Examples of the the word, execution , in a Sentence Context

The word ( execution ), is the 3490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, he commented that, while the French Reign of Terror ended with the, execution ,of Maximilien Robespierre, its Soviet equivalent raged unabated from 1917 until
  2. Of N,i.e. 22. The user can save the workspace with all values, programs and, execution ,status. APL is well known for its use of a set of non-ASCII symbols which are
  3. John Pope, to put down the" Sioux Uprising" in Minnesota. Presented with 303, execution , warrants for convicted San tee Dakota who were accused of killing innocent
  4. His own personal review of each of these warrants, eventually approving 39 for, execution ,(one was later reprieved). During the Civil War, there were between 14,500
  5. Bottlenecks such as I/O operations and paging. This has made raw code, execution ,speed a non-issue for many programmers. There are some situations in which
  6. Stored in ROM. Once a certain level of hardware initialization has taken place, execution ,transfers to other code, typically written in higher level languages; but the
  7. It is an offense for a person to assault either:: :a constable acting in the, execution ,of their duty; or: :a person assisting a constable in the execution of their
  8. Systems included the" APL Assist Microcode" in which some support for APL, execution ,was included in the actual firmware as opposed to APL being exclusively a
  9. Was in large part because BASIC dialects on these systems offered insufficient, execution ,speed, as well as insufficient facilities to take full advantage of the
  10. Four of the men were executed and a fifth committed suicide prior to his own, execution , The incident became known as the Haymarket affair, and was a setback for the
  11. Major Robert Anderson sent a request for provisions to Washington, and the, execution ,of Lincoln's order to meet that request was seen by the secessionists as an
  12. Uprising in Minnesota in 1862--where Lincoln approved the military trial and, execution ,of Indians who had attacked settlers. Lincoln paid less attention to the civil
  13. Into many groups and, following the suppression of the 1871 Paris Commune,the, execution ,and exile of many commands to penal colonies, favored individualist political
  14. The officer refuse to leave, the officer will cease to be" acting in the, execution ,of their duty ". To make an effective withdrawal of permission, clear words
  15. The cipher On systems with 32-bit or larger words, it is possible to speed up, execution ,of this cipher by combining Subtypes and Shifts with Columns, and
  16. 1 Kings 20:22. The third is when Elijah confronts Ahab over Ahab and Jezebel's, execution ,of Na both and usurpation of his land in 1 Kings 21. The fourth encounter is
  17. Some assemblers have incorporated structured programming elements to encode, execution ,flow. The earliest example of this approach was in the Concept-14 macro set
  18. Today. In the past, APL compilation was regarded as a means to achieve, execution ,speed comparable to other mainstream languages, especially on mainframe
  19. The throne in every way possible. For instance, in 51,Agrippina ordered the, execution ,of Britannic us’ tutor Sirius because he had confronted her and was outraged
  20. With Sparta and it is not clear that they were instrumental in the trial and, execution ,of Socrates, whose death probably resulted from public animosity towards the
  21. Is an offense for a person to, amongst other things, assault a constable in the, execution ,of his duty, or a person assisting a constable in the execution of his duty.
  22. More serious offense than common assault. The constable must be acting" in the, execution ,of his duty" for this offense to be made out. If he exceeds the remit of his
  23. Pen and paper and work through an example ". But what about a simulation or, execution ,of the real thing? The programmer must translate the algorithm into a language
  24. When Amateur was besieged unsuccessfully and avenged itself by the capture and, execution ,of One silos. Herodotus reports:" Because he had besieged them, the Malthusians
  25. Of the offense. Serious crimes such as murder and tomb robbery were punished by, execution , carried out by decapitation, drowning,or impaling the criminal on a stake.
  26. 1861. That act formerly created the offense of 'Assault on a constable in the, execution ,of his duty '. Under section 7 (1) (a),but that section has been
  27. In the execution of their duty; or: :a person assisting a constable in the, execution ,of their duty. It is a summary offense which carries a maximum penalty of six
  28. Substitution and did not disambiguate macro processing from assembly and, execution , Macro parameter substitution is strictly by name: at macro processing time
  29. Constable in the execution of his duty or a person assisting a constable in the, execution ,of his duty. Northern Ireland Several offenses of assault exist in Northern
  30. Horrific imagery demonstrates Goya's keen artistic ability in composition and, execution ,and produces fitting social and political outrage. Thus, the debate continues
  31. And memory references; but it incorporated an expression syntax to indicate, execution ,order. Parentheses and other special symbols, along with block-oriented
  32. Is an offense for a person to, amongst other things, assault a constable in the, execution ,of his duty or a person assisting a constable in the execution of his duty.
  33. 1936 – Rainy Bethe is hanged in Owensboro, Kentucky in the last public, execution ,in the United States. *1937 – Chinese Air Force Day: The beginning of
  34. Which could then be compiled and run well outside the APL workspace. Today, execution ,speed is less critical and many popular languages are implemented using virtual
  35. Or defeating state legislation. The executive branch is responsible for the, execution ,and oversight of laws. It is headed by the Governor of Alabama. Other members
  36. Increasingly paranoid and violent – in September 1185,Androids ordered the, execution ,of all prisoners, exiles and their families for collusion with the invaders –
  37. 38 of the Offenses against the Person Act 1861.; Assault on a constable in the, execution ,of his duty: Section 89 (1) of the Police Act 1996 provides that it is an
  38. Court (2005) WHO 2922 (Admin) a constable cannot be acting in the, execution ,of their duty when unlawfully on private property. Thus, if the officer is not
  39. The structure of programming languages, also known as parsing * Worst-case, execution ,time – determines the longest time that a piece of software can take to run
  40. String manipulation, and arithmetic operations, all usable during the, execution ,of a given macro, and allowing macros to save context or exchange information.
  41. An offense. It is a separate offense to assault on a constable in the, execution ,of his duty, under section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 which
  42. Required for court proceedings. Not all affidavits require a notary public for, execution , Uses of affidavits include: *To allow evidence to be gathered from witnesses
  43. To sin twice against philosophy," a reference to Athens's prior trial and, execution ,of Socrates. He died in Europa of natural causes within the year (in 322 BC).
  44. Paris during the Wehrmacht occupation, on 15 December 1941,Camus witnessed the, execution ,of Gabriel Per; it crystallized his revolt against the Germans. He moved to
  45. Efficiently as possible. As computer innovations such as cache memory, and SIMS, execution ,became commercially available, APL programs ported with almost no extra effort
  46. In the execution of his duty, or a person assisting a constable in the, execution ,of his duty. United States American common law has defined assault as an
  47. Including that of Saladin. His younger brother Isaac was threatened with, execution ,under orders of their first-cousin once-removed Androids I Comments on
  48. Meanings. In addition to removing parsing and some error checking from the main, execution ,path, such compilation also streamlines the repeated entry and exit of
  49. Was revolutionary in its strategic conception and potentially expensive in its, execution , His contemporary biographer Asset wrote that many nobles balked at the new
  50. On 28 September and he had to return. Following his return, he ordered the, execution ,only the leader of the conspirators, and he forgave the other members of the

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