Examples of the the word, midst , in a Sentence Context

The word ( midst ), is the 5802 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To allow an actor to appear in the middle of the scene, and then again from the, midst ,of the audience. In 1895 a shaft of blue light served to indicate the presence
  2. In Math 18:20" When two or more are gathered in my name, I will be in the, midst ,of them" ), though some Anglo-Catholic priests (like Roman Catholic priests)
  3. Been set up by his boss, angered by his affair with Grissom's mistress. In the, midst ,of the shoot-out, Batman arrives and takes out Napier's henchmen. Napier fires
  4. In Greece, on a bend of the navigable river Arachnids (or Acanthus),in the, midst ,of a fertile wooded plain. History It was founded between 650 and 625 BC by
  5. Weeks, and immediately joined Foo Fighters to work on their follow-up. In the, midst ,of the initial sessions for Foo Fighters' second album, tension emerged
  6. 20 years. The Segura Oberon Massacre took place on September 5,1938,in the, midst ,of a heated three-way election campaign between the ultraconservative Gustavo
  7. Age. Alcuin trained the numerous monks of the abbey in piety, and it was in the, midst ,of these pursuits that he died. Alcuin is the most prominent figure of the
  8. Young man who has been brought up and developed during recent years and in the, midst ,of the new age and who brings a new outlook on life to his office as Imam. For
  9. Be formulated as follows: 'I am life which wills to live, and I exist in the, midst ,of life which wills to live '. " In nature one form of life must always prey
  10. Tale by relating her childhood in a" picturesque and solitary" castle in the, midst ,of an extensive forest in Styria where she lives with her father, a wealthy
  11. British adopted similar thinking when it came to the Russians, who were in the, midst ,of their revolution. Several of the most prominent revolutionaries, including
  12. Sons are referred to as an excellent example to men how to glorify God in the, midst ,of great affliction. Especially significant are the words represented as being
  13. Of oil is highly beneficial to Azerbaijan's economy as the nation is in the, midst ,of an oil boom. Eastern Caspian producers in Carey was here Kazakhstan also have
  14. Both humiliated and enraged the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In the, midst ,of massive campaign against him by both the KGB and the Union of Soviet Writers
  15. Has one reference to the Dorian's:" There is a land called Crete, in the, midst ,of the wine-dark sea, a fair, rich land, begirt with water, and therein are
  16. Such as the state. * Third, peace must be a central motive even in the, midst ,of violence. Mariology Although Augustine did not develop an independent
  17. Spain in 1986. Nearly a decade later, in 1996,Love returned to acting in the, midst ,of her success and work with Hole. She had small parts in Bassist and Feeling
  18. Farmers of the era, conceived of farmers as a distinct social class in the, midst ,of a class struggle against capitalists who owned the banks, railways,and
  19. In 1848,a group of Tells plotted to kill the new mestizos in their, midst , but this plan was discovered, and was punished by TH removal of large number
  20. County courts were in session. Lincoln handled many transportation cases in the, midst ,of the nation's western expansion, particularly the conflicts arising from the
  21. For his resignation, but none of the perpetrators was ever punished. In the, midst ,and aftermath of Civil War, many discouraged prospectors returned to their
  22. Effects and grand periods" these historians implausibly gave to men in the, midst ,of urgent battlefield circumstances (Precept grenade Republican
  23. Such as Collier Heights, Cascade Heights and Peyton Forest. Atlanta was in the, midst ,of a construction and retail boom prior to the late-2000s recession, with over
  24. Intervention, for a short time, turned Cuba into a" global player" in the, midst ,of the Cold War. It ended with the independence of Namibia and sounded the bell
  25. Of their system to become the Channel F. However, both systems were now in the, midst ,of a vicious round of price-cutting: Pong clones that had been made obsolete by
  26. Government limited aid to Chiang for much of the period of 1946 to 1948,in the, midst ,of fighting against the People's Liberation Army led by Mao Zedong. Alleged
  27. The first regularly scheduled airmail service on March 31, 1918 in the, midst ,of World War I. The route provided airmail service spanning Vienna to Kraków (
  28. Cowl, he holds in his hand a book with an Irish satchel, and stands in the, midst ,of wolves. Sometimes he is depicted in the attitude of taming a bear, or with
  29. Tests the infinitude of His absolute knowledge, power and bliss in the, midst ,of all conditions. But evolution from the standpoint of the creature, with his
  30. 19,Verse 19 says" In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the, midst ,of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border. " The first
  31. Arduous task of providing its citizens with a mail delivery system, and in the, midst ,of the American Civil War the newly formed Confederacy created and established
  32. Those" who overcome are granted to eat from the tree of life, which is in the, midst ,of the Paradise of God. " (2:1-7) #### Praised for not bearing those who are
  33. To considerable degree motivated by the structure being a Royal citadel in the, midst ,of revolutionary Paris. Similarly, after Garibaldi's overthrow of Bourbon rule
  34. Amesbury, Massachusetts,he subsequently returned to New York in 1933,in the, midst ,of the Great Depression. " I was 23,I carried a mass of drawings, and I had
  35. In the United States. The areas of South and West Berkeley are in the, midst ,of redevelopment. Some residents have opposed redevelopment in this area. Along
  36. John Keats and attributed to extraordinary leaders who were" content in the, midst ,of uncertainties and doubts, and not compelled toward fact or reason. "
  37. Evidence selectively. 20th-century WWI to the eve of the WWII In 1916,in the, midst ,of the First World War, American Jews petitioned Pope Benedict XV on behalf of
  38. He later wrote in defense of those conducting the trials, stating::" If in the, midst ,of the much Dissatisfaction among us, the publication of these Trials may
  39. Protective cordon around their Muslim neighbors during Salah (prayers) in the, midst ,of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Jurisdiction outside of Egypt Besides Egypt
  40. Collection could often cause apparently random, inexplicable pauses in the, midst ,of program operation. Limited environments Garbage collection is rarely used on
  41. Featured on the Dr. Dolittle soundtrack. " Are You That Somebody? " Was in the, midst ,of its chart run when Billboard changed its policy to allow airplay-only
  42. The focal point of the interview. A visibly" annoyed" André walked out in the, midst ,of Hogan's speech. A" discussion" between André and Hogan was scheduled, and
  43. Chambers to hold offerings, the sepulcher being a great wooden chamber in the, midst ,of the brick-lined pit. Rows of small pits, tombs for the servants of the
  44. And accounting was intertwined during the Renaissance. Mathematics was in the, midst ,of a period of significant development in the late 15th century. Hindu-Arabic
  45. Impossible to suppose him younger than 19 or 20. He was old enough to be in the, midst ,of his literary studies, to understand the real meaning and worth of the
  46. Very generally::" It may suffice for me to say that while they were in the, midst ,of their journey they fell into the hands of pirates. The merchants with whom
  47. Family significantly but she demanded nothing for herself. By staying in their, midst , she could live out her rejection of them more strongly. She did not want their
  48. In this case study, researchers observed a Danish software company in the, midst ,of new creating new software with usability in mind. The study found these four
  49. More modern-looking case design. However, by this time the market was in the, midst ,of the first video game crash, and Fair child eventually threw in the towel and
  50. Flowers aloft, shading the fount of life, : And where the river of bliss through, midst ,of heaven: Rolls o'er elysian flowers her amber stream:: With these that never

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