Examples of the the word, p , in a Sentence Context

The word ( p ), is the 1819 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is the diatonic stress. If \bold symbol is the Cauchy stress, then:, p ,: = -\track~\text (\bold symbol) ~; ~~ \bold symbol: = \bold symbol +
  2. 1840) 7 Cl & Fin 895; R v Lo p ez, R v Settler (1858) Dears & B 525; Ex, p ,Brown (1864) 5 B & S 280); (a) Gigantic naturalist, absoluta, p ura et
  3. Written as: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right) = -\tabla, p ,+ (2\mu + \lambda)~\tabla (\tabla\dot\math bf) -
  4. Pro p osition is valid for every algebraically closed field with characteristic, p ,when p > N. Every field F has some extension which is algebraically closed.
  5. x) is an irreducible p olynomial of FX, then it has some root a and therefore, p ,(x) is a multi p le of x − a. Since p (x) is irreducible, this means that p (
  6. P (x) is an algebraic extension of F whose degree is equal to the degree of, p ,(x). Since it is not a p ro p er extension, its degree is 1 and therefore the
  7. Irreducible” is trivially true for any field. If F is algebraically closed and, p ,(x) is an irreducible p olynomial of FX, then it has some root a and therefore
  8. Of Saturn. Com p ounds Argon’s com p lete octet of electrons indicates full s and, p ,subshells. This full outer energy level makes argon very stable and extremely
  9. Each with sha p es more com p lex than those of the d-orbitals. For each s, p , d, f and g set of orbitals, the set of orbitals which com p oses it forms a
  10. Other hand, su p p ose that the p ro p erty stated above holds for the field F. Let, p ,(x) be an irreducible element in FX. Then the rational function 1/ p can be
  11. FX, then it has some root a and therefore p (x) is a multi p le of x − a. Since, p ,(x) is irreducible, this means that p (x) = k (x − a),for some k ∈ F \.
  12. Relatively p rime p olynomials and roots For any field F, if two p olynomials, p ,(x),q (x) ∈ FX are relatively p rime then they don't have a common root
  13. Let p (x) be a p olynomial whose degree is at least 1 without roots. Then, p ,(x) and p (x) are not relatively p rime, but they have no common roots (
  14. Naturally from the total number of electrons which occu p y a com p lete set of s, p , d and f atomic orbitals, res p ectively. Introduction With the develo p ment of
  15. Number of lobes which exist for a set of orientations. For exam p le, the three, p ,orbitals have six lobes which are oriented to each of the six p rimary
  16. FX without roots in F. Let q (x) be some irreducible factor of p (x). Since, p ,(x) has no roots in F, q (x) also has no roots in F. Therefore, q (x) has
  17. P (x) is a multi p le of x − a. Since p (x) is irreducible, this means that, p ,(x) = k (x − a),for some k ∈ F \. On the other hand, if F is not
  18. On the other hand, if every endomor p hic of FN has an eigenvector, let, p , ( x) be an element of FX. Dividing by its leading coefficient, we get another
  19. Has no p ro p er algebraic extension. If F has no p ro p er algebraic extension, let, p , ( x) be some irreducible p olynomial in FX. Then the quotient of FX modulo the
  20. Since it is not a p ro p er extension, its degree is 1 and therefore the degree of, p ,(x) is 1. On the other hand, if F has some p ro p er algebraic extension K, then
  21. Cfrac - c_0^2~\nabla^2\math bf = 0 \squad \text \squad \COFRAC - c_0^2~\nabla^2, p , = 0 The acoustic wave equation (and the mass and momentum balance equations)
  22. Is valid for every algebraically closed field with characteristic p when, p ,> N. Every field F has some extension which is algebraically closed. Among all
  23. Is not constant, it will have some root a, which will be then a common root of, p ,(x) and q (x). If F is not algebraically closed, let p (x) be a
  24. In other words, there are elements k,x1,x2,…, xn of the field F such that, p ,(x) = k (x − x1) (x − x2) ··· (x − in). If F has this p ro p erty, then
  25. A common root of p (x) and q (x). If F is not algebraically closed, let, p , ( x) be a p olynomial whose degree is at least 1 without roots. Then p (x)
  26. Or fundamental) mode of the wave. As with s orbitals, this p henomenon p rovides, p , d, f,and g orbitals at the next higher p ossible value of n (for exam p le,3 p
  27. P (x) in FX without roots in F. Let q (x) be some irreducible factor of, p ,(x). Since p (x) has no roots in F, q (x) also has no roots in F.
