Examples of the the word, circulation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( circulation ), is the 4407 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1801. Furthermore, he was depicted upon the Italian 10,000 Lire (no longer in, circulation ,) along with a sketch of his famous Voltaic Pile. Volta retired in 1819 in his
  2. To the spread of acid rain by releasing gases into regional atmospheric, circulation , Often deposition occurs a considerable distance downwind of the emissions
  3. Showed rapid conversion occurs during its passage through the pulmonary, circulation , Bradykinin is rapidly inactivated in the circulating blood, and it disappears
  4. With most of the salt water remaining below 40 to 70 m deep. The general, circulation ,is counter-clockwise: northwards along its eastern boundary, and south along
  5. City in the world to regularly place an Anna Dominic date on a general, circulation ,coin, a Gretchen. The Scotch-Club in Aachen was the first discotheque since
  6. Etc.). Whether in a car or building, both use electric fan motors for air, circulation , Since evaporation occurs when heat is absorbed, and condensation occurs when
  7. Test methods for mean wind measurements is in general, circulation , Another disadvantage is lower accuracy due to precipitation, where rain drops
  8. Opened to capital, borders should be similarly opened to allow free and legal, circulation ,and choice of residence for migrants and refugees. These activists tend to
  9. In this country, means increasing the quantity of money and banknotes in, circulation ,and the quantity of bank deposits subject to check. But people today use the
  10. Blood, and it disappears completely in a single pass through the pulmonary, circulation , Angiotensin I also disappears in the pulmonary circulation due to its
  11. Free banking. Money could only be created by finding and putting into, circulation ,more gold under a gold standard. At the beginning of his career Alan Greenspan
  12. Of which 5.8 reside in Arab countries. Arab expatriates contribute to the, circulation ,of financial and human capital in the region and thus significantly promote
  13. Functions like a heart, and pumps haemolymph towards the head, thus driving the, circulation ,of the internal fluids. The nervous system consists of a ventral nerve cord
  14. It is generally considered as an important work, mainly because of its wide, circulation , it was written in the vernacular Italian language, and it was a printed book.
  15. Euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for, circulation ,show the portrait of King Albert II. Despite an 18 % decrease observed from 1970
  16. There is" incontrovertible evidence," Lord says, that the treatises were in, circulation ,during the time in which Strabo and Plutarch suggest they were confined within
  17. Outta, and Nikolai Zhukov sky independently created theories that connected, circulation ,of a fluid flow to lift. Outta and Zhukov sky went on to develop a
  18. Bate Titchener in her diaries. The rumor that NIN was bisexual was given added, circulation ,by the Philip Kaufman film Henry & June. This rumor is dashed by at least two
  19. Near the antarctic convergence, here nutrients are present from thermohaline, circulation , Phytoplankton blooms are dominated by diatoms and grazed by cope pods in the
  20. In Japan. *1959 – The Lincoln Memorial design on the U. S. penny goes into, circulation , It replaces the" sheaves of wheat" design, and was minted until 2008. * 1959
  21. S heart has four chambers and the right aortic arch gives rise to systemic, circulation ,(unlike in the mammals where the left arch is involved). The nervous system
  22. Police that Amway in India may be violating certain laws regarding a" money, circulation ,scheme" and the IB Times article writes that" some say ... Amway is really
  23. Caribbean islands. Antigua Sun has ceased operation in April. It has been in, circulation ,for 13 years. Besides most American television networks, the local channel ABS
  24. Showed the conversion is inhibited during its passage through the pulmonary, circulation , Bps are members of a family of peptides whose potentiating action is linked
  25. East Antarctica and Australia, and is reported to have opened to water, circulation ,33.5 Ma. The timing of the opening of the Drake Passage, between South America
  26. An alternative name for the ACC is the West Wind Drift. The ACC is the dominant, circulation ,feature of the Southern Ocean and, at approximately 125 Overdubs, the largest
  27. Diesel engine manufacturer * Audit Bureau of Circulations, publication, circulation , auditing companies Computer science * ABC (programming language),an
  28. The pulmonary circulation . Angiotensin I also disappears in the pulmonary, circulation ,due to its conversion to angiotensin II. Furthermore, angiotensin II passes
  29. As carbon dioxide, urea,and lactic acid * Immunological functions, including, circulation , of white blood cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies *
  30. Intracellular viruses). Intracellular antigens can be released back into, circulation ,upon the destruction of the infected cell, again. Endogenous antigens
  31. Is critical to the long-term preservation of paper and book material. Good air, circulation ,is important to keep fluctuation in climate stable. The HVAC system should be
  32. To accommodate more than 80,000 passengers per day, will become a center of, circulation ,in the heart of the grid system, surrounded by commercial offices and buildings
  33. Distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body through the systemic, circulation , The course of the aorta is usually divided into five
  34. Remained strong, and Afrikaans newspapers and magazines continue to have large, circulation ,figures. Indeed, the Afrikaans-language general-interest family magazine
  35. In the early '70s,most of the films directed by Warhol were pulled out of, circulation ,by Warhol and the people around him who ran his business. After Warhol's death
  36. As deputy postmaster, Franklin became interested in the North Atlantic Ocean, circulation ,patterns. While in England in 1768 he heard a complaint from the Colonial Board
  37. Him to join" the New Yardbirds ", aka Led Zeppelin. Only two songs are in, circulation ,from these recordings:" Steal Away" and" Operator ". And in 1977 he
  38. Link the magnitude of the Circumpolar Current with the global thermohaline, circulation , particularly the properties of the North Atlantic. Alternatively, ocean eddies
  39. ACE),which removes a further two residues, and is found in the pulmonary, circulation , as well as in the endothelium of many blood vessels. The system in general
  40. They have difficulty curing infections in limbs with poor calculation (blood, circulation ,). Various approaches have been attempted to work around these problems
  41. Gradually uncovered the workings of the human body, such as blood, circulation ,(Harvey,1616),and eventually traced many diseases to infections with germs
  42. Pass to the north of the islands, combined with the general westerly, circulation ,and interactions with the landmass, this imposes an east-west variation in
  43. Mechanism for this effect is increased release of sequestered from oceans as, circulation ,patterns shift, perhaps abruptly, in response to climate change. A more
  44. Are its deep, thick fur, a system of countercurrent heat exchange in the, circulation ,of paws to retain, as evidenced by its generally rounded body shape, short
  45. Of interest in the Attic dialect may have been responsible for the recovery and, circulation ,of Aristophanes' plays during the 4th and 5th centuries AD, resulting in their
  46. S readers became well-prepared. He sold about ten thousand copies per year (a, circulation ,equivalent to nearly three million today). Modern DST was first proposed by
  47. A subsequent draft that Aristophanes intended to be read rather than acted. The, circulation ,of his plays in manuscript extended their influence beyond the original
  48. Cured with HOT. Crush injuries where there is extensive tissue damage and poor, circulation ,also benefit from HOT. The high level of oxygenation and revascularization
  49. Amputation. There are two key challenges: first, many patients have impaired, circulation ,in their extremities, and second, they have difficulty curing infections in
  50. Pollution. The field of environmental aerodynamics studies the ways atmospheric, circulation ,and flight mechanics affect ecosystems. The aerodynamics of internal passages

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