Examples of the the word, drift , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Theory which has since been shown to be incorrect. Some sort of continental, drift ,without expansion was proposed by Frank Burley Taylor, who suggested in 1908 (
  2. To be implausible. Evidence that continents ' drift ' Evidence for continental, drift ,is now extensive. Similar plant and animal fossils are found around different
  3. Velocity. To illustrate the difference: The sound and the change in the air's, drift ,velocity (the force of the wind gust) cross distance at rates equaling the
  4. Nordic-Atlantean" or" Aryan-Nordic" master race. Recent times As continental, drift ,became more widely accepted during the 1960s,and the increased understanding
  5. But under control until it is on the bottom. The vessel should continue to, drift ,back, and the cable should be veered out under control, so it will be relatively
  6. Feature which inspired Wegener to study what he defined as continental, drift , although he did not live to see his hypothesis become generally accepted.
  7. Farmers hope to keep the number of resistant genes very low, and use genetic, drift ,to ensure any resistance that does emerge does not spread. Although mandated by
  8. In the opposite direction of the electric field. The speed at which they, drift ,can be calculated from the equation:: I=Navy \, where: I am the electric
  9. Falling over the last few decades. Some sources view this simply as part of a, drift ,away from traditional membership institutions, while others link it to signs of
  10. Scotland and Norway, now separated by millions of years of continental, drift , The northern portion of Cape Breton Island is dominated by the Cape Breton
  11. With alpha particles and accumulate with time; this results in a, drift ,of some material properties. History Although americium was likely produced in
  12. Ocean would have been obscured by tectonic events like the relentless northward, drift ,of Africa and India. Maastrichtian sea-level regression There is clear evidence
  13. In one and the same connection. The moment we neglect this principle we, drift ,out upon a sea of uncertainty and conjecture. " Technically speaking, the
  14. While a change in an EM field and the change in current (electrons ', drift ,velocity) both propagate across distance at rates much higher than the actual
  15. Decline. As they grew less and less aggressive, groups such as EIC began to, drift ,away from the Salami cause in Europe. Al-Qaeda decided to step in and assumed
  16. Be a net flow of charge, the particles must also move together with an average, drift ,rate. Electrons are the charge carriers in metals, and they follow an erratic
  17. Chosen spot is approached, the vessel should be stopped or even beginning to, drift ,back. The anchor should be lowered quickly but under control until it is on the
  18. A fertilizer; George Owen of Henley writing in the 16th century referring to, drift ,weed in South Wales: This kind of ore they often gather and lay on great heaps
  19. Of class struggle. From the time of Deng Xiaoping onwards, there has been a, drift ,of focus towards a Marxist-inspired, moderated by Confucianism, nationalist
  20. Of sound and of mechanical transmission of force (not higher than rate of, drift ,velocity); while a change in an EM field and the change in current (electrons
  21. The actual current at a rate which is much, much higher than the electrons ', drift ,velocity. To illustrate the difference: The sound and the change in the air's
  22. The increasing eastward momentum imparted by the winds causes water parcels to, drift ,outwards from the axis of the Earth's rotation (in other words, northward )
  23. 14a Levinson, however,suggests that she" senses the, drift ,of history" from intelligence rather than from special revelation. Abraham
  24. Well as times during which the Basque population contracted, allowing genetic, drift ,to dramatically influence genetic makeup. The history of isolation reflected in
  25. Draw the attackers away; but leaves his family no way of getting home, as they, drift ,on a 5-year orbital journey. After life-altering changes, Dorn and Elvira
  26. Carey introduced the theory of plate tectonics – the theory of continental, drift ,was rejected by the physicist Steadier on the following grounds. * First, it
  27. Deduced from Maxwell's Equations, and is therefore many times faster than the, drift ,velocity of the electrons. For example, in AC power lines, the waves of
  28. That had followed Swift sure, pulled up close to Pennant, which had begun to, drift ,away from the embattled French flagship. Captain Alexander Ball then joined the
  29. Propagation of a sound wave doesn't impart any change in the air molecules ', drift ,velocity, whereas EM waves do carry the energy to propagate the actual current
  30. And successfully disentangled his ship, allowing the badly damaged Majestic to, drift ,further southwards so that by 20:30 it was stationed between Pennant and the
  31. Of Indiana, which became a central element of the concept of continental, drift , Striations indicated glacial flow away from the equator and toward the poles
  32. Started in 1900. He developed a new statistical method based on the apparent, drift ,of two background stars, winning him the Smith's Prize in 1907. The prize won
  33. Similarities to his own. Wegener was the first to use the phrase" continental, drift ," (1912,1915) The Pollucite hypothesis was also studied by Paul Sofas
  34. The moment contact is made, the free electrons of the conductor are forced to, drift ,toward the positive terminal under the influence of this field. The free
  35. Work of Alfred Wegener. *http://www.scotese.com/earth.htm Maps of continental, drift , from the Precambrian to the future
  36. Examples of gliders are sailplanes, hang gliders and para gliders. Balloons, drift ,with the wind, though normally the pilot can control the altitude, either by
  37. In semiconductor devices may occur by a combination of electric field (, drift ,) and diffusion, which is proportional to diffusion constant D and charge
  38. Velocity) both propagate across distance at rates much higher than the actual, drift ,velocity. You can hear wind much earlier than the force of the gust reaches you
  39. Australia was one of the major pieces of evidence for the theory of continental, drift , The continuity of glaciers, inferred from oriented glacial striations and
  40. For the loss of its eyes is that of selective neutrality and genetic, drift ,: in the dark environment of the cave, the eyes are neither advantageous nor
  41. Possible intercalary 13th,or even 14th,added empirically to prevent calendar, drift , The Sexagenarian cycle for recording days was already in use. Tradition holds
  42. Enter waltzing, each uncomfortable with their particular partner. After they, drift ,back off, the aging and severe Madame Armed and her solemn granddaughter
  43. Abolished in 44BC after the assassination of Gains Julius Caesar. Continental, drift ,is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other. The
  44. And it occurs also as a derivative phase in later formations, such as glacial, drift , Relics of an abundant flora occur as inclusions trapped within the amber while
  45. Supporting plate tectonics which encompassed and superseded continental, drift ,with“ Seismology and the New Global Tectonics,” published in 1968,using data
  46. In a copper wire of cross-section 0.5 mm2,carrying a current of 5 A,the, drift ,velocity of the electrons is on the order of a millimeter per second. To take a
  47. Purely lunar calendar, it is not synchronized with the seasons. With an annual, drift ,of 11 or 12 days, the seasonal relation is repeated approximately each 33
  48. Stream to once again storm Offs where DE la Quiche’s infantry had begun to, drift ,away in the confusion. To the right of the infantry Lord John Hay’s ‘ Scots
  49. By an analogy with the three similar velocities associated with gases. *The low, drift ,velocity of charge carriers is analogous to air motion; in other words, winds.
  50. Carrier density): A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor: v is the, drift ,velocity, and: Q is the charge on each particle. Electric currents in solids

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