Examples of the the word, reg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reg ), is the 10286 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Set ( reg : SI 140) (plus: SI ( reg : SI 138) (, reg ,: SI 139) )) This" side effect expression" says" add the contents of
  2. In the US in relation to hand tools, in the name of a UK based individual (, reg , No. 2514381). In the UK, Plastico Limited reg istered Spork as a trademark in
  3. Play,i.e. the reset term is followed by the set term. , reg , q; always @ (posed elk or posed reset or posed set) if (reset) q ← 0
  4. In a form which looks like a Lisp S-expression: (set (, reg ,: SI 140) (plus: SI ( reg : SI 138) ( reg : SI 139) )) This" side effect
  5. Period Amenhotep III had viewed as equal to Mycenae. Elsewhere, Muwatalli II (, reg , 1296–1272) makes a treaty with Aleksandr (possibly Alexander),king of
  6. Indicative form of repair is ego, and without the -ō it is the present stem, reg ,–). Occasionally, the terminating vowel of the stem is lengthened and/or
  7. A Lisp S-expression: (set ( reg : SI 140) (plus: SI (, reg ,: SI 138) ( reg : SI 139) )) This" side effect expression" says" add the
  8. Reg an at time 0 #1; // Wait 1 time unit b = a; // Assign the value of reg a to, reg ,b end always @ (a or b) // Any time a or b CHANGE, run the process begin if (
  9. The result can be written to either the Working reg ister (e.g. added, reg , w). Or the selected reg ister (e.g. added reg , f ). # Bit operations. These
  10. Air Force VIP aircraft painted in the current Saudi color scheme. Del. 1975, reg , HZ-HM1. Entire aircraft preserved at Saudi Air Force Museum, Riyadh,Saudi
  11. Meanwhile, the move, reg , reg and ALU reg , reg instructions taking two and three cycles respectively
  12. Coupled pipe lining allows the 486 to complete a simple instruction like ALU, reg , reg or ALU reg , im every clock cycle. The 386 needed two clock cycles for this
  13. Are driven from within a process (an initial or always block) must be of type, reg , Signals that are driven from outside a process must be of type wire. The
  14. Of the Tu-144 suffered severely when the first Tu-144S production airliner (, reg ,77102) crashed. While in the air, the Tu-144 underwent a violent downwards
  15. Meanwhile, the move reg , reg and ALU, reg , reg instructions taking two and three cycles respectively yielded an absolute
  16. Production A total of 16 airworthy Tu-144s were built: the prototype Tu-144, reg ,№68001,a pre-production Tu-144S №77101,nine production Tu-144S №77102 – 77110
  17. The first address for index reg A, adding 4000 to the second address for index, reg ,B, and by adding 4000 to each of the two addresses for index reg C. (the
  18. Tu-144 A total of 16 airworthy Tu-144s were built; a seventeenth Tu-144 (, reg , 77116) was never completed. There was also at least one ground test airframe
  19. Actually assert the entire 16-bit address bus. OUT (C), reg and IN, reg , (C) places the contents of the entire 16 bit BC reg ister on the address bus;
  20. Value to reg an at time 0 #1; // Wait 1 time unit b = a; // Assign the value of, reg ,a to reg b end always @ (a or b) // Any time a or b CHANGE, run the process
  21. Examples: initial begin a = 1; // Assign a value to, reg ,an at time 0 #1; // Wait 1 time unit b = a; // Assign the value of reg a to reg
  22. A; encase end // Finally - you can use if/else in a // procedural structure., reg ,out; always @ (a or b or SEL) if (SEL) out = a; else out = b; The next
  23. Memory drum then indexing was by adding 4000 to the first address for index, reg ,A, adding 4000 to the second address for index reg B, and by adding 4000 to
  24. That are driven from outside a process must be of type wire. The keyword, reg ,does not necessarily imply a hardware reg ister. Definition of constants The
  25. And an enhanced bus interface unit. Simple instructions (such as ALU reg , reg ,) execute in one clock cycle. These improvements yield a rough doubling in ALU
  26. To the module. Input CET; input CEP; output size-1:0 count; output TC;, reg ,size-1:0 count; // Signals assigned // within an always // (or initial)block
  27. The D-flop is the simplest, and it can be modeled as:, reg , q; always @ (posed elk) q ← d; The significant thing to notice in the
  28. Meanwhile, the move reg , reg ,and ALU reg , reg instructions taking two and three cycles respectively yielded
  29. Want a very super sort of car. Doctor Mopp drives a vintage car (, reg ,1901) and wears a top hat and beard. If you want a doctor, Get Doctor MPP
  30. Pipelining allows the 486 to complete a simple instruction like ALU reg , reg ,or ALU reg , im every clock cycle. The 386 needed two clock cycles for this.
