Examples of the the word, bruce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bruce ), is the 3485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. All of which is brought together by the plot-line of the tournament to find, bruce ,Lee's successor. Lee was deceased before the film went into production. It is
  2. At the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough until June 1922. Name ", bruce ,v1/IN"> p32"/> Specifications The Barley Carbine was a Confederate weapon produced
  3. Isaiah James as Ricky long, a highly skilled martial artist who helps, bruce , to kill the hundred men he fought with at madame ma's house. Production
  4. Senegal of Annandale. The Kirkpatrick family was a close ally of Robert the, bruce , and King Robert would have been entertained at Aachen Castle often. The
  5. Bar: Leonard bar: almond bar: bolt bar: home bar: hickeydoyle bar: Taylor bar:, bruce , bar: pick bar: McAuliffe bar: Daniel bar: McBride bar: woman bar: Palmer bar:
  6. From: 01/07/1961 till: 01/07/1964 color: gen text:" Maxwell D. Taylor" bar:, bruce , from: 30/07/1951 till: 31/08/1954 color: LTG text:" Andrew D. Bruce" bar:

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