Examples of the the word, gamma , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gamma ), is the 10288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Decays into radon, along with other radioactive materials that emit beta and, gamma ,rays. However, Curie also worked with shielded X-ray tubes during World War I
  2. Gamma is the Euler–Macaroni constant (0.5772 ...) and \Gamma denotes the, gamma ,function. For large arguments x \GG | \alpha^2 - 1/4 |, they become:: K_\alpha
  3. Propulsion technology because, while electron-positron reactions result in, gamma ,ray photons, in reactions between protons and antiprotons, their energy is
  4. Are started when one of the reactions in CNO-III results in fluorine-19 and, gamma ,instead of nitrogen-15 and alpha, and continues →→→→→→:: Hot CNO Cycles Under
  5. A peptide bond formed between the side-chain carboxyl of the glutamate (the, gamma ,carbon of this side-chain) and the amino group of the cysteine. This dipeptide
  6. Materials, some of its decay products emit significant fractions of beta and, gamma ,radiation, which require a more elaborate protection. Among them, the
  7. In 10B,if it is present in the spacecraft's semiconductors, producing a, gamma ,ray, an alpha particle, and a lithium-ion. These resultant decay products may
  8. Californium-249 and californium-251 can cause tissue damage externally, through, gamma , ray emission. Ionizing radiation emitted by californium on bone and in the
  9. Shielding, it has a high spontaneous fission rate, and thus the neutron and, gamma ,radiation rate are relatively strong. As compared to a competing thermoelectric
  10. Paraffin wax. Initially it was thought to be high-energy gamma radiation, since, gamma , radiation had a similar effect on electrons in metals, but James Chadwick found
  11. As 238Pu,244Cm emits a 500 time greater fluence of neutrons, and it's higher, gamma ,emission requires a shield that is 20 times thicker — about 2 inches of lead
  12. Attached to the β or carbon, and these are therefore referred to as beta or, gamma ,amino acids. Amino acids are usually classified by the properties of their
  13. Closest to the ribose, are referred to as the alpha (α),beta (β),and, gamma ,(γ) phosphates. Consequently, as a nucleotide, it (and its relatives ADP and
  14. The lunar surface and environment in great detail with a panoramic camera, gamma ,ray spectrometer, mapping camera, laser altimeter, mass spectrometer, and lunar
  15. The case with Russian, Greek,Hebrew, Arabic,and Chinese. Greek, for example, gamma ,is written as Latin g, despite the fact that it has the alphabetic position of
  16. Decay quickly annihilate themselves with electrons, producing pairs of, gamma ,rays. Antiparticles are produced naturally in beta decay, and in the
  17. At Berkeley and DBNA, included bombardment of 243Am with 18O. Americium-241, gamma , rays were also used to provide passive diagnosis of thyroid function. This
  18. And Pons replied to this critique, but the only thing left clear was that no, gamma ,ray had been registered and that Fleischman refused to recognize any mistakes
  19. Around x 0:: J_\alpha (x) = \sum_^\nifty \franc ^ where Γ (z) is the, gamma ,function, a generalization of the factorial function to non-integer values. The
  20. Then the invisible frequencies of chemicals and perfumes, followed by x-rays, gamma ,rays, radium rays and unknown cosmic rays. Understanding existence and physical
  21. Almost instantly annihilate with electrons, releasing energy in the form of, gamma ,rays. The neutrinos escape from the star carrying away some energy. The carbon
  22. To 135Cs. Because of its beta decay (to 137mBa),137Cs is a strong emitter of, gamma ,radiation. Its half-life makes it the principal medium-lived fission product
  23. Bayer assigned a lower-case Greek letter, such as alpha (α),beta (β), gamma , ( γ),etc., to each star he cataloged, combined with the Latin name of the
  24. Coefficient is generalized to two real or complex valued arguments using the, gamma ,function or beta function via: \franc \franc. This definition inherits these
  25. Could make for a suitable fuel, but it produces significant amounts of harmful, gamma ,and beta radiation from radioactive decay products. Though as an emitter