  31. Module top level (clock, reset ); input clock; input reset;, reg ,flop1; reg flop2; always @ (posed reset or posed clock) if (reset)
  32. Module top level (clock, reset ); input clock; input reset; reg flop1;, reg ,flop2; always @ (posed reset or posed clock) if (reset) begin flop1 <=
  33. Meanwhile, the move reg , reg and ALU reg , reg ,instructions taking two and three cycles respectively yielded an absolute peak
  34. Count length-1) ); end module An example of delays: ..., reg ,a, b,c, d; wire e; ... always @ (b or e) begin a = b & e; b = a | b; #5 c =
  35. To the top (i.e. the @ event-control) always @ (posed a)// Run whenever, reg ,a has a low to high change a ← b; These are the classic uses for these two
  36. ASIC synthesis tools on this structure. FPGA tools allow initial blocks where, reg ,values are established instead of using a" reset" signal. ASIC synthesis
  37. Signals assigned // within an always // (or initial)block // must be of type, reg ,wire TC; // Other signals are of type wire // The always statement below is a
  38. State will be the first if clause within the statement. , reg , q; always @ (posed elk or posed reset) if (reset) q ← 0; else q ← d;
  39. 1849 date. The inscription on the obverse read (e.g. ) Victoria d g Britt, reg ,f d McCall (F D – Fidel Defense, defender of faith),while the reverse read
  40. A good indication for the declension to use and reveals the stem of the word (, reg , not Rex). * The nominative case, which is used to express the subject of a
  41. Can contain any combination of the following: net/variable declarations (wire, reg , integer, etc.),concurrent and sequential statement blocks, and instances of
  42. Models, and an enhanced bus interface unit. Simple instructions (such as ALU, reg , reg ) execute in one clock cycle. These improvements yield a rough doubling in
  43. Of the value of din. // Transparent latch example, reg ,out; always @ (gate or din) if (gate) out = din; // Pass through state //
  44. For index reg B, and by adding 4000 to each of the two addresses for index, reg ,C. (the indexing for 4000 word systems only applied to the first address).
  45. Has named one of its Airbus A330 aircraft in commemoration of the saint (, reg ,: EI-DUO). Other As of 2011,Canadians who are of Scottish ancestor are the
  46. All I/O instructions actually assert the entire 16-bit address bus. OUT (C), reg , and IN reg , ( C) places the contents of the entire 16 bit BC reg ister on the
  47. N't have to be installed; any required reg istry entry can be included as a., reg ,file. RIP games can be ripped of music and/or video files, or,for console
  48. Allows the 486 to complete a simple instruction like ALU reg , reg or ALU, reg , I'm every clock cycle. The 386 needed two clock cycles for this. *Integrated
  49. Working reg ister (e.g. added reg , w ). Or the selected reg ister (e.g. added, reg , f). # Bit operations. These take a reg ister number and a bit of number, and
  50. A: b; // the second example uses a procedure // to accomplish the same thing., reg ,out; always @ (a or b or SEL) begin case (SEL) 1'b0: out = b; 1'b1: out = a

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