Examples of the the word, sewing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sewing ), is the 10268 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Did his own household chores and helped with housework, such as preparing food, sewing ,clothes and repairing shoes. He is also said to have had accustomed his wives
  2. Once an internal autopsy is complete the body is generally reconstituted by, sewing ,it is back together. Autopsy is important in a medical environment and may shed
  3. Behavior" loose" and refused to allow Goldman into their home. Carrying her, sewing ,machine in one hand and a bag with five dollars in the other, she left
  4. The women undertook the sewing (Enthnohistory: Gross & Hera pg.32). Gut, sewing ,involved turning the intestines inside out and using a bone knife to get the
  5. Almost transparent complexion. She still pursued her studies and especially her, sewing , under the surveillance of her aunt. " Anne also took lessons from Charlotte
  6. History in textile arts and quilting, as the settlers brought with them their, sewing ,and quilting skills. Liberia hosted National Fairs in 1857 and 1858 in which
  7. A resurgence worldwide. Machine quilting is the process of using a home, sewing ,machine or a long arm machine to sew the layers together. With the home sewing
  8. Propaganda aspects, it was predominantly a woman's magazine, even including, sewing ,patterns. The BDM's activities encompassed physical education, including
  9. The production of high-wheel bicycles soon exceeded the production of, sewing ,machines. At the time of Opel's death in 1895,he was the leader in both
  10. Suggest that a wife was expected to perform certain household tasks: spinning, sewing , weaving, manufacture of clothing, fetching of water, baking of bread, and
  11. Germany on January 21, 1862 by Adam Opel. At the beginning, Opel just produced, sewing ,machines in a cowshed in Rüsselsheim. Above all, his success was based on his
  12. S. Isaac Singer, in the 1850s,who made improvements to an existing model of a, sewing ,machine, was among the first franchising efforts in the United States, followed
  13. A living just by mending shoes, another by cutting them out, another just by, sewing ,the uppers together, while there is another who performs none of these
  14. Troops H; habitué: one who regularly frequents a place; haute couture:" high, sewing ,": Paris-based custom-fitted clothing; trend-setting fashion; haute cuisine:
  15. Did participate, however,in a number of intellectual activities. Along with, sewing ,and embroidery, nuns often engaged in reading and discussing correspondence
  16. And watches, buttons,horse-drawn vehicles, railroad cars and locomotives, sewing ,machines, and bicycles, saw expeditious improvement in materials handling
  17. Or combined with mail or plate armor. Jameson were produced with a, sewing ,technique called quilting. Usually constructed of linen or wool, the stuffing
  18. Blood vessels. The technique of" triangulation ", which was inspired by, sewing ,lessons he took from an embroiderers, is still used today. Julius Conroe wrote:
  19. The development of sewing techniques, and the decorative possibilities of, sewing ,led to the art of embroidery. In a garment from Migration period Sweden
  20. Be manufactured by creating two identical through and through flags and then, sewing ,them back to back, though this can affect the resulting combination's
  21. Philosophy and escapes her repressive family to live freely and organize a, sewing ,cooperative. The book enthralled Goldman and remained a source of inspiration
  22. Batting or insulating material and backing material. The quilter's hand or, sewing ,machine passes the needle and thread through all layers and then brings the
  23. In Atlanta,Scarlett's spirits revive, and she is busy with hospital work and, sewing ,circles for the Confederate army. Scarlett encounters Rhett Butler again at a
  24. The beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the, sewing ,machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory
  25. And many other services, such as locksmiths, herbal medicine, hardware goods, sewing ,implements, and a multitude of stands offering freshly made, home-style cooking
  26. S clothes wore out, he made new garments from goatskin, using a nail for, sewing , The lessons he had learned as a child from his father, a tanner, helped him
  27. At Herculaneum employed a unique connecting system that presages later, sewing ,on thongs or cords. At the turn of the 1st century CE, a kind of folded
  28. Sewing machine or a long arm machine to sew the layers together. With the home, sewing ,machine, the layers are tacked together before quilting. This involves laying
  29. Name given to someone who works at quilting. Quilting can be done by hand, by, sewing , machine,or by a specialist long arm quilting system. The process of quilting
  30. Including the vision needed to do most reading, fine detail work such as, sewing , or careful examination of objects) is done by cone cells. The optical power
  31. In Rüsselsheim. Above all, his success was based on his perfectly customized, sewing ,machines. Because of the quick growth of his business, in 1888 the production
  32. Other types of carvings. Jewelry is one of the most prominent, accompanied by, sewing ,needles. Jewelry of the Aleuts is also specific to which region it hails from.
  33. Of each signature in succession, from the outside to the center of the fold, sewing ,the pages of the signature together and each signature to its neighbors. McCain
  34. semicircular ramps for performing skateboarding/snowboarding tricks * Piping (, sewing ,), tubular ornamental fabric sewn around the edge of a garment * Piping bags
  35. Design is inadequately documented. The apocryphal story credits Betsy Ross for, sewing ,the first flag from a pencil sketch handed to her by George Washington. No
  36. Used to tailor, patch,mend and reinforce cloth fostered the development of, sewing ,techniques, and the decorative possibilities of sewing led to the art of
  37. Then by soaking them in urine and stretching them. The women undertook the, sewing ,(Enthnohistory: Gross & Hera pg.32). Gut sewing involved turning the
  38. BDSM who may wear a bondage suit * Gimp (thread),an ornamental trim used in, sewing ,or embroidery * Scoubidou, a plastic thread popular at summer camps for weaving
  39. In Wales. *1842 – John Enough is granted the first U. S. patent for the, sewing ,machine. *1848 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
  40. Used in schoolbook binding, involves drilling holes through the entire book and, sewing ,through all the pages from front to back near the spine edge. Both of these
  41. Designs have increasingly become popular as decorative textiles. Industrial, sewing ,technology has become more precise and flexible, and quilting using exotic
  42. Common. The signatures of a book can also be held together by Smith, sewing , Needles pass through the spine fold of each signature in succession, from the
  43. Illustrates the quantization of energy for bound states. Notes Quilting is a, sewing ,method done to join two or more layers of material together to make a thicker
  44. Objects related to mundane everyday tasks such as personal hygiene, fishing and, sewing , The ship carried several skilled craftsmen and was equipped for handling both
  45. Blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and, sewing ,patterns) while“ to design” ( verb) refers to making this plan. No
  46. The pages of the signature together and each signature to its neighbors. McCain, sewing , often used in schoolbook binding, involves drilling holes through the entire
  47. Patterns and other goods that are used for quilting. They often have group, sewing ,and quilting classes, where one can learn how to sew or quilt and work with
  48. Clothes Show Live 2010 there was a new area called" Snitch" promoting modern, sewing , knitting and embroidery. In a departure from the traditional designs
  49. The Belgian Revolution. *1851 – Isaac Singer is granted a patent for his, sewing ,machine. *1877 – ASAP Hall discovers the Mars moon Deimos. *1883 – The last
  50. And brothers joined them a year later. Goldman began working as a seamstress, sewing ,overcoats for more than ten hours a day, earning two and a half dollars a week.

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