  26. In green, pink or yellow beryl by irradiating it with high-energy particles (, gamma ,rays, neutrons or even X-rays). In the United States, aquamarines can be found
  27. By beta-emitting radio daughters, and alpha emission is also accompanied by, gamma ,photon emission. If substances emitting alpha particles are ingested, inhaled
  28. Are started when one of the reactions in CNO-II results in fluorine-18 and, gamma ,instead of nitrogen-14 and alpha, and continues →→→→→→:: CNO-IV Like the
  29. Solid phases. For example, there are three phases of solid iron (alpha, gamma , and delta) that vary based on temperature and pressure. A principal
  30. Calmodulin-independent manner. * Isoforms II, IV and IX are stimulated by beta, gamma ,subunits of the G protein. * Isoforms I, V and VI are most clearly inhibited by
  31. In several specific work-locations: Others * Other ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma ,rays, etc.) Camouflage is a method of cry psis (hiding). It allows an
  32. With electrons or electromagnetic radiation (such as microwave, X-ray or, gamma ,) are not carcinogenic. In contrast, non-electromagnetic neutron radiation
  33. CRTs have a pronounced trade characteristic, which results in significant, gamma ,(a nonlinear relationship in an electron gun between applied video voltage and
  34. Medium). The presence of the resulting antimatter is detectable by the two, gamma ,rays produced every time positrons annihilate with nearby matter. The frequency
  35. From proposals in the 1980s,by Christof on her Hapsburg and Wolf Singer, that, gamma , oscillations could solve the so-called binding problem, by linking information
  36. Penetrate several millimeters of aluminum. (In 1900 Paul Willard identified, gamma ,rays as a third, still more penetrating type of radiation. ) In 1900 Becquerel
  37. N-k+1) ), where \LN \Gamma (n) denotes the natural logarithm of the, gamma ,function at n. It is a special function that is easily computed and is standard
  38. Antiparticles and particles does, thus giving rise to high-energy photons (, gamma ,rays) or other particle–antiparticle pairs. The result of antimatter meeting
  39. Into regions of matter and antimatter. If it were, there would be X-rays and, gamma ,rays produced as a result of annihilation, but this is not observed. This
  40. Centromedial thalamus) thalamocortical systems (context) interact in the, gamma ,band frequency via temporal coincidence. A number of studies have shown that
  41. Positrons annihilate with nearby matter. The frequency and wavelength of the, gamma ,rays indicate that each carries 511 key of energy (i.e., the rest mass of an
  42. Rather than antimatter. If antimatter-dominated regions of space existed,the, gamma ,rays produced in annihilation reactions along the boundary between matter and
  43. Deuteron-deuteron fusion into helium should have resulted in the production of, gamma ,rays which were not observed and have never been observed in any subsequent
  44. The Curie point, TC ); the iron becomes magnetic in its alpha form; BCC *, gamma ,- forms below 1,394 °C; face centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure * delta -
  45. 236Pu as an undesired by-product — since the latter decays to 208Tl with strong, gamma ,emission. Curium is also a common starting material for the production of
  46. But their carcinogenic activity is attributed to the radiation, for example, gamma ,rays and alpha particles, which they emit. Common examples of carcinogens are
  47. Radioactive isotopes (for example,potassium-40) and in interactions of, gamma ,quanta (emitted by radioactive nuclei) with matter. Antineutrinos are another
  48. Effectiveness (BE) of alpha radiation is higher than that of beta or, gamma ,radiation. BE quantifies the ability of radiation to cause certain biological
  49. For several decades are that consciousness is associated with high-frequency (, gamma ,band) EEG oscillations. This idea arose from proposals in the 1980s,by
  50. Hydrogen atoms out of paraffin wax. Initially it was thought to be high-energy, gamma ,radiation, since gamma radiation had a similar effect on electrons in metals

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