Examples of the the word, secular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( secular ), is the 5003 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During his tenure he publicly defended the Dominicans against attacks by the, secular ,and regular faculty of the University of Paris, commented on St John, and
  2. Of Thailand and the traditional role of the Thai king as both a religious and, secular ,leader. Ashoka also said that all his courtiers were true to their self and
  3. A recognized Anglican ecclesiology of ecclesiastical authority, distinct from, secular ,power. Consequently, at the instigation of the bishops of Canada and South
  4. Secular world to conform to religious precepts. Islamic art frequently adopts, secular ,elements and elements that are frowned upon, if not forbidden, by some Islamic
  5. Choice of language he blurred throughout the distinction between spiritual and, secular ,authority. Alfred meant his translation to be used and circulated it to all his
  6. Or military chaplain of the emperor, It even came to be adopted by purely, secular ,officials. Thus, the chief magistrate of the republic at Genoa was called. Lay
  7. During life. Most atheists tend not to believe in life after death, while, secular , humanists explicitly reject the idea of a supernatural afterlife. Agnostics
  8. Amazing Grace" began to cross over from primarily a gospel standard to, secular ,audiences. The ability to record combined with the marketing of records to
  9. Racial forms of hostility towards Jews ... Once Jews have been emancipated and, secular ,thinking makes its appearance, without leaving behind the old Christian
  10. The war. Azerbaijan, a nation with a majority Turkic and Shia population, is a, secular ,and a unitary republic with an ancient and historic cultural heritage.
  11. Financing; that would be consistent with separation of religious and, secular ,identities. In the following century, two further factors acted to accelerate
  12. The schools' stated goal was to" educate the working class in a rational, secular ,and non-coercive setting ". Fiercely anti-clerical, Ferrer believed in "
  13. By later church leaders, e. g., by Patriarchs and by Popes, and sometimes by, secular ,emperors. The dates when the Christian Church became fragmented into different
  14. Epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the epoch. Alternatively,the, secular ,abbreviations CE and BCE are used, respectively. There is no year zero in this
  15. Became such an icon in American culture that it has been used for a variety of, secular ,purposes and marketing campaigns, placing it in danger of becoming a cliché. It
  16. Those supported by a fairly significant faction of religious cardinals and, secular ,kings and kingdoms. Persons who claim to be the Pope but have few followers
  17. Adherence and loyalty. Potentially this would create a crisis of identity, were, secular , and religious loyalties to conflict – and such a crisis indeed occurred in 1776
  18. To the northwest. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic and, secular ,republic in the Muslim world, was established in 1918,but was incorporated
  19. Of radiometric measurements in the inner Solar System suggested that the, secular ,increase in the unit distance was much larger than can be accounted for by
  20. Deepak Law,Augustine's vision of the heavenly city has influenced the, secular ,projects and traditions of the Enlightenment, Marxism,Freudianism and
  21. Only made the dilemma more acute, with consequent continual litigation in the, secular ,and ecclesiastical courts. Over the same period Anglican churches engaged
  22. Head of L. Ron Hubbard's Diabetics operation in California. Diabetics was the, secular ,precursor to Hubbard's Church of Scientology. The operation went broke 9
  23. And frees the person. " Popular use Following the appropriation of the hymn in, secular ,music," Amazing Grace" became such an icon in American culture that it has
  24. Time part of the German Empire. Schweitzer, a Lutheran, challenged both the, secular ,view of Jesus as depicted by historical-critical methodology current at his
  25. Among German Lutheran Churches is the Prussian Union of 1817,whereby the, secular ,government directed the Lutheran Churches in Prussia to merge with non-Lutheran
  26. America, however,most Protestant acknowledgment of the holiday is generally, secular , celebrated in the form of Halloween festivities. Folklore The origins of All
  27. Author, the only acceptable solution was an end to the Tasmanian Priesthood and, secular ,control. This opposition culminated in the Judea Civil War. Judea Civil War
  28. Their writings. The thematic shift from mainly religious texts to writings with, secular ,outlooks further enhanced and enriched the vocabulary. “ A Word of Wisdom,” a
  29. Attire. Some even laid aside the monastic habit altogether, and assumed a, secular ,dress. With the increase of wealth and power, abbots had lost much of their
  30. In society, or the relation between secular art and the demands placed on the, secular ,world to conform to religious precepts. Islamic art frequently adopts secular
  31. With Europe are reestablished, and the death of this antipope and his, secular ,sponsor, his followers are reconciled with the Church. * Ralph McInerny's
  32. Mercy which Christ taught, that for almost every misdeed at the first offense, secular ,lords might with their permission receive without sin the monetary compensation
  33. Since the regime's change in 1992. Albanian Muslim populations (mainly, secular ,and of the Sunni branch) are found throughout the country whereas Orthodox
  34. States, he is considered an exemplary ruler, who tried to put into practice a, secular ,state ethic of non-violence. The emblem of the modern Republic of India is an
  35. The former pope ". The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia remarks that" Undeniably, secular ,and ambitious, his moral life was not above reproach, and his unscrupulous
  36. His landmark sermon broadcasts for BBC radio, founded the Peace Pledge Union a, secular ,pacifist organization for the non-religious that gained considerable support
  37. Order by angelic ordination; and the Jehovah's Witnesses who largely reject, secular ,society. Yet many Protestants disavow these three churches as not Protestant
  38. Takes the place of a manifesto when a struggle between the Holy See and the, secular ,powers has reached an acute stage. An affidavit is a formal sworn statement of
  39. Racial forms of hostility towards Jews ... Once Jews have been emancipated and, secular ,thinking makes its appearance, without leaving behind the old Christian
  40. Nature, and humanity in dynamic interaction, and the interpenetration of the, secular ,and the sacred in the make-up of the cosmos. Such theology is informed by a
  41. Are charged by the Continuing movement with being greatly compromised by, secular ,cultural standards and liberal approaches to theology. Many Continuing
  42. In most of Europe until the institutionalization of equality under a, secular ,idea of citizenship after the French Revolution—and allowed them to enjoy their
  43. Administer several charities and organize their musical events. His remaining, secular ,works in this late period fall into three categories: first, large scale
  44. Catholic or Orthodox church, powerful ecclesiastical individuals, or wealthy, secular ,patrons. These art pieces often served a liturgical function, whether as
  45. Are forms of bias towards the Christian religion. Attempts to use the more, secular ,year designations BCE (Before the Common Era) and CE (Common Era) have also
  46. Armenian language, Gregory of Near paved the way for his successors to include, secular ,themes in their writings. The thematic shift from mainly religious texts to
  47. Observance, the proper place of art in society, or the relation between, secular ,art and the demands placed on the secular world to conform to religious
  48. Between God and humanity, God and nature, and between the sacred and, secular , Faith is thus regarded as international, and authority as dispersed. Among the
  49. As individual as the singer or listener. Bruce Hind marsh suggests that the, secular ,popularity of" Amazing Grace" is due to the absence of any mention God
  50. As an order of regular clergy, holding a middle position between monks and, secular ,canons, almost resembling a community of parish priests living under rule, they

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