Examples of the the word, reluctant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reluctant ), is the 5600 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then usual ". *Vita Breves: debutante frequently plagued by, but with a certain, reluctant ,admiration for, Captain Foul enough. *Dr. Smart-Allick: genteel, but ludicrous
  2. Deign Haggard hires Owen to produce switches made of Rear den Metal. He is, reluctant ,to build anything with this unproven technology, and has to be cajoled into
  3. For high prices, he ended this practice as well. Valuing privacy, he is very, reluctant ,to give interviews or make public appearances. His lengthiest interview was
  4. In Bridgetown. Some drivers within the competitive privately owned systems are, reluctant ,to advise persons to use competing services, even if those would be more
  5. Which had not been good that year. Understandably the starving Euronews were, reluctant ,to do so and Caesar ordered that camps be built near the Euronews' villages.
  6. The father as well. Freddy Quinn sings the song from the point of view of the, reluctant ,but forced soldier, Heidi Bruh from the point of view of the crying girlfriend
  7. A trio of films featuring Paul Marco as" Officer Elton ", a whining, reluctant ,policeman. The other two films are Plan 9 from Outer Space and Night of the
  8. University Press moved its offices from London to Oxford. Although Williams was, reluctant ,to leave his beloved city, this move did allow him to participate regularly in
  9. In being the last to switch to the new fully composite monocoques. Murray was, reluctant ,to build the entire chassis from composite materials until he understood their
  10. Be conducted by Parry's former student Alford Davies, but Parry was initially, reluctant ,to set the words as he had doubts about the ultra-patriotism of Fight for Right
  11. Had two young children and Fatso, who was also afraid of flying, was very, reluctant ,to leave her children for such a long time. ABBA's manager, Stig Anderson
  12. Of the different short-form of dates is that in the UK, many people are, reluctant ,to refer to" 9/11 ", although its meaning is instantly understood. On the BBC
  13. God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and, reluctant ,convert in all England. After his conversion to theism in 1929,Lewis converted
  14. Bombardier sold 225 Skids; four years later,8,210 were sold. But Armand was, reluctant ,to focus too much on the Skid and move resources away from his all-terrain
  15. Prevented them issuing warrants for potential American witnesses who were, reluctant ,to testify during the Christchurch Coroner's investigation into the death by
  16. Are anatomically suited for it; furthermore, most piercing artists are, reluctant ,to attempt such a delicate procedure. Some styles, such as the Isabella, do
  17. Of AK-1,particularly to improve reliability. At first, Kalashnikov was, reluctant , given that their rifle had already fared better than its competitors.
  18. To report the suspected injuries. Previously, many physicians had remained, reluctant ,to report cases of apparent child abuse, despite existing law that required it.
  19. Punctuate the trail of words he's squeezed into his lines, which gives it a, reluctant ,soft-shoe charm. " The album closes with" Sugar Baby ", a lengthy, dirge-like
  20. Blame for initiating them. Suetonius presents the case that Octavian, although, reluctant , at first to proscribe officials, nonetheless pursued his enemies with more
  21. Despite the absence of universal legal ties. Some bishops were initially, reluctant ,to attend, fearing that the meeting would declare itself a council with power
  22. 1991 Persian Gulf War. During these events, Powell earned his nickname," the, reluctant ,warrior. " He rarely advocated military intervention as the first solution to
  23. That way Fay can be free of them, and they can stop pretending. When Fay is, reluctant , Hap good produces a record of his own - he is her fiftieth Cookie. He is a
  24. Is fragile, and it is a prized exhibit at the MCC Cricket Museum, the MCC were, reluctant ,to agree. Furthermore, in 2002,Bligh's great-great-grandson Lord Clifton, the
  25. Prince when the captains of the British ships, again,declined to open fire, reluctant ,to reveal their fleet's position. At 01:45,the sinking battlecruiser Luzon –
  26. After the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation. At first, Lincoln was, reluctant ,to fully implement this program, but by the spring of 1863,he was ready to
  27. And in those cases when they have reached the courts, the judiciary has been, reluctant ,to grapple with them. COINTELPRO tactics continue While COINTELPRO was
  28. Of the Bible, which did away with all belief in miracles. Ben Are, while, reluctant , to interfere in the affairs of other congregations, was in perfect accord with
  29. British peace offer:" It is not fear of losing more lives that has compelled a, reluctant ,offer from England, but it is the shame of any further imposition of agony upon
  30. The Committee members – most of whom were Hall members – were accused of being, reluctant ,to elect new candidates in the hope of heightening the value of their own
  31. 1985,film 1999) follows the story of Dr. Larch an orphanage director who is a, reluctant ,abortionist after seeing the consequences of back-alley abortions, and his
  32. Travel the spas of Europe profiting from their gambling with Barry enforcing, reluctant ,debtors with a duel. Seeing that his life is going nowhere, Barry decides to
  33. Of Cameron had increased significantly. However, the indigenous peoples proved, reluctant ,to work on these projects, so the Germans instigated a harsh and unpopular
  34. Asks Madame Armed to host a party for Fredrik, Anne,and Henrik. Though, reluctant , Madame Armed agrees. She sends out a personal invitation; its receipt sends
  35. In 1609 that the planets moved about the sun in elliptical orbits, he was, reluctant ,to believe that the laws that governed the motions of the planets should also
  36. 3–0 winners. Aged 38 and having been unwell during the war, Bradman had been, reluctant ,to play. He batted unconvincingly and reached 28 when he hit a ball to Jack
  37. Insurance companies listing him as a very poor risk, and other firms would be, reluctant ,to enter into contracts with him. One difficult application of defensive
  38. Critical rejections of all views, which is a form of philosophy, but it is, reluctant ,to posit its own. Only knowledge that is useful in achieving enlightenment is
  39. Person of Coolidge's Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. Coolidge had been, reluctant ,to choose Hoover as his successor; on one occasion he remarked that" for six
  40. The time, which in 1900 would be equal to $ today; club owners were therefore, reluctant ,to spend much money on new balls if not necessary. It was not unusual for a
  41. 1953,along with Will McGuinness, also aged 15. Initially his mother was, reluctant ,to let him commit to an insecure football career, so he began an apprenticeship
  42. That the history he taught relegated the sensational to the sidelines and was, reluctant ,to give a simple accounting of events, but strived on the contrary to pose and
  43. The plans were rejected, in part because" American opinion was naturally, reluctant ,to accept the principle of equality of treatment so novel in debtor-creditor
  44. Victoria Colonia, Claudio Coloma, and other Italian sympathizers who were, reluctant ,to go to the same length as himself. His own breach with the Roman Catholic
  45. For example, lutetium was named in reference to Paris, France. The Germans were, reluctant ,to relinquish naming rights to the French, often calling it Cassiopeia.
  46. Him keep his job and says that he will fight desperately to keep it. Nora is, reluctant ,to commit to helping him, so Krogstad reveals that he knows she committed
  47. Uniforms. Their units served for only a few weeks or months at a time, were, reluctant , to travel far from home and thus were unavailable for extended operations, and
  48. Proved particularly adept as minister to Britain for the U. S. and Britain was, reluctant ,to boldly challenge the blockade. The Confederacy purchased several warships
  49. Level of competence of the proposed European Patent Court. A business would be, reluctant ,to obtain a Europe-wide patent if it ran the risk of being revoked by an
  50. Of justice held jointly by humans and gods. Trojan War Agamemnon gathered the, reluctant ,Greek forces to sail for Troy. Preparing to depart from Rules, which was a port

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