Examples of the the word, arbitrator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arbitrator ), is the 10283 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Not change the arbitrator 's findings of fact but will decide only whether the, arbitrator ,was guilty of malfeasance, or whether the arbitrator exceeded the limits of his
  2. S decision to a court, however the court will generally not change the, arbitrator ,'s findings of fact but will decide only whether the arbitrator was guilty of
  3. Counsel, corporate in-house counsel, administrative law judge, judge, arbitrator , law professor, or politician. There are also many non-legal jobs which legal
  4. Occurs under U. S. law, either party to an arbitration may appeal from the, arbitrator ,'s decision to a court, however the court will generally not change the
  5. Once the parties had actually submitted a pending dispute to an arbitrator ,the, arbitrator ,'s judgment was usually enforceable. The reasoning for this was that the power
  6. Ended up in the Supreme Court of California. In 1994,that court upheld the, arbitrator ,'s decision and awarded damages for breach of contract. *In 1990,Intel brought
  7. Rather than a national court, say because of a forum selection clause,an, arbitrator ,may decide not to apply local mandatory policies in the face of a choice of law
  8. Disagree on something. Umpire is another word for" arbitrator " or an, arbitrator ,appointed to resolve an arbitration when the arbitrator s can't agree.
  9. Thus in effect, credentials. Generally speaking, however,the credibility of an, arbitrator ,rests upon reputation, experience level in arbitrating particular issues, or
  10. Without contracts, and then declared themselves free agents in response to an, arbitrator ,'s ruling. Handcuffed by concessions made in the Flood case, the owners had no
  11. It violated their confidentiality agreement. In August 2007,a court-appointed, arbitrator ,issued a permanent injunction forbidding Omani NOA from" criticizing
  12. Phil Hartman (d. 1998) *1959 – Ana María Polo, Cuban-American lawyer and, arbitrator ,*1961 – Doug Hopkins, American musician (d. 1993) *1964 – Steve Agar
  13. Was usually enforceable. The reasoning for this was that the power of the, arbitrator ,arose solely from the mutual consent of the parties to his jurisdiction; but by
  14. A dispute between a homeowner and his general contractor),and an experienced, arbitrator , Umpire The umpire is a third party chosen either by the method of the arbitral
  15. His suspension. Selim decided to uphold the 20 games, however,an independent, arbitrator ,ruled that Selim had exceeded his authority and reduced it to 13 games, but
  16. Instead. Thus, without the consent of both parties to his jurisdiction,the, arbitrator ,lacked the power to decide the case. During the Industrial Revolution, large
  17. Processes, such as litigation or arbitration, in which a judge, jury or, arbitrator ,determines the outcome. # Consensual processes, such as collaborative law
  18. Since Jackson targeted the entire contract rather than a specific clause,the, arbitrator ,decided the validity. Arbitration clauses of companies such as Blockbuster
  19. The validity of an arbitration clause is decided by a court rather than an, arbitrator , However, in a split decision (5-4) on Rent-A-Center, West,Inc. v. Jackson
  20. Individual habitat is a living organism, fully sentient, and is the perfect, arbitrator ,of its community. Habitats cannot be bribed, are perfect impartial judges, and
  21. When the arbitrator s disagree on something. Umpire is another word for ", arbitrator ," or an arbitrator appointed to resolve an arbitration when the arbitrator s ca
  22. Both sides make an argument as to the merits of their" case" and then the, arbitrator ,decides the outcome for both parties. There are two opposite types of
  23. Are the UNCIAL rules and the ISCID rules. The rules to be followed by the, arbitrator ,are specified by the agreement establishing the arbitration. The Convention on
  24. Where both sides in a legal dispute freely choose a sharia court as a binding, arbitrator ,rather than taking a matter before the official courts. The decision did not
  25. Week, which he found excessive. He disputed the price, took the case to a local, arbitrator ,and was awarded a twelve franc reduction on the total bill. He moved from the
  26. Unions, a lockout followed. Both sides agreed to submit the matter to a neutral, arbitrator , and settled on Lands, who agreed to take the case in June 1921. By this time
  27. Of Medina, invited Muhammad as a neutral outsider to Medina to serve as chief, arbitrator ,for the entire community. There was fighting in Maghrib mainly involving its
  28. Positions (through agreement or hearing) to a neutral third party (the, arbitrator ,(s) or arbiter (s) ) for resolution. In practice arbitration is generally
  29. Major League Baseball uses a variant of interest arbitration, in which an, arbitrator ,chooses between the two sides' final offers, to set the terms for contracts
  30. Decide only whether the arbitrator was guilty of malfeasance, or whether the, arbitrator ,exceeded the limits of his or her authority in the arbitral award or whether
  31. The American Arbitration Association and the National Arbitration Forum, offer, arbitrator , training programs and thus in effect, credentials. Generally speaking, however
  32. الامين),meaning" faithful, trustworthy " and was sought out as an impartial, arbitrator , His reputation attracted a proposal from Khadijah, a forty-year-old widow in
  33. Are unable to reach resolution through mediation, the mediator becomes an, arbitrator , shifting the mediation process into an arbitral one, seeking additional
  34. Produce Intel's microchips for IBM; AMD filed for arbitration in 1987 and the, arbitrator ,decided in AMD's favor in 1992. Intel disputed this, and the case ended up in
  35. Is a person who acts as an organizer, officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator , and moderator for a multiplayer game. They are most common in co-operative
  36. The re-building of the Saint Afro School in Masses. In 1897, he was appointed, arbitrator ,between the claimants for the Principality of Lipped. Also, during his
  37. Such as the Coal Strike of 1902. This type of arbitration, wherein a neutral, arbitrator ,decides the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, is commonly known as
  38. Conditions could only be imposed on a sovereign if there were some outside, arbitrator ,to determine when he had violated them, in which case the sovereign would not
  39. LTCM out. Etymology" Arbitrage" is a French word and denotes a decision by an, arbitrator ,or arbitration tribunal. (In modern French,"" usually means referee or
  40. That if the arbitration clause includes a provision which stated that the, arbitrator ," shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the
  41. Respect for his role as a spokesman for African affairs and as a popular, arbitrator ,in conflicts involving other African nations. Domestically, however,his
  42. Primacy is accorded him, but at the same time he is not addressed as a supreme, arbitrator ,; assistance and sympathy are solicited from him as from an elder brother, and
  43. Personal message to the Kings of Bulgaria and Serbia, offering to act as, arbitrator ,according to the provisions of the 1912 Serbo-Bulgarian treaty. But Bulgaria
  44. Sought to resolve the economic crisis by presenting himself as a compromise, arbitrator ,figure between workers and bosses, and his regime created a corporatism
  45. Vacating an award on narrow grounds (e.g., fraud ). These protections for, arbitrator ,awards are premised on the union-management system, which provides both parties
  46. Arbitration; a mediator does not impose a solution on the parties, whereas an, arbitrator ,does. While mediation implies bringing disputing parties face-to-face with each
  47. Law, though once the parties had actually submitted a pending dispute to an, arbitrator , the arbitrator 's judgment was usually enforceable. The reasoning for this was
  48. By the time a dispute reached the point that one party wished to take it to an, arbitrator , the other often preferred to take their chances in court instead. Thus
  49. Using different individuals in the role of mediator and (if needed later), arbitrator , but this is not always the case. Mediator liability Mediators should take
  50. Into the Mesopotamian political system, where a neutral city may act as an, arbitrator ,for the two rival cities. This helped to form unions between cities, leading to

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