Examples of the the word, tehran , in a Sentence Context
The word ( tehran ), is the 10284 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- One * http://www.paranduv.com/ Islamic Azad University of Parana (west of, tehran , ) * Shahid Behest University of Medical Sciences http://www.sbmu.ac.ir (
- Genocide Memorial Church in Dare editor, Syria Image: Holly Series (, tehran , ). JPG|Saint Saris Church (1970) in Tehran, Iran Image: Saint Paul Armenian
- Family. Abolhassan Khan Sanofi died in 1995 Artworks Sculptures File: Meadows, tehran , JPG|Monument of Meadows (1971) on his memorial square in Tehran. At the
- Temple in Delhi, by Bahia architect Maribor Samba Image: Contemporary arts, tehran , JPG|Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Arts is based on traditional Iranian
- Special programs in English and Arabic, and it has English news in 12 and 1 in, tehran , times. External links * http://www.irtvs.com WWW. IR TVS. Com Online live
- To be a Township because of 15 chordal film Pisa became the 13 Town Ship of, tehran , Pisa is also the name one of the islands in the Uremia Lake in Iran.
- View of the White Palace, depicting popular Persian mythology Image: View of, tehran , from palace. JPG|The view of Tehran, from the treetops of the compound. Image:
- TV news: *http://video.google.com/videoplay? Docid=3924199661125838341 Loving, tehran , in Tel Aviv (Video) (January 2007). Israel's Channel Two.
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