Examples of the the word, asleep , in a Sentence Context

The word ( asleep ), is the 5764 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Associated with Hermes. It was said to have the power to make people fall, asleep ,or wake up, and also made peace between litigants, and is a visible sign of his
  2. King Kong then drinks some red berry juice, becomes intoxicated, and then falls, asleep , Samurai and Ginsburg place Kong on a large raft and begin to transport him
  3. Redemption. Orthodox Christians often use the euphemism fallen asleep or fallen, asleep ,in the Lord, which reflects Orthodox beliefs concerning death and resurrection.
  4. Irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying, asleep , or restless unsatisfying sleep). ” If symptoms of chronic anxiety are not
  5. Only; Print also owned a business selling beer and had a propensity to fall, asleep ,while standing. These qualities made him a subject for ridicule in the eyes of
  6. Of Aphrodite's infidelity if the two were discovered, but Electron fell, asleep , Helios discovered the two and alerted Hephaestus. Ares was furious and turned
  7. M going away tonight ", and then Brown took three long, quiet breaths and fell, asleep ,before dying. Memorial services After Brown's death on Christmas day,Brown's
  8. Myths, earth-diver creation stories begin as beings and potential forms linger, asleep ,or suspended in the primordial realm. The earth-diver is among the first of
  9. The dragon with a potion, given by Medea, distilled from herbs. The dragon fell, asleep , and Jason was able to seize the Golden Fleece. He then sailed away with Medea.
  10. On that server, unless the event is reset. As of 12 July 2008,Perform remains, asleep ,on both the Al'Labor (Macintosh) server and the official Test Server.
  11. Lying open before me. Another member, coming into the room, and seeing me half, asleep , called out," Well, Babbage,what are you dreaming about? " To which I replied
  12. Audit, who was asleep in bed and carried her into the training room. Still half, asleep , Audit showed them how to solve the problem, after which they put her back to
  13. By Zeus. Main wrapped the infant in blankets, but Hermes escaped while she was, asleep , Hermes ran to Thessaly, where Apollo was grazing his cattle. The infant Hermes
  14. Usually you will hear ICH have geschlafen; but ICH bin eingeschlafen I fell, asleep ,is quite normal). In the variant of German that is spoken in Germany, the
  15. Relieved if IMOC is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cadillac is, asleep ,and winter is almost over. On the Isle of Man, where she is known as Village
  16. Come in and claim it. Then Bag puss would start yawning again, and as he fell, asleep ,the narrator would speak as the color faded to sepia, and they all became toys
  17. As a companion but Caparisons accidentally killed it with a javelin as it lay, asleep ,in the undergrowth. Caparisons asked Apollo to let his tears fall forever.
  18. Closed Captioning). * Vibrating fire alarm placed under pillow when, asleep , Others * Walmart provides companionship, reminds users to take medicine and
  19. Sleep-related problems by shortening the time spent in bed before falling, asleep , prolonging the sleep time, and,in general, reducing wakefulness. However
  20. Kate awakens and decides to discreetly leave while the man, Warren Lockean, is, asleep , Kate sits at his desk to leave Warren a note and finds a document indicating
  21. To breathe comfortably. On those nights, he would play his guitar until he fell, asleep ,holding it, a habit which lasted his whole life. While living in Fort son, he
  22. A tendon locking mechanism that helps them hold on to the perch when they are, asleep , Many ground birds, such as quails and pheasants, roost in trees. A few parrots
  23. Ethiopian force with an early morning attack, expecting that his enemy would be, asleep , However, the Ethiopians had risen early for Church services, and upon learning
  24. Realization of redemption. Orthodox Christians often use the euphemism fallen, asleep ,or fallen asleep in the Lord, which reflects Orthodox beliefs concerning death
  25. Burned in his hotel room when his candle set fire to the chair he had fallen, asleep ,in, but Macdonald refused to miss any sessions of the conference. In February
  26. Many cafés, especially Nicolson's Café, wherever she could get Jessica to fall, asleep , In a 2001 BBC interview, Rowling denied the rumor that she wrote in local
  27. Montag accidentally reads a line in one of her books:" Time has fallen, asleep ,in the afternoon sunshine ". This prompts him to steal one of the books. The
  28. N't find her drugs. I literally had to lay her down on her bed until she fell, asleep , " By 1980,Caring began having violent temper tantrums, walking out of photo
  29. The Mughal camp and finding the Mughal troops unprepared with a majority, asleep , they advanced and killed most of them. The Emperor survived by swimming the
  30. With a beard, and wings attached to his head. He is sometimes shown as a man, asleep ,on a bed of feathers with black curtains about him. Morpheus is his chief
  31. CBT-I actually improved EEG slow wave sleep as well as increased time spent, asleep ,and found that the benefits were maintained at 6-month follow-up. Zopiclone
  32. These most commonly include symptoms of insomnia such as difficulty in falling, asleep , frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early morning awakenings. Sleep problems
  33. Is not the man who actually killed Ban quo, or it can mean that Duncan, who was, asleep ,when Macbeth killed him, cannot claim to have seen his killer. To add to the
  34. Of Persons, he also visited the country of the Scythians. Once while he was, asleep ,there, his horses suddenly disappeared, and when he woke and wandered about in
  35. And cannot get back to sleep, but insomnia can also include difficulty falling, asleep , Insomnia affects at least 80 % of depressed people. A depressed person may
  36. In both hemispheres. In captivity, dolphins seemingly enter a fully, asleep ,state where both eyes are closed and there is no response to mild external
  37. He then informed her, that when he thought Monsieur and Madame La Motto were, asleep , he had stolen to her chamber door ... that he had called several times as
  38. Was because taking her baby out for a walk was the best way to make her fall, asleep , Upon the enthusiastic response of Bryon Evens, a reader who had been asked to
  39. Having violent temper tantrums, walking out of photo shoots, and even falling, asleep ,in front of the camera. The November 1980 issue of Vogue stated that Carangi's
  40. An individual who has been sanctified by the grace of the Holy Spirit" falls, asleep ,in the Lord ", God may or may not choose to glorify the individual through the
  41. And his own perceived happiness. Montag returns home to find his wife Mildred, asleep ,with an empty bottle of sleeping pills. He calls for medical help; two
  42. Dysfunction is analyzed: * Obtaining full erections at some times, such as when, asleep ,(when the mind and psychological issues, if any, are less present),tends to
  43. Fail to notice what they do when awake, just as they forget what they do while, asleep , (DK 22B1) For this reason it is necessary to follow what is common. But
  44. And finally sits down under a juniper tree, praying for death. He falls, asleep ,under the tree; an angel touches him and tells him to wake and eat. When he
  45. Forever, Jason lost his favor with Hera and died lonely and unhappy. He was, asleep ,under the stern of the rotting Argo when it fell on him, killing him instantly.
  46. Hanging up on the wall. Since he cannot turn on his side, Gregor cannot fall, asleep , so instead he begins thinking about his job. He is a traveling salesman, and
  47. International Master. Unable to find the solution they woke Audit, who was, asleep ,in bed and carried her into the training room. Still half asleep , Judit showed
  48. On course via radar. The captain was confirmed to be, asleep ,when the ship crashed in Prince William Sound's reef. In light of the above
  49. Him safe passage by casting a charm that will make anyone who looks at him fall, asleep , Achilles, moved by Priam's actions and following his mother's orders sent by
  50. Times as loudly as he dared, but receiving no answer, he believed she was, asleep ,... This account of the voice she had heard relieved Adeline’s spirits; she was

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