Examples of the the word, sociology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sociology ), is the 5766 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In comparative law. Also, the usefulness of comparative law for the, sociology ,of law (and vice versa) is very large. The comparative study of the various
  2. Of disease How society responds to disease is the subject of medical, sociology , A condition may be considered to be a disease in some cultures or eras but not
  3. Neuroscience, linguistics,philosophy of mind, computer science, anthropology, sociology , and biology. Cognitive science tends to view the world outside the mind much
  4. Statistics, the arithmetic mean is used frequently in fields such as economics, sociology , and history, though it is used in almost every academic field to some extent.
  5. Two different meanings with different origins and histories: one originating in, sociology ,and the other in literary criticism. This has led to the very literal use of
  6. And Lévi-Strauss is Pierre Bourdieu, who trained formally in philosophy and, sociology ,and eventually held the Chair of Sociology at the College de France. Like Mass
  7. Of social group processes * Power dynamics, the dynamics of power, used in, sociology ,* Psychodynamics, the study of the underlying psychological forces driving
  8. Ignoring them when they are fruitful. Customary or social conventions Social In, sociology ,a social rule refers to any social convention commonly adhered to in a society.
  9. Legal regulations for the same problem function in practice. Conversely, sociology ,of law may help comparative law answer questions, such as: How do regulations
  10. Influenced by the geography of Paul Vidal de la Blanche (1845–1918) and the, sociology ,of Émile Durkheim (1858–1917). His own ideas, especially those expressed in
  11. Fields such as physics, chemistry,biology, political science, economics,and, sociology ,all end in due. Chinese philosophy is philosophy written in the Chinese
  12. Critical theory was first defined by Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School of, sociology ,in his 1937 essay Traditional and Critical Theory: Critical theory is a social
  13. Two different meanings with different origins and histories: one originating in, sociology ,and the other in literary criticism. This has led to the very literal use of
  14. That could not be adequately explained within the terms of traditional Marxist, sociology , For Adorno and Horkheimer state intervention in the economy had effectively
  15. Modern critical theory arose from a trajectory extending from the nonpositivist, sociology ,of Max Weber and Georg Simmer, the Marxist theory of Georg Lukas and Antonio
  16. De France. Like Mass and others before him, he worked on topics both in, sociology ,and anthropology. His fieldwork among the Kabyle of Algeria places him solidly
  17. Biology, evolution,geography, history,neurology, psychology,and, sociology , It also takes the applied approach, looking at individual language development
  18. Of fashion and cultural capital in European societies places him as solidly in, sociology , Other countries Anthropology in Greece and Portugal is greatly influenced by
  19. Been used to redress negative effects of discrimination. Definitions Within, sociology , 'discrimination' is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their
  20. Of philosophy known as aesthetics, whereas disciplines such as anthropology, sociology ,and psychology analyze its relationship with humans and generations.
  21. Linked with scholars of folklore, museum studies, human geography, sociology , social relations, ethnic studies, cultural studies, and social work.
  22. Western cultural history, such as the evolution of science and philosophy,the, sociology ,and psychology of the intellectual communities, kabbalism, spiritualism
  23. Psychology textbooks (Lucas, Blazek, & Rally,2006). Sociology The, sociology ,of education is the study of how social institutions and forces affect
  24. University of Rome in 1925. At the University, he founded a lecture course on, sociology , maintaining it until his retirement. He also set up the School of Statistics
  25. Influential in anthropology have been trained or held faculty positions in, sociology , philosophy, or other fields rather than in anthropology. Most commentators
  26. Twain. Crystal graduated from Vassar College in 1903 and received an M. A. in, sociology ,from Columbia University in 1904. Receiving her law degree from New York
  27. By integrating all the major social sciences, including geography, economics, sociology , history, political science, anthropology,and psychology. This version of "
  28. Was influenced both by American cultural anthropology and by French Durkheim, sociology ,), have argued that apparently similar patterns of development reflect
  29. Which deal with the relation between history and other disciplines: philosophy, sociology , anthropology. Chartier's typical undergraduate course focuses upon the making
  30. To the use of computer simulation in social science, i. e.: computational, sociology , Complex systems theory has long been concerned with the study of
  31. Felt in his theory; thought which frequently traverses the boundaries between, sociology ,and philosophy. Postmodern critical theory While modernist critical theory (as
  32. Of dissolving our earlier belief and forcing a reconsideration of much of, sociology ,and philosophy. Although modestly written, this is not a modest book. Bennett
  33. Of pleasure, meaning,or satisfaction. Beauty is studied as part of aesthetics, sociology , social psychology, and culture. An" ideal beauty" is an entity which is
  34. And mathematics, and evolved into use by the social sciences, like psychology, sociology , criminology and in financial system. Control systems can be thought of as
  35. By universities are often used to build a knowledge base to drive curricula in, sociology ,and community studies. The General Social Survey from the National Opinion
  36. A primary mechanism of linguistic humor. Psychology and management In, sociology ,and social psychology, the term" ambiguity" is used to indicate situations
  37. Macro-properties from the micro-properties, also known as macro-micro view in, sociology , The topic is commonly recognized as social complexity that is often related to
  38. As Vice said:" The norm of the truth is to have made it. " It originated in, sociology ,under the term" social constructionism" and has been given the name "
  39. To the corporation. The discipline borders behavioral economics, sociology , economics, accounting and management. It concerns technical issues such as the
  40. In Evangelicalism reflects, in part, the wider usage of such language in the, sociology ,of religion. However, there is no unanimity about whether these terms are
  41. Human biology, Health sciences *K - Society (includes Social sciences, sociology ,& social anthropology) *L/O - History (including area studies, travel and
  42. Website and had been victimized because of his political beliefs. Liam Birch,a, sociology ,student standing as a BNP council candidate for South way was dismissed as
  43. Used in support of academic research, is a tool for geologists, who study the, sociology ,and archeology of trash in modern life. There is a major outpost of academic
  44. Colonization wave. The traditions of jurisprudence, history,philology, and, sociology , then evolved into something more closely resembling the modern views of these
  45. Disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. In relationship to, sociology , employment discrimination usually relates to what events are happening in
  46. Artificial intelligence, philosophy,neuroscience, linguistics,anthropology, sociology , and education. It spans many levels of analysis, from low-level learning and
  47. Affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness. In, sociology , the concept of community has led to significant debate, and sociologists are
  48. Pharmacology) - in biochemistry, protein-ligand binding * Affinity (, sociology ,) - shared interests and commitments between persons in groups," willingness
  49. As geology, physics,zoology, paleontology,anatomy, music theory, art history, sociology ,and so on, belonging to professional societies in those disciplines as well.
  50. Using social norms and regulate behavior by means of social control. In, sociology , behavior is considered as having no meaning, being not directed at other

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