Examples of the the word, print , in a Sentence Context

The word ( print ), is the 955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Curly braces () will be omitted from these examples. The print command The, print ,command is used to output text. The output text is always terminated with a
  2. The publisher Arkham House (which did much to bring supernatural fiction into, print ,in hardcover in the US that had only been readily available in the UK)
  3. The commands" print " and" print $0" are identical in functionality. The, print ,command can also display the results of calculations and/or function calls:
  4. Exposed to light, thus making a black and white image. It was similarly used to, print ,millions of Photoshop postcards. Bitumen was the nemesis of many artists
  5. That word, first converted to lowercase, appears. Finally, in the END block, we, print , the words with their frequencies. The line for (I in words) creates a loop
  6. The print function emulates the standard C print , and works similarly to the, print ,command described above. The pattern to match, however,works as follows: NR is
  7. Can also display the results of calculations and/or function calls: print 3+2, print , foobar (3) print foobar (variable) print sin (3-2) Output may be sent to
  8. Eric Todd, was formed with the express purpose of bringing Amber DRPG back into, print , The new company is named Iceless by Design. Setting The game is set in the
  9. Harmful (some newspaper editors believe that Harmful deliberately refuses to, print ,more newspaper copies in order to minimize the impact of unfavorable press
  10. Were used in place of graphic marks. Also, to mark divisions between different, print ,jobs from different users, bulk print ers often used ASCII art to print large
  11. The results of calculations and/or function calls: print 3+2 print foobar (3), print , foobar (variable) print sin (3-2) Output may be sent to a file: print "
  12. A special case,$0,refers to the entire record. In fact, the commands ", print ," and" print $0" are identical in functionality. The print command can also
  13. Separately:; print $1: Displays the first field of the current record;, print ,$1,$3: Displays the first and third fields of the current record, separated by
  14. Not ..." Initial sales were slow, and the American publisher let it go out of, print , although European editions continued to sell. After the success of her later
  15. A small independent newspaper providing one alternative view, but abolished its, print ,edition in November 2010 and now exists as a digital daily newsletter only. Two
  16. First husband, band leader Harmon Oscar Nelson; one of the earliest mentions in, print ,of the term Oscar dates back to a Time magazine article about the 1934 6th
  17. Big rounded keys, which is used with a special software for writing * Large, print ,keyboard with high contrast colors (such as white on black, black on white
  18. And" close-string-quote ", represented here by ‘ and ’. Program Folks; begin, print ,‘ Hello world ’; end; Here's a version for the Elliott 803 Algol (A104) The
  19. The enclosing curly braces () will be omitted from these examples. The, print ,command The print command is used to output text. The output text is always
  20. Journals of scientific exploration of the 19th century, kept continuously in, print ,by its original publisher (Macmillan) into the second decade of the 20th
  21. Case,$0,refers to the entire record. In fact, the commands" print " and ", print ,$0" are identical in functionality. The print command can also display the
  22. To left. There are several styles of script, notably Nash which is used in, print ,and by computers, and Run'ah which is commonly used in handwriting. Calligraphy
  23. The APL character set—the most popular ones employing the IBM Selectric, print ,mechanism along with a special APL type element. Over time, with the universal
  24. Be published in Russia. The presentation of its first three volumes, already in, print , recently took place in Moscow. Unhappy with the economic and social malaise of
  25. Line. Length ($0) > 80 Print a count of words Count words in the input, and, print , the number of lines, words,and characters (like WC) END As there is no
  26. For the APL character set. The IBM 2741 keyboard layout with the APL type ball, print ,head inserted looked this way to the programmer:: Some APL symbols, even with
  27. Function add_three (number) This statement can be invoked as follows:, print ,add_three (36) # Outputs 39 Functions can have variables that are in the
  28. And ¢ characters which can be found on the IBM 2741 keyboard with" golf-ball ", print ,heads inserted (such as the APL goofball),these became available in the mid
  29. ORS) whose default value is a newline. The simplest form of this command is:;, print ,: This displays the contents of the current record. In AWK, records are broken
  30. Underground, and this version was released on the VU album in 1985. Books and, print ,Beginning in the early 1950s,Warhol produced several unbound portfolios of his
  31. And/or function calls: print 3+2 print foobar (3) print foobar (variable), print , sin (3-2) Output may be sent to a file: print " expression" >" file name "
  32. Colors (such as white on black, black on white, and black on ivory). * Large, print ,adhesive keyboard stickers in high contrast colors (such as white on black
  33. 1961,not only was I convinced I should never see a single line of mine in, print ,in my lifetime, but,also, I scarcely dared allow any of my close acquaintances
  34. Command can also display the results of calculations and/or function calls:, print ,3+2 print foobar (3) print foobar (variable) print sin (3-2) Output may
  35. Think and Grow Rich (ISBN 1-59330-200-2). The latter has not been out of, print ,since it was first published and has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide
  36. Examples are standing frames, text telephones, accessible keyboards, large, print , Braille, & speech recognition computer software. People with disabilities
  37. The condition defaults to matching every record. The default action is to, print ,the record. In addition to a simple AWK expression, such as foo == 1 or /foo/
  38. Print all lines longer than 80 characters. Note that the default action is to, print ,the current line. Length ($0) > 80 Print a count of words Count words in the
  39. For short subject awards, and it must exist either on a 35 mm or 70 mm film, print ,or in 24 frame/s or 48 frame/s progressive scan digital cinema format with
  40. Around the same time, the book An APL Compiler by Timothy Bud appeared in, print , This book detailed the construction of an APL translator, written in C, which
  41. And it may have been chanted by the congregation without music. It debuted in, print ,in 1779 in Newton and Cowper's Olney Hymns, but settled into relative
  42. False until the first part matches again on line 5. The used command is used to, print ,the first 7 lines, to prevent yes running forever. It is equivalent to head -n7
  43. Rather than how they act in it ". In the study published in the February 2007, print , issue of Nature Neuroscience, researchers have found a part of the brain that
  44. The technique has fallen from popularity since all cheap print ers can easily, print ,photographs, and a normal text file (or an e-mail message or Usenet posting)
  45. 3) print foobar (variable) print sin (3-2) Output may be sent to a file:, print ," expression" >" file name" or through a pipe: print " expression" | "
  46. Print jobs from different users, bulk print ers often used ASCII art to, print ,large banners, making the division easier to spot so that the results could be
  47. May be sent to a file: print " expression" >" file name" or through a pipe:, print ," expression" |" command" Built-in variables Awk's built-in variables
  48. By default the letter" y" ) on a line. In this case, we tell the command to, print ,the word" Wikipedia ". The action statement print s each line numbered. The
  49. Decades-old cinematic tradition. After Data very briefly exhibited a subtitled, print ,of the film in Los Angeles, RKO purchased distribution rights to Fashion in
  50. Records are broken down into fields, and these can be displayed separately:;, print ,$1: Displays the first field of the current record; print $1,$3: Displays the

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