Examples of the the word, embassy , in a Sentence Context

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  1. By the foreign ministers in 2006,ahead of the opening of the Bosnian, embassy ,in Bucharest. Russia Bosnia is one of the countries where Russia has
  2. Which he had purchased in The Hague, Netherlands becomes the first American, embassy , *1809 – An Austrian corps is defeated by the forces of the Duchy of Warsaw in
  3. To crown Arnulfo, was imprisoned in Castle Sent'Angelo. In September 895,a new, embassy ,arrived in Regensburg beseeching Arnulf's aid. In October, Arnulf undertook
  4. Associated his younger legitimate son John Comments on the throne. A Venetian, embassy ,visited Constantinople in 1184 and an agreement was reached that compensation
  5. Embassy in Lusaka (Zambia). * Angola is represented in Denmark, through its, embassy ,in Stockholm, ( Sweden). France Relations between the two countries have not
  6. Completed on June 23. *1983 – A suicide bomber destroys the United States, embassy ,in Beirut, Lebanon,killing 63 people. *1988 – The United States launches
  7. Of the countries where Russian citizens do not require a visa. Russia has an, embassy ,in Gaborone, while Botswana covers Russia from its embassy in Stockholm (
  8. Laden with" growing power," who had" played a key role in the East Africa, embassy ,attacks. " None of these allegations have been corroborated at this point
  9. Him in 1658 and requested for a general alliance. Aurangzeb warmly received the, embassy ,of Shah Abbas II of Persia in 1660 and returned them with gifts. In the year
  10. Established diplomatic relations on 8 April 1993. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an, embassy ,in Prague. The Czech Republic has an embassy in Sarajevo. Both countries are
  11. The late 1990s. Europe Bulgaria * Angola is represented in Bulgaria through its, embassy ,in Athens (Greece). Denmark * Denmark is represented in Angola through its
  12. April 1992. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an embassy in Budapest. Hungary has an, embassy ,in. Malaysia, under Prime Minister Marathi bin Mohamad, had been one
  13. The Libyan People's Bureau in London during a small demonstration outside the, embassy , Ten others are wounded. The events lead to an 11-day siege of the building.
  14. Targets in various countries, such as the September 11 attacks,1998 US, embassy ,bombings and 2002 Bali bombings. The US government responded by launching the
  15. Visa. Russia has an embassy in Gaborone, while Botswana covers Russia from its, embassy ,in Stockholm (Sweden) and an honorary consulate in Moscow. Samoa Botswana and
  16. Avid (Israel). Cyprus is represented in Bosnia and Herzegovina through its, embassy ,in Budapest (Hungary). Both countries are full members of the Union for the
  17. Own ambassador to the US. This was followed by the expulsion of ten other U. S., embassy ,staff from Minsk in late April. At the same time the government of Belarus
  18. Due to the geographical proximity and cultural similarities. Angola has an, embassy ,in Mexico City, and Mexico has an embassy in Luanda. United States From the
  19. Relations on 30 November 1995. Since 1998,Bosnia and Herzegovina has an, embassy ,in Athens. Since 1996,Greece has an embassy in Sarajevo. Both countries are
  20. That Jews would not be granted tourist visas to enter the country. The Saudi, embassy ,in the U. S. distanced itself from the statement, which was later removed.
