Examples of the the word, plague , in a Sentence Context

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  1. He does take responsibility for tightening up the regulations relating to the, plague ,and issues the order to close the town. *Raymond Lambert: Raymond Lambert is a
  2. Him, and he flees. Despite the ending of the epidemic, Tarrou contracts the, plague ,and dies after a heroic struggle. Rieux's wife also dies. In February, the
  3. From doctors to vacationers to fugitives, all help to show the effects the, plague ,has on a populace. The novel is believed to be based on the cholera epidemic
  4. A merely private happiness. He now feels that he belongs in Oran and that the, plague ,is everyone's business, including his. *Raoul: Raoul is the man who agrees
  5. The sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. His symptoms do not conform to those of the, plague , but the disease still proves fatal. Narrow and Lambert visit one of the
  6. By the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oran was decimated by the, plague ,in 1556 and 1678,but outbreaks after European colonization, in 1921 (185
  7. S opera Orpheus and Eurydice, but the actor portraying Orpheus collapses with, plague ,symptoms during the performance. Lambert finally has a chance to escape, but he
  8. Doubtful case. " *The Prefect: The Prefect believes at first that the talk of, plague ,is a false alarm, but on the advice of his medical association, he authorizes
  9. Hittite and Hurricane ACLU, was a god of plague s, who was invoked during the, plague ,years. Here we have an apotropaic situation, where a god originally bringing
  10. And chastised his audience about their laxity. During the first stage of the, plague ,outbreak, Paneloux preaches a sermon at the cathedral. He has a powerful way of
  11. The condition of his wife is worsening. He also hardens his heart regarding the, plague ,victims so that he can continue to do his work. Cottar, on the other hand
  12. That the collection itself was the catalyst for the spread of the bubonic, plague , The main character, Dr. Bernard Room, lives comfortably in an apartment
  13. All his papers. But Grand makes an unexpected recovery, and deaths from the, plague ,start to decline. Part five By late January, the plague is in full retreat, and
  14. Is the Hurricane and Hittite divinity, Aplu, who was widely invoked during the ", plague ,years ". ACLU, it is suggested, comes from the Akkadian ACLU ENIL, meaning "
  15. Επικουρώ: help)," Julius" ( ουλή: cured wound) and" limits" ( λοiμός:, plague ,). In classical times his strong function in popular religion was to keep away
  16. Of his life, and the two men go swimming together in the sea. Grand catches the, plague ,and instructs Room to burn all his papers. But Grand makes an unexpected
  17. Finding solidarity in their labor as the Algerian city of Oran is swept by a, plague , It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of destiny and the human
  18. Of the building in which Room lives. An old man, he is the first victim of the, plague , *Jacques Othón: Jacques Othón is M. Othon's young son. When he contracts the
  19. By trading in its own shares. Amsterdam lost over 10 % of its population to, plague ,in 1623–1625,and again in 1635–1636,1655,and 1664. Nevertheless, the
  20. To do his work. Cottar, on the other hand, seems to flourish during the, plague , because it gives him a sense of being connected to others, since everybody
  21. Changed his mind. He decides to stay in the city and continue to help fight the, plague , saying that he would feel ashamed of himself if he pursued a merely private
  22. Then Room. He realizes after the first few cases that the disease is bubonic, plague ,and is aware of the seriousness of the situation. He labors hard to make an
  23. Suicide, and fears arrest. Cottard's personality changes after the outbreak of, plague , Whereas he was aloof and mistrustful before, he now becomes agreeable and
  24. All church personnel from the practice of the Art. The climate changes, Black, plague , and increase in warfare and famine that characterized this century no doubt
  25. Colleague, Castel, about the illness until they come to the conclusion that a, plague ,is sweeping the town. They both approach fellow doctors and town authorities
  26. On in horror. Panel, who has joined the group of volunteers fighting the, plague , gives a second sermon. He addresses the problem of an innocent child's
  27. Him feel closer to his lost son. But before Othón can do this, he contracts the, plague ,and dies. *Father Panel: Father Panel is a learned, well-respected Jesuit
  28. Jacques Othón: Jacques Othón is M. Othon's young son. When he contracts the, plague , he is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti- plague serum. But the serum is
  29. Is he who calls Room for help, when Cottar tries to commit suicide? When the, plague ,takes a grip on the town, Grand joins the team of volunteers, acting as general
  30. Homes are quarantined, corpses and burials are strictly supervised. A supply of, plague ,serum finally arrives, but there is only enough to treat existing cases and the
  31. The function of the Vedic terrible god of diseases Audra. He sends a terrible, plague ,(λοιμός) to the Achaeans. The god who sends a disease can also prevent from
  32. Spirit of the townspeople, who begin to feel isolated and introverted, and the, plague ,begins to affect various characters. One character, Raymond Lambert, devises a
  33. In God alone. He dies. Since his symptoms did not seem to resemble those of the, plague , Room records his death as a" doubtful case. " *The Prefect: The Prefect
  34. Part four In September and October, the town remains at the mercy of the, plague , Room hears from the sanatorium that the condition of his wife is worsening.
  35. Not to give up the struggle but to do everything possible to fight the, plague , A few days after the sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. His symptoms do not
  36. May smuggle him out of the city. Another character, Father Panel, uses the, plague ,as an opportunity to advance his stature in the town by suggesting that the
  37. As an opportunity to advance his stature in the town by suggesting that the, plague ,was an act of God for the citizens' sinful nature. His diatribe falls on the
  38. He has a powerful way of speaking, and he insists to the congregation that the, plague ,is a scourge sent by God to those who have hardened their hearts against him.
  39. The daily number of deaths jumps to 30,the town is sealed and an outbreak of, plague ,is officially declared. Part two The town is sealed off. The town gates are
  40. Othón treats his wife and children unkindly, but after his son dies of the, plague , his character softens. After he finishes his time at the isolation camp, where
  41. Feasted daily on his liver. Trojan War Apollo shot arrows infected with the, plague ,into the Greek encampment during the Trojan War in retribution for Agamemnon's
  42. Begged Agamemnon to return her to him. Agamemnon refused and Apollo sent a, plague ,amongst the Greeks. The prophet Catches correctly determined the source of the
  43. Here we have an apotropaic situation, where a god originally bringing the, plague ,was invoked to end it. ACLU (the son of) was a title given to the god Legal
  44. Cities of North Africa. Algiers lost from 30,000 to 50,000 inhabitants to the, plague ,in 1620–21,and again in 1654–57, 1665,1691,and 1740–42. French rule On the
  45. As a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, medicine,healing, plague , music, poetry,arts, archery,and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Let
  46. Research a story on living conditions in the Arab quarter of the town. When the, plague ,strikes, he finds himself trapped in a city with which he feels he has no
  47. And tries hard to make friends. He appears to relish the coming of the, plague , and Narrow thinks this is because he finds it easier to live with his own
  48. Yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly, plague , Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became associated with dominion
  49. And deaths from the plague start to decline. Part five By late January,the, plague ,is in full retreat, and the townspeople begin to celebrate the imminent opening
  50. Of the quiet courage that inspired the sanitary groups. " Grand catches the, plague ,himself and asks Room to burn his manuscript. But then he makes an unexpected

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