Examples of the the word, gail , in a Sentence Context
The word ( gail ), is the 10282 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Was built into a complex consisting of the Court House and Town House. The, gail , was inspected on the 7th of April 1827 by the Sheriff Substitute and being
- Life, uprooting carefully laid plans, disrupting municipal services.... Now the, gail , has subsided. Around us is the wreckage and debris that must be swept up. 1946:
- Continued for the next 34 years of operation. It would appear that when the, gail , was decommissioned the main reasons why it was left standing would primarily be
- Daffy accidentally pounds his face. *Daffy opens a window which releases a loud, gail , which frightens the man to the ceiling, and when Daffy leaves the room, the man
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