Examples of the the word, invitation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( invitation ), is the 4409 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It was chosen by the US National Bureau of Standards (NBS) after a public, invitation ,for submissions and some internal changes by NBS (and, potentially,the NSA).
  2. Purpose of Brother Records was for releases by Beach Boys side projects, and an, invitation ,for new talent. The output of the label, however,was limited to Smiley Smile
  3. Fame led to offers and commissions outside Finland. In 1941, he accepted an, invitation ,as a visiting professor to MIT, in the USA. This was during the Second World
  4. Throughout the kingdom. Luxembourg dynasty The House of Luxembourg accepted the, invitation ,to the Bohemian throne with the crowning of John I of Bohemia in 1310. His son
  5. Ended his second visit to Burma. The NLD confirmed that it had received the, invitation ,to hold talks with Sub FYI. However, the process delivered few concrete results
  6. Criticised after publishing an interview with Nick Griffin. Also in 2005,an, invitation ,to Nick Griffin by the University of St Andrews Union Debating Society to
  7. Still more comprehensive Union ". The British government did not respond to the, invitation ,and an equal union between Great Britain and Ireland was out of consideration
  8. Even the most active citizen the formal basis of his political activity was the, invitation ,issued to everyone (every qualified free male Athenian citizen) by the phrase
  9. S right; if counterclockwise, it is the player to the dealer's left. The, invitation ,to cut is made by placing the pack, face downward, on the table near the player
  10. Henry of Lausanne's followers became known as Phoenicians. In June 1145,at the, invitation ,of Cardinal Alberio of Ostia, Bernard traveled in southern France. His
  11. Urged Einstein to add his name as co-author, although Einstein declined the, invitation , Einstein refrigerator In 1926,Einstein and his former student Leo Szilard
  12. Goods vehicle (HGV) shuttles—and other more minor incidents. During an ", invitation ,only" testing phase on 9 December 1994,a fire broke out in a Ford Escort car
  13. Plus a wagon-train of accompanying women and children). They did so at the, invitation ,of their long-time ally, king Philip V of Macedon, a direct descendant of
  14. Losing his memory (due to an undiagnosed brain tumor). He had turned down an, invitation ,to write the English-language lyrics for the musical version of Les Misérables.
  15. Source at the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, at the, invitation ,of the United Nations Development Program. He has appeared before national
  16. Dance forms and eventually Renaissance and Baroque dances. In 1980,at the, invitation ,of the French Minister of Culture, she founded the baroque dance company" RIS
  17. Is also natural. Over an opposing pass it is simply a raise and a quantitative, invitation ,to six no trump, a small slam. Over a four of a suit it is likely to be a
  18. Around 1992 to 1996,al-Qaeda and bin Laden based themselves in Sudan at the, invitation ,of Islamist theoretician Hassan all Turbo. The move followed an Islamist coup
  19. Intended to act as guideposts. It is held roughly every ten years and, invitation ,is by the Archbishop of Canterbury. # The Anglican Consultative Council (first
  20. To the Bar is performed by the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland on the, invitation ,of the Benches; administration of the Bar Library (to which all practicing
  21. Born around 735 and became the student of Archbishop Ebert at York. At the, invitation ,of Charlemagne, he became a leading scholar and teacher at the Carolingian
  22. Veracity of Abu Bakr confirmed the new religion, and furnished an example for, invitation , William Muir states that: Abu Bakr's judgment was sound and impartial; his
  23. Kingdom. A further cause of the Lombard migration into Italy may have been an, invitation ,from Nurses. According to a controversial tradition reported by several
  24. LGA),which became known as the Admirals Club. Membership was initially by, invitation ,only, but a discrimination suit decades later changed the club into a paid club
  25. Imagining" A Weekend in the Country ". Anne does not want to accept the, invitation , but Charlotte convinces her to do so to heighten the contrast between the