  28. To: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right) = -\tabla, p ,+ (2\mu + \lambda)~\tabla (\tabla\dot\math bf) Assum p tion 4: No viscous
  29. Text \\ \franc + \ka p p a~\tabla \dot \math bf & = 0 \squad \text \end where, p ,(\math bf, t ) is the acoustic p ressure and \math bf (\math bf, t ) is the
  30. Prime then they don't have a common root, for if a ∈ F was a common root, then, p , ( x) and q (x) would both be multi p les of x − a, and therefore they would not
  31. A small fluctuating field (\tilde) that varies in s p ace and time. That is:, p ,= \angle p \range + \tilde ~; ~~ \rho = \angle\rho\range + \tilde ~; ~~
  32. Cdot\bold symbol + \rho\math bf where \math bf is the body force p er unit mass, p ,is the p ressure, and \bold symbol is the diatonic stress. If \bold symbol is
  33. 6 p rimary axes. Additionally, as is the case with the s orbitals, individual, p , d, f and g orbitals with n values higher than the lowest p ossible value
  34. Coefficient, we get another p olynomial q (x) which has roots if and only if, p ,(x) has roots. But if q (x) = in + an − 1xn − 1+ ··· + a0,then q (x) is
  35. Constant density, they can be given as follows:: \begin \rho_0 \franc + \tabla, p ,& = 0 \squad \text \\ \franc + \ka p p a~\tabla \dot \math bf & = 0 \squad \text
  36. The audience and led the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra., Metro Section, p ,B1,February 29, 2008. Allen further brought mantras into the world of rock and
  37. Numbers and contains a maximum of two electrons. The sim p le names s orbital, p ,orbital’d orbital and f orbital refer to orbitals with angular momentum
  38. High wave function density) at the center of the nucleus. All other orbitals (, p , d, f,etc.) have angular momentum, and thus avoid the nucleus (having a wave
  39. Var p hi = 0 and the momentum balance and mass balance are ex p ressed as:, p ,+ \rho_0~\COFRAC = 0 ~; ~~ \rho + \COFRAC~\COFRAC = 0 ~. Derivation of the
  40. In which the denominator is a p roduct of first degree p olynomials. Since, p ,(x) is irreducible, it must divide this p roduct and, therefore,it must also
  41. P \range and \angle \rho \range have zero gradients, i. e., : \tabla\angle, p ,\range 0 ~; ~~ \tabla\angle \rho \range 0 ~. The momentum equation then
  42. Medium are: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right) = -\tabla, p ,+ \tabla \dot\bold symbol + \rho\math bf where \math bf is the body force p er
  43. Polynomial in FX. Then the quotient of FX modulo the ideal generated by, p ,(x) is an algebraic extension of F whose degree is equal to the degree of p (
  44. The form: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right) = -\tabla, p ,Assum p tion 5: Small disturbances An im p ortant sim p lifying assum p tion for
  45. If F is not algebraically closed, then there is some non-constant p olynomial, p ,(x) in FX without roots in F. Let q (x) be some irreducible factor of p (x
  46. Polynomials The field F is algebraically closed if and only if every p olynomial, p ,(x) of degree n ≥ 1,with coefficients in F, s p lits into linear factors. In
  47. Medium is homogeneous; in the sense that the time averaged variables \angle, p ,\range and \angle \rho \range have zero gradients, i. e., : \tabla\angle p
  48. The algebraically closed fields. If the field F is algebraically closed, let, p , ( x) and q (x) two p olynomials which are not relatively p rime and let r (x
  49. x) be a p olynomial whose degree is at least 1 without roots. Then p (x) and, p ,(x) are not relatively p rime, but they have no common roots (since none of
  50. Reduces to: \rho \left (\franc + \math bf \dot \tabla \math bf\right) = -\tabla, p ,+ (2\mu + \lambda)~\tabla (\tabla\dot\math bf) + \rho\math bf Assum p tion 3:

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