Examples of the the word, prosecute , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prosecute ), is the 5756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For“ immoral purposes ”; the ambiguous language would be used to selectively, prosecute ,people for years to come. *1913 – American Civil War veterans begin arriving at
  2. But state machinery and society as a whole generally do little to prevent it or, prosecute ,parties promoting or engaging in hate speech. While the Thai State offers
  3. With the inhabitants. As a result, the grateful Sicilians asked Cicero to, prosecute ,Gains Verses, a governor of Sicily, who had badly plundered Sicily. His
  4. Of the defendant. For private suits only the victims or their families could, prosecute , while for public suits anyone (ho boulomenos,'whoever wants to' i.e. any
  5. May be compatible" with a country's obligations genuinely to investigate or, prosecute ,under the Statute. Czech politician Marek Bend argues that" the ICC as a
  6. Center for Policy and Survey Research,63 % of Palestinians oppose PA plans to, prosecute ,Palestinians who work in the settlements. However,72 % of Palestinians support
  7. The government was heavily criticized for its unwillingness to investigate or, prosecute ,cases of human rights violations. The final two years of Cerezo's government
  8. Convened the International Military Tribunal for the Far East on May 3,1946, to, prosecute ,some Japanese leaders for war crimes. However, the bacteriological research
  9. Documented against an offender and help the police and prosecution charge and, prosecute ,offenders for multiple counts of vandalism. They also provide law enforcement
  10. Convicted. Furthermore, the " separate sovereigns" rule allows two states to, prosecute ,for the same criminal act. For example, if a man stood in New York and shot and
  11. No agreements were signed because Chen Shui-bian's government threatened to, prosecute ,the KMT delegation for treason and violation of R. O. C. laws prohibiting
  12. That the attorney general should not have the right to decide whether to, prosecute ,in individual cases, such as in the loans for peerages scandal. During his
  13. The KU Flux Act in 1876 by ruling that the federal government could no longer, prosecute ,individuals, although states would be forced to comply with federal civil rights
  14. Its jurisdiction if national courts are unwilling or unable to investigate or, prosecute ,genocide, thus being a" court of last resort," leaving the primary
  15. In 1489,the King returned to Germany, Albert was left as his representative to, prosecute ,the war against the rebels. He was successful in restoring the authority of
  16. State laws, federal authorities still claim the authority to seize, arrest,and, prosecute ,for possession and sales of these substances, even in states where they are
  17. It made them identifiable as a group and therefore made it easier to, prosecute ,any person associated with al-Qaeda for any acts or statements made by bin
  18. Of spying),or has witnessed such a crime. Alternatively, the home country may, prosecute ,the individual. Many countries refuse to waive immunity as a matter of course;
  19. Still serving sentences under the Sedition Act though he also used the acts to, prosecute ,some of his own critics before the acts expired. In 1832,the House Judiciary
  20. nation's Constitution requiring one. The main duties of the judiciary are to, prosecute ,criminals, settle lawsuits, and,most importantly, protect the freedoms and
  21. September 2004 the North Dakota Supreme Court rejected a mother's attempt to, prosecute ,her doctor for circumcising her child with her permission. In February 2004 in
  22. Must be because there is a case to answer, and it is in the public interest to, prosecute ,them. A 2002 example of a Columbian diplomat in London being prosecute d for the
  23. International Criminal Court, establishing a permanent international court to, prosecute ,individuals for genocide, crime against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of
  24. Authority do everything within its power to prevent future attacks and to, prosecute ,the individuals involved in past attacks. " The human rights organization Human
  25. 1950s. In response to the widespread slaughter, the Sovnarkom issued decrees to, prosecute ," the malicious slaughtering of livestock" ( хищнический убой скота). Many
  26. Who have passed a bar examination and have been admitted to practice may, prosecute ,or defend in the courts of the state where they are admitted. Yet, historically
  27. Court (; commonly referred to as the ICC or ICT) is a permanent tribunal to, prosecute ,individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of
  28. One under either national or international law, which would permit a party to, prosecute ,someone for a crime which was not illegal under their domestic law at the time
  29. That the District Attorney had requested that they get the pictures in order to, prosecute ,George. That claim is questionable, because the sheriffs were well aware that
  30. Firms handling the case. The court will also examine the ability of the firm to, prosecute ,the claim for the plaintiffs, and their resources for dealing with class
  31. Won on a platform calling for a" Moral Revolution," making active efforts to, prosecute ,corruption and pursued those responsible for alleged human rights abuses in the
  32. The Court's jurisdiction does not apply retroactively: it can only, prosecute ,crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 (the date on which the Rome Statute
  33. A system in which we're dependent on a foreign country's whim before we can, prosecute ,a criminal inside our own borders? The practical answer is: because we depend on
  34. 1870 and 1871 the federal government passed the Force Acts, which were used to, prosecute ,Klan crimes. Prosecution of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts
  35. Did not help the victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy who were unable to fully, prosecute ,a class action litigation (as understood in the American sense) against Union
  36. In Edinburgh. *2002 – The International Criminal Court is established to, prosecute ,individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of
  37. Function primarily because the states involved are incapable or unwilling to, prosecute ,crimes of this magnitude themselves. Nuremberg Tribunal (1945–1946) Because
  38. Against humanity and war crimes," but did not find sufficient evidence to, prosecute ,for genocide. In April 2007,the Judges of the ICC issued arrest warrants
  39. Law, extraordinary procedures (usually international courts) may, prosecute ,such crimes. Note the role of the International Criminal Court at The Hague in
  40. 41,the Roman Emperor Caligula ordered his death because he refused to, prosecute ,the Emperor's second cousin Marcus Sinus. His mother was Julia Priscilla. The
  41. And seriously impairing the dignity of another" ) may also be used to, prosecute ,hate speech. Sweden prohibits hate speech, and defines it as publicly
  42. Judged heresy alone, using the local authorities to establish a tribunal and to, prosecute ,heretics. After the end of the twelfth century, a Grand Inquisitor headed each
  43. To weaken the enemy's strength, to cause the enemy eventually to be unable to, prosecute ,the war any longer, and to force the enemy to withdraw. It is often
  44. Jurisdictions and states of emergency In the military sphere, authorities can, prosecute ,both regular crimes and specific acts (such as mutiny or desertion) under
  45. The former Yugoslavia or ICT, is a body of the United Nations established to, prosecute ,serious crimes committed during the wars in the former Yugoslavia, and to try
  46. An authority in all cases of consensual injury and criticizing the decision to, prosecute , Following Operation Spanner the European Court of Human Rights ruled in
  47. By Supreme Court decisions that limited the Justice Department's ability to, prosecute ,people for their political opinions, most notably, Communists. At this time he
  48. Part of her Empire whose trade links generated the wealth Britain required to, prosecute ,the war successfully. The French Directory agreed with Bonaparte's plans
  49. Since prosecutors in the former Yugoslavia were, as a rule, reluctant to, prosecute ,such crimes; #"Establishing the facts ", highlighting the extensive
  50. Qui tam action. If the United States declines to intervene, the Realtor may, prosecute ,the action on behalf of the United States, but the United States is not a party

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