Examples of the the word, mentally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mentally ), is the 5754 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By Exodus, Tempo,and Karima Shankar. Exodus tries to heal Xavier, Xavier, mentally , fights Exodus. Exodus finally approaches Magneto, who is apparently still
  2. The exhausted cards every time a deck has been played. Card counting, mentally ,is legal and is not considered cheating. However, it usually needs to be done
  3. Is kidnapped by Granny Goodness. " Last Rites" told the tale of Batman being, mentally ,probed by Darkseid's minions Monkey and Simon, in an attempt to cull the
  4. Section 32 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. Confessions by, mentally ,handicapped persons See section 77 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act
  5. The range of its individual characteristics is thereby wide. Examples of, mentally ,oriented practices are education games, during which the dominant requires
  6. Louise, at 287 Pennington Road. The half-brothers lived there while their, mentally ,ill mother lived at Cane Hill Asylum at Couldn. Chaplin's father's mistress
  7. On Guam on approach to airport, killing 228. *2001 – Er wadi fire incident,28, mentally , ill persons tied to chain were burnt to death at a faith based institution at
  8. S 2008 storyline, Batman R. I. P., featuring Batman being physically and, mentally ,broken by the enigmatic" Black Glove," garnered much news coverage in advance
  9. To one, his gifts became very apparent at the age of three when he corrected, mentally ,and without fault in his calculations, an error his father had made on paper
  10. Both located in Towson, Maryland. Career Schultz' breakthrough role was the, mentally ,unstable Captain" Howling Mad" Murdock on The A-Team. At the series outset
  11. As having strong telepathic abilities, being able to hypnotize and even, mentally ,dominate any character with lesser psyche with whom they can make eye-contact.
  12. In chapter 21 of The Murder of Roger Across, for example, Poirot talks about a, mentally ,disabled nephew: this proves to be a ruse so that he can find out about homes
  13. Supreme Court addressed whether the Eighth Amendment prohibits the execution of, mentally ,retarded persons. The Court noted that a" national consensus" had developed
  14. Mel Gibson. A" Pre-prison" is where inmates are kept away from society and, mentally ,reformed during their preservation in the film Demolition Man (1993),while
  15. In Santo Domingo. By the end of his third voyage, Columbus was physically and, mentally ,exhausted: his body was wracked by arthritis and his eyes by ophthalmic. In
  16. George Tenet writes: A published report in 2006 contended that Abu Zubaydah was, mentally ,unstable and that the administration had overstated his importance. Baloney.
  17. At working together and with the ship in question. Finally, the sailor must be, mentally ,prepared for dealing with harsh situations. An alternative for those people may
  18. Mind of Barry Goldwater. ’ The two main articles contended that Goldwater was, mentally ,unfit to be president. The magazine attempted to support this claim with the
  19. Signed away to his father in 1969. He successfully argued that he had not been, mentally ,fit to make an informed decision. While Wilson failed to regain his copyrights
  20. With fire. Dragons in D&D grow throughout their lives, both physically and, mentally , and are capable of attaining weights in excess of a million pounds. Dragons
  21. Buried in a Jewish cemetery (in practice, rabbis often rule suicides to be, mentally ,incompetent and thus not responsible for their actions). Judaism also does not
  22. That have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are, mentally ,mutilated beyond hope of regeneration" ). During this era, some also derided
  23. Clair audience may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the, mentally ,ill when it reveals information unavailable to the clairaudient person by
  24. Are assumed to have been solved. Fictional androids are generally depicted as, mentally ,and physically equal or superior to humans – moving, thinking and speaking as
  25. Of At talus, Alexander spared the life of Arrhidaeus, who was by all accounts, mentally ,disabled, possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias. News of Philip's
  26. His American producers, who ultimately concluded that the director must be, mentally ,ill. On Christmas Eve 1968,the Americans announced that Kurosawa had left the
  27. That second-generation members who alleged they were abused in the group are, mentally ,unstable, demonically possessed, or highly paid by the anti-cult movement to
  28. To for her bandy legs. Her father is dead, and she has four elder brothers, all, mentally , retarded ... The students are all disabled, retarded and of different ages.
  29. Duffy's earlier assertion in her court papers of February 2010 that Hopper was, mentally ,incompetent, and that his children had rewritten his estate plan in order to
  30. Second, when Corwin faces the demon Strygalldwir, it is able to wrestle, mentally ,with him when their gazes meet; and third, when Fiona is able to keep Brand
  31. Will worsen. This will lead to harmful consequences in their life, physically, mentally , emotionally and socially. Johnson (1980) explores the emotional progression
  32. The horizon. Skies turn gray, and many people turn inward, both physically and, mentally , Similar examples may be found in Irish poet William Butler Yeats' poem The
  33. A new personality and memories for him, along with a new life working with, mentally ,challenged children. In issue #65,unbeknownst to the rest of the team, he
  34. Orders the cessation of Nazi Germany's systematic T4 euthanasia program of the, mentally ,ill and the handicapped due to protests, although killings continue for the
  35. The belief that the offense dictates when a play starts, so they tend to be more, mentally ,relaxed and prepared for the start of a play where the defense must remain on a
  36. Spectrum, ranging from individuals with severe impairments—who may be silent, mentally ,disabled, and locked into hand flapping and rocking—to high functioning
  37. The idea of death. According to Arkansas state and Federal law, a seriously, mentally ,impaired inmate cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the allegation of
  38. That left him paralyzed on the left side of his body, as well as leaving him, mentally ,unstable. His father created him 10th Duke of Organza. After the 1653 death of
  39. Nephew: this proves to be a ruse so that he can find out about homes for the, mentally ,unfit, and in Dumb Witness, Poirot tells of an elderly invalid mother as a
  40. 571,after which some survivors ate the bodies of dead passengers. Also, some, mentally , ill individuals obsess about eating others and actually do so, such as Jeffrey
  41. When he left Israel that she was pregnant with his son, who would become the, mentally ,ill mutant known as Legion. They separated on good terms. American nurse Amelia
  42. And John's mother,Russell's former wife, Dora. John's wife Susan was also, mentally ,ill, and eventually Russell and Edith became the legal guardians of their three
  43. French for" Christian" or" Christlike," because those affected were so, mentally ,handicapped that they were considered incapable of sinning Sporadic cretinism
  44. Pryor's reliability because of his heavy drug use and the belief that he was, mentally ,unstable. After screening the movie, the head of Warner Bros. complained about
  45. An English musician and peace activist, is murdered by Mark David Chapman,a, mentally ,unstable fan, in front of The Dakota apartment building in New York City. *
  46. To others in the same manner; Xavier once trained a new group of mutants, mentally , subjectively making them experience months of training together, while only
  47. Normally, encased in the strongest materials available in that universe, and, mentally , connected to the controls of a spacecraft. Later novels link the brain ship to
  48. Was a much larger kingdom than Aragon, and it was inherited by Catherine's, mentally ,unstable elder sister, Joanna. Ostensibly, the marriage was delayed until Henry
  49. University in 1887. In the following year, he spent five months assisting, mentally ,ill women, before he took an office in the city mental asylum in Frankfurt am
  50. For individual and families in general, particularly special groups such as the, mentally ,disordered, deprived children, the elderly, and the handicapped. The Attlee

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