Examples of the the word, nicely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nicely ), is the 5769 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be hundreds of light years away in ordinary space. The idea of" congruence,", nicely ,explained by Max using a folded scarf, is sound mathematics (though it is not
  2. Fast, nice,tasty) become" швидко "," гарно ", and " смачно" ( quickly, nicely , tastefully). As well, note that adverbs are mostly placed before the verbs
  3. Computer, and Me from the other perspective. According to Eric S. Raymond, it ", nicely ,illustrates the difference between 'hacker' and 'cracker '. Stoll's portrait
  4. A study of bereavement starring Ray Midland. Crowther said that Davis" does, nicely ,as the fiancée who is widowed herself and knows the loneliness of grief,"
  5. Tunes also appear in the soundtrack, and serve as jaunty period music which, nicely ,counterpoints Vangelis's modern electronic score. These are:" He is an
  6. Elector Palatine, which took place on 14 February 1613. The three composers are, nicely ,differentiated by seniority, with Byrd, Bull and Gibbons represented
  7. Then the pigment indigo reproduced below. The color of spectrum Indigo fits, nicely ,between spectrum violet and spectrum blue. It is impossible to represent
  8. And g: Y → Z. The limit L of F is called a pullback or a fiber product. It can, nicely ,be visualized as a commutative square: *Inverse limits. Let J be a directed
  9. Frankie Albert, Louis G. Spadix and James Giselle. The 1965 49ers rebounded, nicely ,to finish with a 7–6–1 record. They were led that year by John Brodie, who
  10. A thin premise endangers its credibility at times, Green Card is a genial, nicely ,played romance. " Time Out London stated" Weir's first romantic comedy boasts
  11. Is not absorbed by any ocular pigment. The role of melanin in red-eye effect is, nicely ,demonstrated in animals with. All forms of albinism involve abnormal production
  12. State science" or inherently" capitalist" science) also underlined that he, nicely ,separated leisure areas from work places, thus announcing modern functionalism
  13. From a derelict brothel and June joint neighborhood to a gentrified, well-lit, nicely , paved home of the" Trolley Night" where patrons of the arts stroll down the
  14. It is usually a very formal affair, with well-groomed and braided horses, and, nicely , dressed riders. It is also a very nerve-racking time, as the" pass" or" fail
  15. To the interview. Newman's spokesman told the press that the star was" doing, nicely ," but neither confirmed nor denied that he had cancer. In August, after
  16. Running mate. In other respects, the pair complemented each other, nicely ,: having fought in the Civil War on opposite sides, they formed a team that
  17. Controversial or making a statement. I think the show is handling it really, nicely , It's about two people who care about each other. " Contrasting with some of
  18. The probability mass function) is:: f (k; \lambda)=\franc. This example, nicely ,illustrates the distinction between constants, parameters,and variables. E is
  19. Tuamotu, Tuamotus The Polynesian conception of the universe and its division is, nicely ,illustrated by a famous drawing made by a Tuamotu chief in 1869. Here, the
  20. And the absence of multiple scrolling layers. He thought that the music was ", nicely ,composed ", but that the sound effects were" all taps and thuds ". He was
  21. Fisher has also added a lot of supplemental graduate degrees that apply, nicely ,to the Business majors. With graduate degrees in International Studies and its
  22. Plus in his article entitled" ", published in Buried Wazowski in 1880, nicely , showed the popularity of the writer. " As he was back from America, almost
  23. Or the sheep into their paddock and put up the rails, you get back to the house, nicely ,'rested' to find the pea-soup cold and full of flies, the pork under the table
  24. Particles. The fact that all currently known (2009) matter particles fit, nicely ,into three copies of the smallest group representations of SU (5) and
  25. Anglo-American alliance, which was predominantly focused on Europe. This is fit, nicely ,with Matsuoka's plans, and on September 27, 1940,the Tripartite Pact was
