Examples of the the word, r , in a Sentence Context
The word ( r ), is the 1863 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Iy is the complex conjugate of z, then it is easily seen that: \begin | z | &, r , \\ | z | & | \ove r lie|\end and: | z | = \so r t, with the last fo r mula being
- Compasses. The length of the a r c s is then divided by the r adius of the ci r cle, r , and possibly multiplied by a scaling constant k (which depends on the units
- Is pola r coo r dinates, whe r e eve r y point is r ep r esented by its r adius, r ,f r om the o r igin and its angle θ. In th r ee dimensions, common alte r native
- Most va r ieties of No r th Ame r ican English, the sound co r r esponding to the lette r , r ,is an alveola r app r oximate o r r et r oflex r athe r than a t r ill o r a tap. The loss
- Thei r twenties. EveR-1's name de r ives f r om the Biblical Eve, plus the lette r , r ,fo r r obot. EveR-1's advanced computing p r ocessing powe r enables speech
- R = 0 then done so GOT step 15 ELSE continue to step 11,E3: Inte r change s and, r ,: The nut of Euclid's algo r ithm. Use r emainde r r to measu r e what was p r eviously
- A tu r n is abb r eviated \tau o r r ev o r r ot depending on the application, but just, r ,in r pm ( r evolutions pe r minute). 1 tu r n 360° 2π r ad 400 g r ad 4 r ight angles.
- Discussion).: 5 R ← S: 6 S ← L E1: Find r emainde r : Until the r emaining length, r ,in R is less than the sho r te r length s in S, r epeatedly subt r act the measu r ing
- S successively (q times) along longe r length l until the r emaining po r tion, r ,is less than the sho r te r length s. In mode r n wo r ds, r emainde r r = l − q*s, q
- The f r action with the r ecessive phenotype is q2. With th r ee alleles:: p + q +, r ,= 1 \, and: p^2 + 2pq + 2p r + q^2 + 2q r + r ^2 = 1 \, In the case of multiple
- Ci r cula r base, and h is the height. That can also be r ew r itten as \pi r ^2 + \pi, r ,l whe r e r is the r adius and l is the slant height of the cone. \pi r ^2 is the
- s. In mode r n wo r ds, r emainde r r = l − q*s, q being the quotient, o r r emainde r , r ,is the" modulus ", the intege r -f r actional pa r t left ove r afte r the division.
- Of the Thai wo r d fo r " bee r " เบียร์ r etains a lette r fo r the final consonant ", r ," p r esent in the English wo r d it was bo r r owed f r om, but silences it. Othe r wise
- Relatively p r ime and let r (x) be thei r g r eatest common diviso r . Then, since, r , ( x) is not constant, it will have some r oot a, which will be then a common
- The shift did not take place afte r epsilon, iota,and r ho (ε, ι,ρ; e, i, r , ). In Do r ic and Atomic, long alpha is p r ese r ved in all positions. P r ivatize a
- K; while ら Ra, り RI, る Ru, れ r e, ろ RO have neithe r anything in common fo r , r , no r anything to indicate that they have the same vowels as the k set. Most
- Po r tion r is less than the sho r te r length s. In mode r n wo r ds, r emainde r , r , = l − q*s, q being the quotient, o r r emainde r r is the" modulus ", the
- Can become s (the new measu r ing length) and the subt r ahend can become the new, r ,(the length to be measu r ed); in othe r wo r ds the" sense" of the subt r action
- If \theta is a Euclidean angle, then using t r igonomet r ic functions we find, :, r , ( x, y)=\so r t: \cos \theta = \f r anc and: \sin \theta = \f r anc fo r two numbe r s x
- Length r equal to the sta r ting/initial/input length l R ← L E0: Insu r e, r ,≥ s.: 3 Insu r e the smalle r of the two numbe r s is in S and the la r ge r in R: IF R
- Undete r mined constants. Then the solution of the acoustic wave equation is: p (, r , \theta) = \left_\alpha~J_\alpha (k~ r ) + B_\alpha~J_ (k~ r )\ r ight\left (
- The integ r al of the othe r function, g (x). *an a r ea bounded by a function r =, r ,(θ) exp r essed in pola r coo r dinates is \int_0^ r ^2 \, d\theta. *the a r ea
- Sound. *An int r usive may be inse r ted befo r e a vowel in wo r ds that do not have “, r ,” in the spelling. Fo r example," d r awing" will sound like" d r aw- r ing ","
- To be b r oken up). **O r , a sho r t vowel is neve r added, but consonants like, r ,l m n occu r r ing between two othe r consonants will be p r onounced as a syllabic
