Examples of the the word, purely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( purely ), is the 4421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Calligraphy (), flower arranging () and tea ceremony (). Therefore, from a, purely ,linguistic point of view, we could say Aikido is 'Way of combining forces '.
  2. Occurred during flight V26,which was launched on 5 October 2007. This was, purely ,to test the engine, and occurred after the payloads had been deployed. The
  3. Building (Sydney) and the Manchester Unity Building (Melbourne) featuring, purely ,decorative towers to circumvent the height restriction laws of the time. The
  4. A pillbox or small fortress (though these are static fortifications of a, purely ,defensive nature) that can move toward the enemy - hence its offensive utility
  5. E is a high-performance proper for full first-order logic, but built on a, purely ,educational calculus, developed primarily in the automated reasoning group of
  6. City,Washington’D. C., Hollywood,tropical islands, the Moon, Mars,and some, purely ,fanciful worlds of Capp's invention. The latter includes El Passionate
  7. Absurdly non-physical that Eddington refused to believe that Chandrasekhar's, purely ,mathematical derivation had consequences for the real world. Chandrasekhar's
  8. Again may be natural and/or volitionally contrived. The final effect may be, purely ,physical, or it may reach far into the biological or volitional domains. The
  9. Study, Princeton,New Jersey, studying under Alonzo Church. In addition to his, purely ,mathematical work, he studied cryptology and also built three of four stages of
  10. Hyperbolic geometry taught mathematicians that postulates should be regarded as, purely ,formal statements, and not as facts based on experience. When mathematicians
  11. Ground and sea) means that seasons appear later than dates calculated from a, purely ,astronomical perspective. The actual lag varies with region. Some cultures
  12. Began to include more numerous and complex ideas about a future life and, purely ,spiritual beings, the overlap between mythology and animism widened. However, a
  13. Be justified: (1) by our absolute and perfect adherence to the law, or (2), purely , by God's imputation of Christ's righteousness. " * Grace is resistible: God
  14. Subsidies also influence the cost of agriculture to society. Both focused on, purely ,fiscal impacts. The 2000 review included reported pesticide poisonings but did
  15. Have never written for children" but that instead he has always written, purely ,for himself. Garner has spent much time investigating the areas that he deals
  16. Provided it is given in the Earth's reference frame (where it becomes, purely ,a light-time correction for the position of the eastward-moving Sun as seen
  17. Resisted. " The offer of salvation through grace does not act irresistibly in a, purely ,cause-effect, deterministic method but rather in an influence-and-response
  18. Is instrumentalism, which is a non-realism position. Non-realism takes a, purely ,agnostic view towards the existence of unobservable entities: unobservable
  19. Gold and silver from their ores. Many ancient civilizations alloyed metals for, purely ,aesthetic purposes. In Ancient Egypt and Mycenae, gold was often alloyed with
  20. Has been called the Contractual Society –" ... a society based, purely ,on voluntary action, entirely unhampered by violence or threats of violence. "
  21. Spiritual alchemists also incorporate elements of esotericism, examples of a, purely ,spiritual alchemy can be traced back as far as the sixteenth century, when
  22. These can take only the value 0,but they carry infinitesimal information, in, purely , algebraic settings. His theory of schemes has become established as the best
  23. Abatement in pleading, a legal defense to civil and criminal actions based, purely ,on procedural and technical issues involving the death of parties *Abatement (
  24. Produced from transmutation reactions in uranium ores. The other actinides are, purely ,synthetic elements. Nuclear weapons tests have released at least six of these
  25. The primaryand most general, qualities by means of which the amorphous and, purely ,quantitative substance of all bodies first reveals itself in differentiated
  26. Ranged along the following lines::" While some regard the Amazons as a, purely ,mythical people, others assume an historical foundation for them. The deities
  27. Hold for all strictly monotonic transformations of utility, and so are true for, purely ,ordinal preferences. The result is that conclusions about utility preferences
  28. Sacred grove where her shrine was situated the Wood of Aphrodite Ariadne. More, purely ,Hellenic myth would have Amateur settled instead by one of the sons of Heracles
  29. For example the U. S. M42 Duster SP AAG (based on a light tank) was employed, purely ,for this purpose. Nowadays, the system is rather superfluous due to the lack of
  30. The Curse of Akkad" were thought, like the details of Sargon's birth, to be, purely ,fictional. But now the evidence of Tell Leila, and recent findings of elevated
  31. States that" Justification, when used for the act of a Judge, is either, purely ,the imputation of righteousness through mercy … or that man is justified before
  32. Anthropology has continued to emphasize social organization and economics over, purely ,symbolic or literary topics, differences among British, French,and American
  33. Original intentions: it is thought that the considerations of the layout were, purely ,practical and defensive rather than ornamental. Construction started in 1613
  34. Elected to the House of Commons, which consequently ceased to be a body drawn, purely ,from the established churches of Scotland, England and Ireland; but which
  35. In psychoanalytic theory. Later still, abstraction was manifest in more, purely ,formal terms, such as color, freed from objective context, and a reduction of
  36. Roots in numerous, previously unwritten, local Aramaic varieties, and are not, purely ,the direct descendants of the language of Efren the Syrian. The varieties are
  37. May require more aircraft sensors, some of which were until recently considered, purely ,for military aircraft. Ares (Ancient Greek:, Μodern Greek: Άρης) is the Greek
  38. Only to speak to the Homeric, or,at farthest, a rude Heroic beginning of, purely ,Hellenic civilization. It was not until Schliemann exposed the contents of the
  39. Function is not linear (that is, they are either open or closed). *Also, purely ,mechanical manifestations of such digital amplifiers can be built (for
  40. Animals. Medical treatises of the Ayurveda discuss and recommend meat from a, purely ,health-related viewpoint without even mentioning the aspect of AHIMA. Examples
  41. The Memory 60 MW hydroelectric plant in Norway, constructed in 1911,was used, purely ,for plants using the Birkeland-Eyde process. Synthesis and production Because
  42. Uses a constant amount of storage for each element. Abstract data types are, purely ,theoretical entities, used (among other things) to simplify the description
  43. Which affect the way one figures and calculates (although this also may be, purely ,subjective),may also be observed on high enough dosages. These are all the
  44. Varieties as a whole constitute a sociolinguistic language. This means that on, purely ,linguistic grounds they would likely be considered to constitute more than one
  45. Of projective geometry. Pascal and Reargues also studied curves, but from the, purely ,geometrical point of view: the analog of the Greek ruler and compass
  46. Of people to evil. In the Talmud, completed by A. D. 500,non-Jews who are, purely ,evil cease to exist in any realm when they die. However, authorities agree that
  47. From the biological approach of natural history, on the one hand, and from, purely ,historical or literary fields such as Classics, on the other. A common
  48. Eddington's criticism seems to have been based on a suspicion that a, purely ,mathematical derivation from quantum theory was not enough to explain the
  49. The king, or military chaplain of the emperor, It even came to be adopted by, purely ,secular officials. Thus, the chief magistrate of the republic at Genoa was
  50. Or, for that matter," to be equal" ) has to be well established first, or a, purely ,formal and syntactical usage of the symbol =\, has to be enforced, only

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