  26. The ten new rules for global negotiations advocated by Hernandez and Graham, nicely ,coincide with an approach that comes naturally to the Japanese: #Accept only
  27. I'm asking (it/you) nicely ", as in German Dance scion," I thank (you), nicely ,". See next for a more common form of the polite request. ) *I would like ____
  28. To push a child ahead of its development stage. The whole notion fit, nicely ,with other social Darwinist concepts, such as the idea that" primitive "
  29. Likewise, the " man:" and" info:" Slaves are handy for fetching, nicely ,formatted documentation. In musical notation, a key signature is a series of
  30. Blazed that a lot of higher orders are visible, one gets a very fine spectrum, nicely ,folded onto a small common CCD-chip. The small chip also means that the
  31. Cream cakes, and Layer Barker for whom he wrote the memorable line" That'll do, nicely ," for American Express. It was while he was with Ogilvy's that he wrote
  32. Alone in the same restaurant, and remarked that he had been" faced ... but, nicely ,faced" by one of his literary heroes. The show also enjoyed a number of
  33. For the pornography of Violence" Night of the Living Dead" will serve, nicely ,as an outer-limit definition by example. In mere 90 minutes this horror film (
  34. Those in the former Eastern Bloc, to consider the introduction of a TV license;, nicely ,confusing, as the Government intends it to be. For example, both Bulgaria and
  35. Hello! ") **Were (seen) (This literally means" I'm asking (it/you), nicely ,", as in German Dance scion," I thank (you) nicely ". See next for a more
  36. Tips in Microbiota 5/1989 said" When programming late, coffee and kebab keep, nicely ,warm on top of the 1541. " The Microbiota review of the 1541-II said that its
  37. Valuable in the concocting of a ghost story are, to me, the atmosphere and the, nicely ,managed crescendo. … Let us, then,be introduced to the actors in a placid way;
  38. Wolf believed that Rhodes' experience and player-friendly demeanor would fit, nicely ,in Green Bay's veteran locker room. But Rhodes was fired after one 8–8 season.
  39. On skull types and found a cross-breed gorilla-wolf-dog combination would work, nicely ,with some oversized boars horns. Lemma added Helmet, chains,spit, spikes and
  40. Examples:: Vysotsky (high) – Yoko (highly): Penny (nice) – pekoe (, nicely ,): privately (friendly) – privately (in a friendly manner): richly (fast
  41. Utility similar to GZIP or compress. Compressed and uncompressed files coexist, nicely ,on ext2 partitions. The latest e2compr-branch is available for current releases
  42. Holy Roman Empire led across Hungary. The request of the French king coincided, nicely ,with the ambitions of Suleiman in Europe and gave him an incentive to attack
  43. Of the books" ... be strictly reviewed and, where found requiring it, more, nicely , adjusted ". Publication history of the diary The Reverend John Smith was
  44. One day from another so nights were more significant. The nine nights divided, nicely ,into a sidereal month of 27 nights. Each week of nine nights had eight days.
  45. To each song, but the occasional quickened pace balances out these tunes rather, nicely ,". Name "/NP"> DeGagneComedy"/>" From Little Things Big Things Grow ", a
  46. Randolph Churchill" never aimed at bringing her daughters up to be more than, nicely ,behaved young ladies ". When Queen Mary insisted upon the importance of
  47. She assumed was private, said," It's a shame Claire doesn't dress Dorothy as, nicely ,as she dresses her own daughter. " When the remark inevitably got back to Ruth
  48. Important. As Wilson and Call (2004) note," Adam Smith's theory melded, nicely ,with the liberal political stance of the Whig Party and its middle-class
  49. Plays’ finely constructed plots; he reduced some, exaggerated others of the, nicely ,drawn characters of Menander and of Menander’s contemporaries and followers
  50. Mixture can be sterilized using the liquid cycle of an autoclave. This medium, nicely ,lends itself to the application of specific concentrations of phytohormones

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