Examples of the the word, sampling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sampling ), is the 5753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Typically refers to baseband bandwidth in the context of, for example, sampling ,theorem and Nyquist sampling rate, while it refers to pass band bandwidth in the
  2. Work. Sampling lawsuit In 2003,Beastie Boys were involved in the landmark, sampling ,decision, Newton v. Diamond. In that case, a federal judge ruled that the band
  3. Concluding that" it is of human origin, a conclusion robust to observational, sampling ,and model differences" Scientific literature and opinion There are a number of
  4. And should be abandoned; however, recent work based on more complete, sampling ,of fossil taxa, and also an analysis of DNA sequence data from the complete
  5. It's a combination of playing and sampling stuff as we're playing, and also, sampling ,pretty obscure records. " The tentative title for the record was Tadlock's
  6. Approx \franc \end where T \ is the sample time (the reciprocal of the, sampling ,frequency) of the discrete-time filter. The above bilinear approximation can
  7. Difference between cluster sampling and stratified sampling is that in cluster, sampling ,the cluster is treated as the sampling unit, so analysis is done on a population
  8. Which filters out high-frequency aliases when the Amiga is using a lower, sampling ,rate (see Nyquist limit). The brightness of the Amiga's power LED is used to
  9. DNA analysis, camera trapping and transect surveying. 3) Through direct, sampling , estimate the genetic diversity of the captive bongo population and calculate
  10. A small threshold value. That definition is used in calculations of the lowest, sampling ,rate that will satisfy the sampling theorem. Because this range of non-zero
  11. Stratified sampling is that in cluster sampling the cluster is treated as the, sampling ,unit, so analysis is done on a population of clusters (at least in the first
  12. S sampling of his voice in the song" Ten Crack Commandments ". The specific, sampling ,is Ridenhour counting off the numbers one to nine on the track" Shut 'Em Down
  13. May be selected within each of these groups. A common motivation for cluster, sampling ,is to reduce the average cost per interview. Given a fixed budget, this can
  14. Baseband bandwidth in the context of, for example, sampling theorem and Nyquist, sampling ,rate, while it refers to pass band bandwidth in the context of Nyquist symbol
  15. 2^n - 1,where each digit position is an item from the set of n. Probability:, sampling ,a random combination There are various algorithms to pick out a random
  16. Obtaining old highlands material from a substantial distance from Mare Librium, sampling ,material from young volcanic activity (i.e. less than three billion years)
  17. Requirements as the one-time pad. He is also credited with the introduction of, sampling ,theory, which is concerned with representing a continuous-time signal from a (
  18. Phase function of the kith harmonic at discrete time n, : FS is the, sampling ,frequency, : f0 is the fundamental frequency of the waveform or the note
  19. To choose which clusters to include in the study. In single-stage cluster, sampling , all the elements from each of the selected clusters are used. In two-stage
  20. The sound chip produces four hardware mixed channels of 8-bit PCM at a, sampling ,frequency of up to. The hardware channels have independent volume levels and
  21. From each of the selected clusters. The main difference between cluster, sampling ,and stratified sampling is that in cluster sampling the cluster is treated as
  22. Judges are experienced in handling celebrity divorces. Cluster Sampling is a, sampling ,technique used when" natural" groupings are evident in a statistical
  23. Done on a population of clusters (at least in the first stage). In stratified, sampling , the analysis is done on elements within strata. In stratified sampling , a
  24. The elements from each of the selected clusters are used. In two-stage cluster, sampling , a random sampling technique is applied to the elements from each of the
  25. To probability sampling of members. Research on AA is therefore susceptible to, sampling ,bias. Study Studies of AA's efficacy have produced inconsistent results.
  26. A sample of size n drawn with replacement from a population of size N. If the, sampling ,is carried out without replacement, the draws are not independent and so the
  27. Sound at up to. The hardware channels had independent volumes (65 levels) and, sampling ,rates, and mixed down to two fully left and fully right stereo outputs. A
  28. Diamond. In that case, a federal judge ruled that the band was not liable for, sampling ,James Newton's" Choir" in their track," Pass the Mic ". The sample used is
  29. Christopher" The Notorious B. I. G." Wallace's estate over the latter's, sampling ,of his voice in the song" Ten Crack Commandments ". The specific sampling is
  30. Is used in calculations of the lowest sampling rate that will satisfy the, sampling ,theorem. Because this range of non-zero amplitude may be very broad or infinite
  31. Accessible. Twelve-step groups, like AA, are not conducive to probability, sampling ,of members. Research on AA is therefore susceptible to sampling bias. Studies
  32. HTML Jonathan Mills has developed the Extended Analog Computer based on, sampling ,voltages in a foam sheet. At the http://hrl.harvard.edu/ Harvard Robotics
  33. Fact had mailed questionnaires to 12,356 psychiatrists, and published a ‘, sampling ,’ of the comments made by the 2,417 psychiatrists who responded, of which 1,189
  34. The clusters should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. A random, sampling ,technique is then used on any relevant clusters to choose which clusters to
  35. Afghan citizens from across all of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The margin of, sampling ,error in that survey is 4.4 percent, at a 95 percent confidence interval. To
  36. Between sample locations also helps one estimate mean value uncertainties when, sampling ,a heterogeneous population. * The REQUEST algorithm for analyzing mass spectra
  37. Selected clusters. The main difference between cluster sampling and stratified, sampling ,is that in cluster sampling the cluster is treated as the sampling unit so
  38. Are flexible file formats designed to store more or less any combination of, sampling ,rates or nitrates. This makes them suitable file formats for storing and
  39. The Amiga was one of the first home computers for which inexpensive sound, sampling ,and video digitization accessories were available. As a result of this and the
  40. Until 1994 when the introduction of the folk HOL drum and electronic DJ looped, sampling ,caused most bands to either dissolve or morph into Punjabi folk singers albeit
  41. Frequency of up to. The hardware channels have independent volume levels and, sampling ,rates and are output with two channels mixed to the left and two to the right
  42. In a" bizarre" new direction, saying " It's a combination of playing and, sampling ,stuff as we're playing, and also sampling pretty obscure records. " The
  43. And" Hearse ". In 2010,DiFranco sued hip-hop horror core artist Nero for, sampling ,her song," Used to You" in a response track called" The Asshole Anthem" on
  44. To the design-based inference that is standard in finite-population survey, sampling , Derived linear model Kempthorne uses the randomization-distribution and the
  45. Algorithms to pick out a random combination from a given set or list. Rejection, sampling ,is extremely slow for large sample sizes. One way to select a k-combination
  46. To the 3dB-bandwidth. In calculations of the maximum symbol rate, the Nyquist, sampling ,rate, and maximum bit rate according to the Hartley formula, the bandwidth
  47. Test the developing fetus for Down syndrome, Amniocentesis and chorionic villus, sampling ,can be used. Pharmacogenomics results in the following benefits: According to a
  48. Due to the ST having comparatively large amounts of memory for the time, sound, sampling , packages became a realistic proposition. The Microdeal Replay Professional
  49. Each of the selected clusters are used. In two-stage cluster sampling , a random, sampling ,technique is applied to the elements from each of the selected clusters. The
  50. On both previous theoretical assertions and an ever-increasing empirical, sampling ,of global ecosystems. Whittaker was in a unique position to make such a

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