  21. Same day. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an embassy in Bucharest. Romania has an, embassy ,in Sarajevo. Relations were described as" excellent" by the foreign ministers
  22. Under his orders was Ferdinand Magellan, who had participated in the failed, embassy ,of Diego Lopes de Sequeira in 1509. After a false start towards the Red Sea
  23. Chemist massacre in Algeria – 93 villagers killed. * 1997 – The Japanese, embassy ,hostage crisis ends in Lima, Peru. *1998 – Disney's Animal Kingdom opens at
  24. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an embassy in Prague. The Czech Republic has an, embassy ,in Sarajevo. Both countries are full members of the Organization for Security
  25. The Caetano regime. Russia has an embassy in Luanda. Angola has an, embassy ,in Moscow and an honorary consulate in Saint Petersburg. Angola and the
  26. March 1514 King Manuel I of Portugal had sent to Pope Leo X a huge and exotic, embassy ,led by Tristan the Cuba, who toured the streets of Rome in an extravagant
  27. S largest," comparable, with its thousands of staff, to the U. S. Baghdad, embassy ,today. " German reunification in 1990 made Berlin the nominal capital of
  28. The block of 16th Street NW between L and M streets, in front of the Soviet, embassy , in Washington’D. C. was renamed" Andrei Sakharov Place" as a form of
  29. Po Valley and refused to aid any further offensive against Antony. In July,an, embassy ,of centurions sent by Octavian entered Rome and demanded that he receive the
  30. Diplomatic relations on 15 January 1992. Since 1996,Bulgaria has an, embassy ,in. Bulgaria was the first country to recognize Bosnia as an independent
  31. Currently the largest mosque in Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina maintains an, embassy ,in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia maintains an embassy in Sarajevo. Serbia Bosnia and
  32. Cultural similarities. Angola has an embassy in Mexico City, and Mexico has an, embassy ,in Luanda. United States From the mid-1980s through at least 1992,the United
  33. And Herzegovina maintains an embassy in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia maintains an, embassy ,in Sarajevo. Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina filed a suit against the Federal
  34. Of a coup in Portugal that replaced the Caetano regime. Russia has an, embassy ,in Luanda. Angola has an embassy in Moscow and an honorary consulate in Saint
  35. Compiling. The Latins initially made an incursion on Roman lands. When a Roman, embassy ,sought restitution for the damage, the Latins gave a contemptuous reply. Angus
  36. Islamic University Malaysia in Pedaling Jay. Malaysia maintains an, embassy ,in Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina maintains an embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
  37. 960) and to overthrow Gordon IV. In 950 ABD Brahman received in Córdoba an, embassy ,from count Burrell II of Barcelona, by which the northern county recognized the
  38. Formosa, not trusting the newly crowned co-emperors Guy and Lambert, sent an, embassy ,to Omuntesberch, where Arnulfo was holding a Diet with Svatopluk, to request
  39. Diplomatic relations on 10 April 1992. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an, embassy ,in Budapest. Hungary has an embassy in. Malaysia, under Prime Minister
  40. Zubaydah had any personal involvement in planning or executing either the 1998, embassy , bombings ... or the attacks on September 11, 2001. Pg. 34 Charge sheet
  41. Public in the 2001 trial of bin Laden and the four men accused of the 1998 US, embassy ,bombings in East Africa: The reality was that bin Laden and Amman al-Zawahiri
  42. In Athens (Greece). Denmark * Denmark is represented in Angola through its, embassy ,in Lusaka (Zambia). * Angola is represented in Denmark, through its embassy
  43. And 15 others die in a plane crash in Ethiopia. *1998 – The United States, embassy ,bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya kill approximately 212
  44. Plane into CIA headquarters. He was later captured in Pakistan. The 1998 U. S., embassy ,bombings in East Africa, resulting in upward of 300 deaths, mostly locals. A
  45. Malaysia maintains an embassy in Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina maintains an, embassy ,in Kuala Lumpur. Romania recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina’s
  46. Was suggested he should receive the prize in a special ceremony at the Swedish, embassy ,in Moscow. The Swedish government refused to accept this solution, however
  47. On the same date. Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented in Cyprus through its, embassy ,in Tel Aviv (Israel). Cyprus is represented in Bosnia and Herzegovina through
  48. Established diplomatic relations on the same day. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an, embassy ,in Bucharest. Romania has an embassy in Sarajevo. Relations were described as "
  49. Had departed from Lisbon in 7 April 1515,along with Mates and a returning, embassy ,to Ethiopia. Yet in August, through contacts in Venice, King Manuel I learned
  50. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an embassy in Athens. Since 1996,Greece has an, embassy ,in Sarajevo. Both countries are full members of the Union for the Mediterranean

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