Examples of the the word, circular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( circular ), is the 5777 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With settings of Venus can be found in Chichen Itza. This is a building with, circular ,tower and doors facing the cardinal directions. The base faces the most
  2. The mountain where his love dwelt into a palace and enclosed it with three, circular ,moats of increasing width, varying from one to three Stadia and separated by
  3. Is really a pseudo force experienced in the frame of reference of the body in, circular ,motion, due to the body's linear momentum at a tangent to the circle. Relation
  4. That the course of nature may change" ) nor experience (since that would be a, circular ,argument). (Hume 1974:330-332) Here he is describing what would become known
  5. Qualitatively by considering the analogous case of standing waves on a, circular ,drum. The many modes of the vibrating disk form the shape of atomic orbitals.
  6. In Illyricum (in the Balkans). * 475 – Byzantine Emperor Basilicas issues a, circular ,letter (Enkyklikon) to the bishops of his empire, supporting the Monophasic
  7. Birthday to You" on March 8,1969. Mission insignia and spacecraft names The, circular ,patch shows a drawing of a Saturn V rocket with the letters USA on it. To its
  8. Of the atom, in which an electron could only orbit the nucleus in particular, circular ,orbits with fixed angular momentum and energy, its distance from the nucleus (
  9. Advanced aerodynamically efficient flight controls * 5.64 m (222 in) diameter, circular ,fuselage section for 8-abreast passenger seating and wide enough for 2 LD3
  10. Acceleration and the radial acceleration or centripetal acceleration (see also, circular ,motion and centripetal force). Extension of this approach to three-dimensional
  11. Equivalent to TAI-TAI (k) ) for each participating institution k. (The same, circular ,also gives tables of TAI-TA (k),for the various unsynchronized atomic time
  12. Of the Parliament Buildings. While drawing up the plans, he included a, circular ,staircase leading directly from his office to the outside of the building which
  13. Rise to a quite different point on the curve. In order to measure an angle θ,a, circular ,arc centered at the vertex of the angle is drawn,e.g. with a pair of
  14. Within membrane-bound organelles called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain, circular ,DNA and are similar in structure to Cyanobacteria, presumably representing
  15. Mathbf. The acceleration, hence also the force acting on a body in uniform, circular ,motion, is directed toward the center of the circle; that is, it is centripetal
  16. Separated from the main column can sometimes turn back on themselves and form a, circular ,ant mill. The workers may then run around continuously until they die of
  17. The Amazons. In historical times Greek maidens of Ephesus performed an annual, circular ,dance with weapons and shields that had been established by Hippolyta and her
  18. Roots, as well as transcendental functions such as logarithms and exponential, circular ,and hyperbolic trigonometry and other functions. * By 1912 Arthur Pollen had
  19. Wealth of Nations ". Taking up the physiocratic concept of the economy as a, circular ,process means that to have growth the inputs of period2 must excel the inputs
  20. Between two straight, parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible, circular ,cross-section placed one meter apart in a vacuum ". In terms of Ampère's force
  21. Popular from the earliest times; another similar game was me hen, which had a, circular ,gaming board. Juggling and ball games were popular with children, and wrestling
  22. Agreeing to sell his share was signed on February 26, 1901. On March 2,the, circular ,formally filing the organization and capitalization (at $1,400,000,000—4 % of
  23. As it runs up to join the Red Sea. There is, however,in the center a, circular ,basin occupied by Lake Sana. Both in the east and west of the continent the
  24. That separates the two rays, and can be measured by considering the length of, circular ,arc swept out when one ray is rotated about the vertex to coincide with the
  25. Campus is planned to house up to 13,000 employees in one central four-storied, circular ,building (with a café for 3,000 sitting people integrated) surrounded by
  26. A whole. The best marked of the basins so formed (the Congo basin) occupies a, circular ,area bisected by the equator, once probably the site of an inland sea. Running
  27. Column, a tower high, built atop Coxcomb Hill above the town, with an inner, circular ,staircase allowing visitors to climb to see a panoramic view of the town, the
  28. Described it. This invalidated Bohr's model, with its neat, clearly defined, circular ,orbits. The modern model of the atom describes the positions of electrons in an
  29. His ordinary advisers, Alexander ordered the Minister of the Interior to send a, circular ,to the provincial governors of European Russia, containing a copy of the
  30. Launch. The standard lunar orbit for Apollo missions was planned as a nominal, circular ,orbit above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar orbit insertion was an ellipse
  31. Transmitted, then in a plane perpendicular to the axis at O'1 there is a, circular ,disk of confusion of radius O'1R,and in a parallel plane at O'2 another one of
  32. Such as the lack of membrane-bound organelles, the presence of a single, circular ,chromosome, the presence of peptidoglycan in the cell walls, and ribosomes
  33. Length, mass and time. An equivalent definition is the radius of an unperturbed, circular ,Newtonian orbit about the Sun of a particle having infinitesimal mass, moving
  34. Walls of the acropolis may still be seen in a fair state of preservation on a, circular ,hill standing about above the little plain of Exarch; one gateway remains, and
  35. Stacks (that can be popped forever, each time yielding a different state) or, circular ,stacks (that return to the same state after a finite number of pops). In
  36. N first appeared in the Bohr model where it determines the radius of each, circular ,electron orbit. In modern quantum mechanics however, n determines the mean
  37. It was conceived as a difference engine curved back upon itself, in a generally, circular ,layout, with the long store exiting off to one side. (Later drawings depict a
  38. The other to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base museum. Mission insignia The, circular ,emblem featured an eagle with wings outstretched, perched atop a red, white and
  39. Later versions of this form consisted of a flat plate, either square or, circular , which is kept normal to the wind by a wind vane. The pressure of the wind on
  40. Documentary, with no mention that it was unauthorized. Mission insignia The, circular ,patch features stylized red, white and blue birds flying over the Hadley Rifle
  41. Change, the other as the goal. (Thus Aristotle first suggested a reciprocal or, circular ,causality as a relation of mutual dependence or influence of cause upon effect
  42. With a single 256-entry 32-bit (i.e. 1 kilobyte) table by the use of, circular ,rotates. Using a byte-oriented approach, it is possible to combine the Subtypes
  43. Its diameter. The flat top forms the inhabited world, which is surrounded by a, circular ,oceanic mass. Such a model allowed the concept that celestial bodies could pass
  44. By height *cone: \pi r\left (r + \sort\right),where r is the radius of the, circular ,base, and h is the height. That can also be rewritten as \pi r^2 + \pi r l
  45. PCR products, or RNA's. Agarose gel electrophoresis is widely used to resolve, circular ,DNA with different super coiling topology, and to resolve fragments that differ
  46. Normal at that point. This is equivalent to finding the point on the edge of a, circular ,billiard table at which a cue ball at a given point must be aimed in order to
  47. Enzyme will move with different speeds (slowest to fastest: nicked or open, circular , linear, or super coiled plasmid). Visualization: ethidium bromide (EBR) and
  48. Athena's altar, Zeus Polieus's sanctuary and, from Roman times,the, circular ,temple of Augustus and Rome. Hellenistic and Roman period During the
  49. Acceleration of a uniform magnitude but changing direction is uniform, circular ,motion. In this case, because the direction of the object's motion is
  50. As a hundred years ago, some people still used" Beehive" style houses (small, circular ,single roomed dwellings with a hole in ceiling to let out smoke). Many of the

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