Examples of the the word, dogma , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Opinions which were dogma tized prematurely and erroneously. There is no, dogma ,of the relation of the Holy Spirit to the Son and therefore particular opinions
  2. Be seen as a monolithic religion, and with a conspicuous absence of any listed, dogma ,or ecclesial (organized church),has no concept of excommunication and hence
  3. Which is integrated into its host to create a provirus. Overview The central, dogma ,of molecular biology outlines that in synthesizing proteins, DNA is transcribed
  4. About the precise nature of Christ (see Christology) in the developing, dogma ,of the Trinity, an attempt to explain the relationship between Jesus of
  5. According to one source, rejects the doctrine of transubstantiation,the, dogma ,that the bread and wine used in the Eucharist are transformed into the literal
  6. Position that the senses are essential to mind into scholasticism, making it a, dogma ,of Roman Catholic belief. Bonaventure (1221-1274),one of Aquinas' fiercest
  7. Of the universe. Spiritual Deists reject all divine revelation, religious, dogma , and supernatural events and favor an ongoing personalized connection with the
  8. Catholicism, which teaches that salvation is by religious works or church, dogma ,is false. Religion that makes the words of its leader, be he Pope or other
  9. As marrying a Catholic princess, generated deep mistrust concerning the king's, dogma , Charles further allied himself with controversial religious figures, such as
  10. Art, literature,science and theology has been criticized as" the reigning, dogma ,of our time ". The argument is that applying a populist or market-driven
  11. Of the stars on the sublunar matter. With that, he did not refute the essential, dogma ,of astrology, but only refuted our ability to fully understand it. In astronomy
  12. Truth should be determined by reason and factual analysis, rather than faith, dogma , tradition or religious teaching. #Fideism holds that faith is necessary, and
  13. Exact influence of the stars. In essence, Avicenna did not refute the essential, dogma ,of astrology, but denied our ability to understand it to the extent that
  14. Including reforms and definitions of the sacraments, the Scriptures, church, dogma , and duties of the clergy. On adjourning, the Council asked the supreme pontiff
  15. The festivals of the Holy Spirit (or Espírito Santo),rooted in millennia, dogma , and held on all islands from May to September. These festivals are very
  16. Were called for in reaction to crises within the church over matters of, dogma , For Orthodox no further council would therefore be needed until such time as a
  17. About categories would appear in political science as ideology, in religion as, dogma , or in science as theory. As metaphors A set of ontological distinctions
  18. The Roman Catholic Church is in fact teaching as a matter of Roman Catholic, dogma ,that the Holy Spirit derives his origin and being (equally) from both the
  19. mRNA template. This strand of DNA is complementary DNA. Note that the central, dogma ,of molecular biology is not broken in this process. Applications Complementary
  20. To be happening in the ghostly theater that Role lampooned as a dualism, dogma , Functionalists chart a different course, accepting that there is a system of
  21. Procession" from the Father alone" has been referred to as" a main, dogma ,of the Greek Church ". In his study of the matter, Avery Dulles does not go so
  22. From the 8th and the 12th century),which follow the definition of the, dogma ,of the Trinity and Caledonian Christology. Adoptionism and Christology
  23. Replication, transcription and translation of the genetic material. The central, dogma ,of molecular biology where genetic material is transcribed into RNA and then
  24. Of Constantinople. This moved the issue from jurisdiction and custom to one of, dogma , This council declared Pope Nicholas anathema, excommunicated and deposed.
  25. His Civil War service. And influential Freemason. File: Albert Pike Morals and, dogma , JPG|Morals and Dogma (1871) File: Albert Pike portrait. JPG|Pike in Masonic
  26. The following are points of the clique as Roman Catholic, dogma ,seen as in contention with Eastern Orthodoxy. # The Father is from no one; the
  27. He spent considerable time thinking about the validity of Christian religious, dogma , and by 18 had decided to discard the last of it. University and first marriage
  28. How "," when ", nor " where" about him; he is incomprehensible. In this, dogma , they are similar to the semi-philosophical, semi-religious body which
  29. Written about much earlier by Augustine of Hippo and was eventually defined a, dogma ,by the Council of Trent. He also posed an important question about the cause of
  30. Angola developed alongside Regional, but with a traditionalist and contrary, dogma , It’s primary representative, Mestre Pastiche,“ found in the old tradition (
  31. Of a Memorial serum difficile, published under his name, nor of Moralism, dogma ,philosopher, nor of the satirical Apocalypse of Goiás once attributed to him
  32. In the original). As an Orthodox theologian, Bulgakov acknowledges that, dogma ,can only establish by an ecumenical council. Boris Bobrinskoy sees the
  33. Recommend that AA members acting on behalf of the fellowship steer clear of, dogma , governing hierarchies and involvement in public issues. Subsequent fellowships
  34. I soon became a thorough Deist. " As a young man he rejected Christian, dogma ,in a 1725 pamphlet A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain
  35. Since a Theologoumenon is a theological opinion on what is defined outside, dogma , in the case of any Orthodox theologians open to the clique as opinion, it is
  36. e. g., Michael Pomazansky) say that the Nicene Creed as a Symbol of Faith, as, dogma , is to address and define church theology specifically the Orthodox Trinitarian
  37. Regards belief in salvation, the divinity of Jesus, and indeed most religious, dogma , He clarified himself as a deist in his 1771 autobiography, although he still
  38. An enthusiastic supporter of the evangelical movement, rejected the salvation, dogma , but embraced the radical notion of egalitarian democracy. Franklin’s
  39. Of this, Spiritual Deists are extremely welcoming and tolerant to all except, dogma , demagoguery, and intolerance itself. Therefore, most Spiritual Deists are more
  40. In Rome. Writings In matters of exegesis he is, like Hilary, an Alexandrian. In, dogma ,he follows Basil of Caesar and other Greek authors, but nevertheless gives a
  41. That religion impedes human progress because of its focus on superstition and, dogma ,rather than on reason and the scientific method. Humanism refers to a
  42. Found in earlier Gnostic movements and foreshadows later critical voices. The, dogma ,of the Trinity and the sacrament of the Eucharist, among others, were rejected
  43. Without becoming celibate. Mandatory priestly celibacy is not a doctrine, or, dogma , of the Church (examples of Catholic doctrine would be the principle of the
  44. Of element with element. This theory of the four elements became the standard, dogma ,for the next two thousand years. Love and Strife The four elements are, however
  45. Discovery. In an influential presentation in 1957,Crick laid out the central, dogma ,of molecular biology, which foretold the relationship between DNA, RNA,and
  46. Could provide a pulpit to anyone of any belief. ” Franklin’s rejection of, dogma ,and doctrine and his stress on the God of ethics and morality and civic virtue
  47. Explanations, jokes and illustrations, as distinguished from Discordant ", dogma ,", which consists of certain specific passages from The Honest Book of Truth
  48. Courts in China, thereby giving Confucianism the first wide-scale test of its, dogma , Two of Confucius's most famous later followers emphasized radically different
  49. The source of distinctions and thus categories doesn't resolve this. Ideology, dogma , theory Modern theories give weight to intuition, perceptually observed
  50. Respectively. By the mid-to-late 13th century the Chinese had adopted the, dogma ,of Neo-Confucian philosophy formulated by Zhu Xi. There were enormous literary

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