Examples of the the word, incline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incline ), is the 5768 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In mathematics, the slope or gradient of a line describes its steepness, incline , or grade. A higher slope value indicates a steeper incline . The slope is (in
  2. At Cincinnati's Crowley Field, but,in truth, the 15-degree all-grass, incline ,there served an entirely different purpose as an alternative to an all dirt
  3. But as the seed is not an expensive article the greater part of farmers, incline ,to sow thick, which both provides against the danger of part of the seed
  4. Can be attached to a second cable running through a pulley at the bottom of the, incline ,in case the gravity force acting on the vehicles is too low to operate them on
  5. Nomahlanjana, made a series of frontal attacks up the steep hill. Slowed by the, incline , and armed only with traditional throwing spears, they were badly mauled by
  6. The skill so well that the area became known as" Duffy's Cliff ". The, incline ,served two purposes: # it was a support for a high wall; # it was built to
  7. Its steepness, incline ,or grade. A higher slope value indicates a steeper, incline , The slope is (in the simplest of terms) the measurement of a line, and is
  8. To the background. ... The technology and social effects of typography, incline ,us to abstain from noting interplay and, as it were," formal" causality, both
  9. Equipped with Incline Start Assist which allows the car to remain stopped on an, incline ,by only depressing the clutch pedal, instead of both the clutch and brake pedal
  10. The ropes. In this case the winching can be done also at the lower end of the, incline , This practice is used for funiculars with gradients below 6 %, funiculars
  11. Inclines were deliberately built in center and right fields to compensate. The, incline ,in center field of Minute Maid Park has been considered a tribute to Duffy's
  12. By Phillips and his colleagues found that suicides and other accidents seem to, incline ,after a well publicized suicide. Increased rate of suicides has been shown to
  13. Expansion regardless of what the other state does; therefore, they both, incline ,towards military expansion. The paradox is that both states are acting
  14. Into the mantle to compensate the greater load. The result is a slight lateral, incline ,with distance from the ridge axis. This force is regarded as a secondary force
  15. Shoulders of the locking piece. The selected angles of the recesses and the, incline ,on the locking piece produce a velocity ratio of about 4:1 between the bolt
  16. Ago Room, both in Switzerland. The steepest funicular in the world may be the, incline ,lift Kaboom Scenic Railway in Australia. Modern versions resembling an
  17. An experiment in which stones and cannonballs were both rolled down an, incline ,to disprove the Aristotelian theory of motion early in the seventeenth century.
  18. To each other by a cable, which runs through a pulley at the top of the, incline , Counterbalancing of the two cars, with one ascending and one descending
  19. Are planar with forests alternating between east and west. The forests have, incline ,angles of 10-30 degrees. (Twiddle,1980) Sediment The sand is predominately
  20. Plagiarism — began to question the creation by God of individual souls and to, incline ,to the opposite opinion, which seemed to facilitate the explanation of the
  21. Would be placed on the fire. Reputedly the location of the smoke along the, incline ,conveyed a meaning. If it came from halfway up the hill, this would signify
  22. Deck. A ski jump is a fixed ramp at the end of the flight deck with a curved, incline , This was first developed to help launch short takeoff and vertical landing (
  23. A constant speed, in a uniform depth of water, it sinks in a slant or straight, incline ,from the point where it enters the water to that where it touches the bottom.
  24. Routes, the Monongahela Incline funicular railway (more commonly known as an ", incline ,") on Mount Washington, a light rail system that runs mostly above-ground in
  25. Or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme? ", Jeans replied;" I, incline ,to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the
  26. System was needed at the passing track. The eastern United States had several, incline ,railways, most engineered by the Otis Elevator Company of Yonkers, NY (today a
  27. The distance between turns of a screw thread * seat pitch, the forward/backward, incline ,of a seat in an aircraft Sports * pitch (ascent/descent),a term used in
  28. The Duffy's Cliff days. That measurement likely included the severity of the, incline , and when the mound was leveled, the distance was never corrected. EMC Club In
  29. Pulley. Sheave wheels guide the cable to and from the drive mechanism and the, incline ,cars. A few funiculars have been built using water tanks under the floor of
  30. This trend, the stone roofs of the Alpine chalets being usually of gentler, incline , These buildings tend to accumulate a large amount of snow on them, which is
  31. Coverage of the Series. " Duffy's Cliff" From 1912 to 1933,there was a high, incline ,in front of the then high left field wall at Fenway Park, extending from the
  32. With a stationary steam engine to haul the wagons back to the top of the, incline , The first applications of the steam locomotive were on wagon or plate ways (
  33. Which you will say first. Now open your mouth and speak. If your thoughts, incline ,ever so little towards 'fuming ', you will say 'fuming-furious '; if they turn
  34. Means" to pull, snatch " and the German word kipper which means" to tilt, to, incline ,". Similarly, the English pipe denotes a basket used to catch fish. Another
  35. Twiddle,1980) In cross-section, the Lee side is the eastern slope with an, incline ,of 34-38 degrees, while the Stops side is the western slope with an incline of
  36. An incline of 34-38 degrees, while the Stops side is the western slope with a, incline ,of only 10-20 degrees. In cross-section, the cross beds are planar with
  37. As the student body of many of the politically active colleges tend to, incline ,toward one party or another. The college is also strong in the sports field
  38. Getafe, those who incline towards the Pontus and the east, and DAC, those who, incline ,in the opposite direction towards Germany and the sources of the Sister ". In
  39. Viaduct *Washington Street Elevated (closed 1987),from Forest Hills to an, incline ,north of the Mas spike *Charlestown Elevated (closed April 4,1975),from the
  40. On the slope. The car is either winched up to the station on the top of the, incline ,where the cable is collected on a winch drum, or the single car is balanced by
  41. Able to pull out the cable from the pulley in the station on the top of the, incline , Track layout Early funiculars used two parallel straight tracks, with separate
  42. The land slopes in a series of" terraces" in the west and goes into an, incline ,in the east. Much of the country is circled by coral reefs. Climate The country
  43. Assisting a train from the rear, due to a difficult start or a sharp, incline ,gradient; * Light engine – a locomotive which is operating without a train
  44. T. M. Cooper, Parliamentary Counsel Sir Granville Ram, and himself: # We, incline ,to the view that on his abdication the Duke of Windsor could not have claimed
  45. Is that there is no fatal necessity in the stars; but that they rather, incline ,than compel ". Bacon advocated an emphasis on what he called" sane astrology "
  46. Seating area during the dead ball era when overflow crowds would sit on the, incline ,behind ropes. It is often compared to the infamous left field" terrace" at
  47. Through trigonometry, the grade m of a road is related to its angle of, incline ,θ by: m = \tan \theta. \! Definition The slope of a line in the plane
  48. The republican parts of the Constitution; and therefore in equivocal cases they, incline ,to the legislative powers: the former of these are called federalists
  49. Geography, Book VII 3,12 tells about the Daci-Getae division" Getafe, those who, incline ,towards the Pontus and the east, and DAC, those who incline in the opposite
  50. 6 (iii) (e) ). He held that playing music in a particular harmonic would, incline ,one towards specific behaviors associated with it, and suggested that soldiers

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