a result, it is possible for users to keep other unsuspecting users on their, buddy ,list to see when they are online, read their status and away messages, and read
  35. Same year Eastwood directed and co-starred with Charlie Sheen in The Rookie,a, buddy ,cop action film. Critics found the macho jiving between Eastwood and Sheen
  36. Brought into the Oxford Group was eBay Teacher, a long-time friend and drinking, buddy ,of Bill Wilson, later co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Teacher told
  37. Leland could not generate the funds necessary to purchase the team. His golfing, buddy , Robert Ir say, who originally was slated to own only 1 percent of the team, did
  38. Hello, my name is Bill" would instantly become their away message. To add a, buddy , the add buddy message is used, with the screen name parameter aim: add buddy ?
  39. And excitement of the winter scene. " It's a magical world, Hobbes,ol ', buddy ,... Let's go exploring! " Calvin exclaims as they zoom off over the snowy
  40. In Mexico City who subsequently gets kidnapped. Christopher Walken plays his, buddy ,and fellow mercenary who currently runs a bodyguard service in Ciudad Juárez. *
  41. Two gigs into the tour. Copeland later apologized for besmirching" my, buddy ,Sting ", and chalked up the comments to 'hyper self-criticism '. On 29
  42. The AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile. The S-3B could also be fitted with ", buddy ,stores" external fuel tanks that allowed the Viking to refuel other aircraft.
  43. She could not become emotionally attached to her patients. She calls them all ", buddy ,", but immediately detaches from them once they are dead. Her lover, a Canadian
  44. Had been rehearsing and recording with Billy Cox, his old and trusted Army, buddy , since at least April 21. Mitchell was unavailable to help fulfill Hendrix's
  45. Pete and young Ricky, wise beyond her years. Miles Gentry is Dan's former Army, buddy ,and business partner, handling the financial and legal side. Belle S. Darwin
  46. Following the Group's evangelical bent, Thacher sought out former drinking, buddy ,Bill Wilson to tell him he was sober because he had" got religion. " Teacher
  47. Mail system. * Block: An AIM user may block a specific screen name on their, buddy ,list. The blocked user cannot contact or see the status of the blocker. Both
  48. Which can lead in turn to“ shallow water blackout; snorkeling with a, buddy ,(and being aware of the buddy 's condition at all times) can help avoid this
  49. List; this causes blocking (thus appear offline to) all users not on one's, buddy ,list. AOL recently teamed up with Facebook, allowing you to log in to AIM using
  50. Nice kind young feller ":" You are a nice person" * Me ol' cock: meaning,", buddy ," or" pal ":" Which got, me ol' cock? " * Contrary: Difficult to get along

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