Examples of the the word, injection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( injection ), is the 5760 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fields are their limited geographic distribution and depths, which require high, injection ,pressures for sequestration. Below a depth of about 1000 m, carbon dioxide is
  2. Successor of κ, then γ is finite. For any infinite sets A and B, if there is an, injection ,from A to B then there is an injection from subsets of A to subsets of B. Thus
  3. Infinite sets A and B, if there is an injection from A to B then there is an, injection ,from subsets of A to subsets of B. Thus for any infinite cardinals A and B, : A
  4. Ultimately outstrip those of the BBC Micro. Following Olivetti's 1985 cash, injection ,into Acorn the machine was effectively sidelined. With hindsight, the machine
  5. Such as vaccination, can also induce stress because of the extra handling and, injection , The aquaculture or farming of piscivorous fish, like salmon, does not help the
  6. Be screened for active tuberculosis. BCG is given as a single intradermal, injection ,at the insertion of the deltoid. If BCG is accidentally given subcutaneously
  7. The planet. This was thought to be due to synchrotron radiation, caused by the, injection ,of relativistic electrons with velocities near the speed of light
  8. Casting, tape casting (used for making very thin ceramic capacitors,e.g. ), injection ,molding, dry pressing, and other variations. Details of these processes are
  9. In the Countdown Demonstration Test File: Earth from Apollo 11 after translunar, injection , JPG|Earth seen from Apollo 11 after translunar injection File: Apollo
  10. May rely on an injectable form of the drug rather than tablets. The, injection ,may be of a long-lasting type known as a depot injection , usually applied at
  11. Days of ceftriaxone). It has the great advantage of requiring only a single, injection , whereas ceftriaxone is traditionally given daily for five days. This
  12. All if a native Unicode encoding like UTF-8 is used). However, to prevent HTML, injection ,attacks like Cross Site Scripting you should be very careful to use HTML entity
  13. Are allowed to grow in the laboratory before being returned to the patient by, injection ,into a vein. # In vivo, which means" inside the body" – No cells are removed
  14. Government in 1990,Benin has undergone an economic recovery. A large, injection ,of external investment from both private and public sources has alleviated the
  15. Detrimental) reaction may result after exposure via ingestion, inhalation, injection , or contact with skin. *Super antigen - A class of antigens that cause
  16. Oil fields, extensive pipe networks are used to carry the carbon dioxide to the, injection ,points. Refrigerant Liquid and solid carbon dioxide are important refrigerants
  17. This collection is too large to be a set. In fact, for X ≠ ∅ there is an, injection ,from the universe into X by mapping a set m to × X and so by limitation of size
  18. Or shrink wrapping. Recordable CD Recordable Compact Discs, CD-Rs,are, injection ,molded with a" blank" data spiral. A photosensitive dye is then applied
  19. Sets is itself countable. **If the set A is infinite, then there exists an, injection ,from the natural numbers N to A (see Dedekind infinite). **Every infinite
  20. Zimbabwe, South Korea, Malawi,Liberia, Chad,Washington in the USA, ) * Lethal, injection ,(Guatemala, Thailand,the People's Republic of China, Vietnam,all states in
  21. By Gas-Diffusion Flow Injection Analysis — Anemometry. Gas diffusion flow, injection ,analysis — anemometry Instead of distilling, the sample is injected into an
  22. Needles to acupuncture points. *Acupuncture point injection is the, injection ,of various substances (such as drugs, vitamins or herbal extracts into
  23. And innovative features, the most notable being the twin-turbocharged direct, injection ,diesel engine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Sebring as a
  24. Entered the body from the outside, for example by inhalation, ingestion,or, injection , The immune system's response to exogenous antigens is often subclinical. By
  25. Technique is suitable for use with non-volatile precursors. **Direct liquid, injection ,CVD (DLI CVD) – A CVD process in which the precursors are in liquid form (
  26. Governor, he oversaw four executions: one by electric chair and three by lethal, injection , Later, as president, Clinton was the first President to pardon a death-row
  27. Damage to computers in the labs below the supply. The cracks started at, injection ,molding defects in the joint and grew slowly until finally triggered. The
  28. Acutely agitated individual and can, if required, be given via an intramuscular, injection , They can sometimes be effective in the short-term treatment of psychiatric
  29. Jim Lovell recommended the name. Mission highlights Launch and lunar orbit, injection ,In addition to throngs of people crowding highways and beaches near the launch
  30. By 90 percent. A study found that, in contrast to oral aspirin, intravenous, injection , of aspirin did not produce detectable histological damage or significantly
  31. Record. BCG immunization generally causes some pain and scarring at the site of, injection , The main adverse effects are keloids—large, raised scars. The insertion of
  32. To commit to the lunar trip, the engine was restarted to make the translunar, injection ,maneuver taking the spacecraft into an extremely high orbit where it would be
  33. Engines, and failure of the third stage to re-light for the translunar, injection , Instead, the Service Module engine was used as in Apollo 4 to raise the craft
  34. And total cyanide respectively. This relative simplicity of these flow, injection ,analysis methods limit the interference experienced by the high heat of
  35. The mass of the Lunar Module for ballast. It was planned to achieve translunar, injection , then after 5 minutes, use the Service Module engine to return the CM to Earth
  36. To her account of his death in This Timeless Moment, she obliged with an, injection ,at 11:45 am and another a couple of hours later. He died, aged 69,at 5:20 pm
  37. Alternatives to hanging, but have been almost entirely superseded by lethal, injection , which in turn has been criticized as being too painful. Nevertheless, some
  38. Out their spacecraft before re-igniting the S-IVB third stage for trans-lunar, injection , The lightning strikes had caused no serious permanent damage. Initially it was
  39. Such as with nonpenetrating needles to acupuncture points. *Acupuncture point, injection ,is the injection of various substances (such as drugs, vitamins or herbal
  40. U. S. Department of Energy (DOE). The SEC ARB partnership will demonstrate CO2, injection , rate and storage capacity in the Tuscaloosa-Woodbine geologic system that
  41. Often opposes executions on the grounds that the present method of lethal, injection ,sometimes goes awry. *The ACLU's position on spam is considered controversial
  42. Second stage was derived from the Black Knight test vehicle, and the orbital, injection ,stage was a small hydrogen peroxide/kerosene motor. This launcher never
  43. The interval is an image of the Hear measure on Cantor set, while the natural, injection ,into the ternary set is a canonical example of a singular measure. It can also
  44. Are the many 'leak' opportunities provided by old oil wells, the need for high, injection ,pressures and acidification which can damage the geological barrier. Other
  45. 11 after translunar injection . JPG|Earth seen from Apollo 11 after translunar, injection ,File: Apollo AS11-40-5868. JPG|Using a 70 mm camera, Armstrong photographs Buzz
  46. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that an, injection ,be used to stop the fetal heart during the first phase of the surgical abortion
  47. Oceans Another proposed form of carbon sequestration in the ocean is direct, injection , In this method, carbon dioxide is pumped directly into the water at depth, and
  48. The body. The major difficulty with application of 225Ac was that intravenous, injection ,of simple actinium complexes resulted in their accumulation in the bones and
  49. Then tablets. The injection may be of a long-lasting type known as a depot, injection , usually applied at the top of the buttocks. Those that are available in
  50. Fast recovery time, as well as its water solubility, which reduces pain upon, injection , Diazepam and lorazepam are sometimes used. Lorazepam has particularly marked

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