Examples of the the word, infinite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( infinite ), is the 5005 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Collection may make it possible to avoid the axiom of choice even for certain, infinite ,collections. For example, suppose that each member of the collection X is a
  2. The observation here is that one can define a function to select from an, infinite ,number of pairs of shoes by stating for example, to choose the left shoe.
  3. Most notable captain. Nevertheless, his barbarous cruelty and inhumanity with, infinite ,wickednesses do not permit him to be celebrated among the most excellent men. "
  4. Of the world. In his model, the Earth floats very still in the center of the, infinite , not supported by anything. It remains" in the same place because of its
  5. Every cardinal has an initial ordinal. **Tarski's theorem: For every, infinite ,set A, there is a bijective map between the sets A and A×A. **Dichotomy: If
  6. E_k a\dagger _k a_k + \sum_ | E (k)|by\dagger_k b_k + E_0,\, where E0 is an, infinite ,negative constant. The vacuum state is defined as the state with no particle or
  7. Happens to hold for exactly one object in each bin. For example for any (even, infinite ,) collection of pairs of shoes, one can pick out the left shoe from each pair
  8. An injection from the natural numbers N to A (see Dedekind infinite ). **Every, infinite ,game G_S in which S is a Bore subset of Bear space is determined. **The
  9. Contain this ocean, while Anaximander solved it by introducing his concept of, infinite ,(ape iron). At the origin, after the separation of hot and cold, a ball of
  10. Does not diverge regionally such as in an idealized case with mediums of, infinite ,thermal conductivity or non-existent thermal capacity. In an adiabatic
  11. Year removed the last two objections to his theory. However, the problem of, infinite ,charge of the universe remains. Also, as we now know, bosons also have
  12. Cannot be restricted to a geometric point in space, since this would require an, infinite ,particle momentum. In chemistry, Schrödinger,Pauling, Mulliken and others
  13. Of Militia, attribute to Anaximander the earliest use of the word apron (, infinite ,or limitless) to designate the original principle. He was the first
  14. But because St. Mary Mead, over her lifetime, has given her seemingly, infinite ,examples of the negative side of human nature. No crime can arise without
  15. But humans can do something equally useful, in the case of certain enumerable, infinite ,sets: They can give explicit instructions for determining the nth member of the
  16. A model of AFC which has an infinite set of real numbers without a countably, infinite ,subset. *There exists a model of AFC in which real numbers are a countable
  17. Of Nous (mind),as an ordering force. He regarded material substance as an, infinite ,multitude of imperishable primary elements, referring all generation and
  18. And fall into a negative energy state. Even worse, it could keep radiating, infinite ,amounts of energy because there were infinite ly many negative energy states
  19. Plural when this philosopher is referring to the worlds within, which are often, infinite ,in quantity). Cicero writes that he attributes different gods to the countless
  20. 754 double-precision arithmetic. Consider the sample (4,7,13,16) from an, infinite ,population. Based on this sample, the estimated population mean is 10,and the
  21. Is said to be an" analog" of the sound. An analog signal has a theoretically, infinite ,resolution. In practice an analog signal is subject to noise and a finite slew
  22. Occurred (even if the total number of worlds with each type of outcome is, infinite , it is still possible to assign a different measure to different infinite sets
  23. Is the fine definition of the analog signal which has the potential for an, infinite ,amount of signal resolution. Compared to digital signals, analog signals are of
  24. 10–7 newton per meter of length between two straight, parallel conductors of, infinite ,length and negligible circular cross-section placed one meter apart in a vacuum
  25. 5- (3-2): (4/2)/2 \, \NE \,4/ (2/2): 2^ \, \NE \, ( 2^1)^2 Also note that, infinite ,sums are not generally associative, for example:: (1-1)+ (1-1)+ (1-1)+ (
  26. The salvation of mankind but that Jesus Christ was not equal to the Father (, infinite , primordial origin) and to the Holy Spirit (giver of life). Under Arianism
  27. Union of countably many countable sets is itself countable. **If the set A is, infinite , then there exists an injection from the natural numbers N to A (see Dedekind
  28. Then there exists an injection from the natural numbers N to A (see Dedekind, infinite ,). **Every infinite game G_S in which S is a Bore subset of Bear space is
  29. On molecules, on atoms, on electrons" ) to list all members of an enumerable, infinite ,set by writing out their names, one after another, in some notation. But humans
  30. His name. Van Wijngaarden grammars use a context-free grammar to generate an, infinite ,set of productions that will recognize a particular ALGOL 68 program; notably
  31. To calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an, infinite ,series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi. He also defined the
  32. To \phi). Each of these patterns is an axiom schema, a rule for generating an, infinite ,number of axioms. For example, if A, B,and C are propositional variables, then
  33. So that changing a measurement by a few percent can make the solar distance, infinite , Later in Europe, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe also used comparable figures (
  34. Is necessary to select a set from an infinite number of socks, but not an, infinite ,number of shoes. " — Bertrand Russell: The observation here is that one can
  35. All positive integers are composite (not prime),however there are still an, infinite ,number of primes. Occasionally," almost all" is used in the sense of" almost
  36. X were finite. If we try to choose an element from each set, then,because X is, infinite , our choice procedure will never come to an end, and consequently, we will
  37. Piano arithmetic because it is satisfied by the system of natural numbers,an, infinite ,but intuitively accessible formal system. However, at present, there is no
  38. Out the left shoe from each pair to obtain an appropriate selection, but for an, infinite ,collection of pairs of socks (assumed to have no distinguishing features)
  39. Rational way of thought led him to introduce the abstract ape iron (indefinite, infinite , boundless, unlimited ) as an origin of the universe, a concept that is
  40. Of choice does not specify whether the collection of nonempty sets is finite or, infinite , and thus implies that every finite collection of nonempty sets has a choice
  41. And not protons. Dirac was aware of the problem that his picture implied an, infinite ,negative charge for the universe. Dirac tried to argue that we would perceive
  42. Engineers must assess these loads and design for a fixed life rather than an, infinite ,life. Another important property of aluminum alloys is their sensitivity to
  43. Tarsi tried to publish his theorem the equivalence between AC and 'every, infinite ,set A has the same cardinality as AXA, see above in Competes Rends, but Freshet
  44. Carrying out only very elementary operations on symbols. The term" enumerable, infinite ," means" countable using integers perhaps extending to infinity. " Thus Builds
  45. A fixed unalterable set of directions. His symbol space would be:" a two-way, infinite ,sequence of spaces or boxes ... The problem solver or worker is to move and
  46. To a, limn f (in)=f (a). *There exists a model of AFC which has an, infinite ,set of real numbers without a countably infinite subset. *There exists a model
  47. Is infinite , it is still possible to assign a different measure to different, infinite ,sets). The physicist David Deutsche, a strong advocate of the many-worlds
  48. For any intuition. " The Axiom of Choice is necessary to select a set from an, infinite ,number of socks, but not an infinite number of shoes. " — Bertrand Russell: The
  49. As is asserted by the axiom of countable choice. If the method is applied to an, infinite ,sequence (Xi: in) of nonempty sets, a function is obtained at each finite
  50. Addition to Simplicity, Hippolytus reports Anaximander's claim that from the, infinite ,comes the principle of beings, which themselves come from the heavens and the

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