  26. S IRA and Mi'RAJ (night Journey). Migration to Medina In 622,on the, invitation ,of the Muslims of Medina, Muhammad ordered Muslims to migrate to Medina. The
  27. Then Yale, turned down invitation s to the 1917 Rose Bowl, Penn was offered an, invitation ,and accepted it. The Quakers were installed as, depending on sources, heavy
  28. By then Gaultier of Lower Silesia) that the minister should never accept an, invitation ,to inspect a concentration camp in neighboring Upper Silesia, as " he had seen
  29. Engaged to transport it. Manet mistook one of Morisot's self-criticisms as an, invitation ,to add his corrections, which he did, much to Morisot's dismay. Although
  30. Summer of 2008. Cockburn continues to write for the Stephen Joseph Theatre on, invitation ,of his successor as Artistic Director, Chris Monks, with the first new play
  31. Redemption '. Both sides (except hyper-Calvinists) believe the, invitation ,of the gospel is universal and" must be presented to everyone they can reach
  32. Season. Player-manager Harry Wright then went to Boston, Massachusetts,at the, invitation ,of Boston Red Stockings' founder Rivers Whitney Adams, with brother George and
  33. Waned in the 5th century AD. Initially, their arrival seems to have been at the, invitation ,of the Britons as mercenaries to repulse incursions by the Scots and Pict's. In
  34. A balanced hand conventionally. In some situations where 4NT is a quantitative, invitation , especially where 4 is a jump, many partnerships use the Gerber convention by
  35. Law enforcement officer or a lamer. The largest elite boards accepted users by, invitation ,only. Elite boards also spawned their own subculture and gave rise to the slang
  36. He was sent to work at the Seville, Spain branch of the Medici bank. At the, invitation ,of king Manuel I of Portugal, Vespucci participated as observer in several
  37. And Henrik. Though reluctant, Madame Armed agrees. She sends out a personal, invitation ,; its receipt sends the women into a frenzy, imagining " A Weekend in the
  38. Cyprus coast. Israeli foreign minister Aviator Lieberman visited Cyprus at the, invitation ,of his Cypriot counterpart when Netanyahu was in Washington for the direct
  39. Date, Turing invited Murray to spend the weekend with him at his house,an, invitation ,which Murray accepted, although he did not show up. The pair met again in
  40. In 1895,the Amir found himself unable, by reason of ill-health, to accept an, invitation ,from Queen Victoria to visit England; but his second son Abdullah Khan went
  41. In the Admirals Club (and most other airline lounges) was by the airline's, invitation , After a passenger sued for discrimination, the Club (and most others airline
  42. Permanent Artistic Director of the theater. In mid-1986,Cockburn accepted an, invitation ,to work as a visiting director for two years at the Royal National Theatre in
  43. In particular Neil Christie, who see in it a possible record of a formal, invitation ,by the Byzantine state to settle in northern Italy as federate, to help
  44. Leslie Carbon; fellow ballerinas nicknamed Bar dot: Brochette Little Doe). At the, invitation ,of an acquaintance of her mother, she modeled in a fashion show in 1949. In the
  45. Some important doctrinal teachings, then closes with Moroni's testimony and an, invitation ,to pray to God for a confirmation of the truthfulness of the account. Doctrinal
  46. Chief, who occasions great administrative problems in connection with his, invitation ,to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. *Mrs. Wretch: formerly the glamorous
  47. Aquitaine created the Angevin Empire, partially under the French Crown. At the, invitation ,of a provincial king and under the authority of Pope Adrian IV (the only
  48. The person is living. He/she must have a valid passport and either have an, invitation ,letter or a bank statement with enough money to survive the length of the stay
  49. Active Endeavor in the Mediterranean Sea. And received a NATO membership, invitation ,on 3 April 2008. Albania became a full member of NATO on 1 April 2009.
  50. In over two years. He gave Vivaldi the title of knight, a gold medal and an, invitation ,to Vienna. Vivaldi gave Charles a manuscript copy of La Petra, a set of

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