- O r r et r oflex r athe r than a t r ill o r a tap. The loss of syllable-final, r ,in No r th Ame r ica is confined mostly to the accents of easte r n New England, New
- In cylind r ical coo r dinates If we use a cylind r ical coo r dinate system (, r , \theta, z ) with basis vecto r s \math bf_ r , \math bf_\theta, \math bf_z, then the
- The two lengths: INPUT L, S: 2 Initialize R: make the r emaining length, r ,equal to the sta r ting/initial/input length l R ← L E0: Insu r e r ≥ s.: 3 Insu r e
- Then be thought of as an R-module by defining: r \dot x = \eta ( r )x fo r all, r ,∈ R and x ∈ A. If A is commutative then the cente r of A is equal to A, so that
- Conside r ed sepa r ate single lette r s) would follow the lette r s d, e,g, l,n, r , t, x and z r espectively. No r is, in a dictiona r y of English, the lexical
- Step 11,E3: Inte r change s and r : The nut of Euclid's algo r ithm. Use r emainde r , r ,to measu r e what was p r eviously smalle r numbe r s:; L se r ves as a tempo r a r y
- D r opping of syllable-final r sometimes happens in natively r ho tic dialects if, r ,is located in unaccented syllables o r wo r ds and the next syllable o r wo r d
- Let p (x) and q (x) two polynomials which a r e not r elatively p r ime and let, r ,(x) be thei r g r eatest common diviso r . Then, since r (x) is not constant, it
- F r ac~p = 0 Assuming that the solution of this equation can be w r itten as: p (, r , \theta) = R ( r )~Q (\theta) we can w r ite the pa r tial diffe r ential equation
- Wo r ds and the next syllable o r wo r d begins in a consonant. In England, the lost, r ,was often changed into (schwa),giving r ise to a new class of falling
- And h is the height. That can also be r ew r itten as \pi r ^2 + \pi r l whe r e, r ,is the r adius and l is the slant height of the cone. \pi r ^2 is the base a r ea
- 2 (\ell w + \ell h + w h) the length divided by height *cone: \pi r \left (, r ,+ \so r t\ r ight),whe r e r is the r adius of the ci r cula r base, and h is the
- Equation on the left is the Bessel equation which has the gene r al solution: R (, r ,) = A_\alpha~J_\alpha (k~ r ) + B_\alpha~J_ (k~ r ) whe r e J_\alpha is the
- These guidelines may ove r estimate the size of the effect. If going by the, r ,guidelines (0.1 is a small effect,0.3 a medium effect and 0.5 a la r ge effect
- Is R-bilinea r :: r \dot (XY) ( r \dot x)y x ( r \dot y) fo r all, r ,∈ R and x, y ∈ A. We say A is unital if it contains an element 1 such that :1 x
- In S, r epeatedly subt r act the measu r ing numbe r s in S f r om the r emaining length, r ,in R.: 7 IF S > R THEN done measu r ing so GOT 10 ELSE measu r e again, : 8 R ← R −
- Uses successive subt r actions of the sho r te r length s f r om the r emaining length, r ,until r is less than s. The high-level desc r iption, shown in boldface, is
- Declining among the younge r gene r ation of speake r s. D r opping of syllable-final, r ,sometimes happens in natively r ho tic dialects if r is located in unaccented
- Subt r actions of the sho r te r length s f r om the r emaining length r until, r ,is less than s. The high-level desc r iption, shown in boldface, is adapted f r om
- Real absolute value given in (2) – (10) above. In addition, If: z x + i y, r ,(\cos \phi + i \sin \phi) \, and: \ove r lie = x - in is the complex conjugate
- Constant. Using the substitution: \tilde \left a r r ow \left (\omega\so r t\ r ight), r , = k~ r we have: \tilde^2~\COFRAC + \tilde~\COFRAC + (\tilde^2-\alpha^2)~R 0 ~; ~~
- To these sets, A r amaic has the nasal consonants m and n, and the app r oximate, r ,(usually an alveola r t r ill),l, y and w. Histo r ical sound changes Six b r oad
- Int r usive R o r epenthetic *The sound can occu r when a wo r d that has a final “, r ,” in the spelling comes befo r e anothe r wo r d that sta r ts with a vowel. Fo r
- And l is the slant height of the cone. \pi r ^2 is the base a r ea while \pi, r ,l is the late r al su r face a r ea of the cone. *p r ism: 2 × A r ea of Base + Pe r imete r
- The integ r al of the othe r function, g (x). *an a r ea bounded by a function, r ,= r (θ) exp r essed in pola r coo r dinates is \int_0^ r ^2 \, d\theta. *the a r ea
- W h) the length divided by height *cone: \pi r \left ( r + \so r t\ r ight),whe r e, r ,is the r adius of the ci r cula r base, and h is the height. That can also be
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