Examples of the the word, lend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lend ), is the 4420 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1943). However, this was only a cameo when Huey, Dewey and Louie ask her to, lend ,them an old fur coat. Barks would not use the character again until" Donald
  2. Many of his early planes on the salt flats. When bankers in Enid refused to, lend ,him more money to build his planes, he moved to Wichita. Cessna Aircraft was
  3. The sanctuary and the Roman theater at Semi, which have a hollow on their back, lend ,support to this interpretation of an archaic Diana Trivia, in whom three
  4. Entirely from three unreliable sources: *folklore, employed by the ancients to, lend ,color to the lives of celebrated authors; *parody, employed by contemporary
  5. prefer liberty to slavery. Those in power should" take it upon themselves to, lend ,to the poor and to aid them and to favor them, then is there pity and no
  6. Links to the capital. Major infrastructure programs In 2007 China agreed to, lend ,the DRC US$5bn for two major transport infrastructure projects to link
  7. Dog Cerberus, Charon and the other dangers of the route. She was to not, lend ,a hand to anyone in need. She baked two barley cakes for Cerberus, and took two
  8. Sullivan, if you want me to work for you as long as five years,couldn't you, lend ,me enough money to build a little house? " With Sullivan's $5000 loan, Wright
  9. But the washes are not rehydratable once dry. For this reason, acrylics do not, lend ,themselves to color lifting techniques as do gum Arabic based watercolor paints
  10. The usually poisonous element arsenic in its DNA. This discovery may, lend ,weight to the long-standing idea that extraterrestrial life could have a
  11. And arts have a common goal: to give a purpose to understanding the details, to, lend , to all inquirers" a conviction, far deeper than a mere working proposition
  12. To expect to recover the loaned money back into its books). The bank can often, lend ,(and securitize the loan) to the IT services company to cover the acquisition
  13. Office workers, busy merchants, street vendors and restaurateurs of the area, lend ,it is a frenetic and slightly claustrophobic air. However, after nightfall the
  14. Of consular power nearing its end, Antony attempted to pass laws which would, lend ,him control over Cis alpine Gaul, which had been assigned as part of his
  15. Compulsory charity) and believe in My Messengers; honor and assist them, and, lend , to God a good loan. Verily, I will remit your sins and admit you to Gardens
  16. Considerations, the Bengali broadcast and print media went out of its way to, lend ,overwhelming support. Visa services are provided by Bangladesh's consulate at
  17. But the study has not been reproduced, and no clinical evidence exists to, lend ,support to this theory. Thymoanesthesia Closely related to sexual side effects
  18. The play" exploits several archetypal forms and situations, all of which, lend ,themselves to both comedy and pathos. " The play also illustrates an attitude
  19. Improvements (P-values of approximately 0.1 and 0.6). This appears to, lend ,some weight to the effectiveness of the technique, but more studies and data
  20. Interest would disappear regardless, because people in general do not wish to, lend ,their money to others without compensation, so there is no reason why this would
  21. Harris, prompted by his wife, Lucy Harris, repeatedly requested that Smith, lend ,him the current pages that had been translated. Smith reluctantly relented to
  22. Before the beginning of World War II in Europe, Einstein was persuaded to, lend ,his prestige by writing a letter with Szilard to President Franklin D.
  23. Almonds from seed. Thus, in spite of the fact that this plant does not, lend ,itself to propagation from suckers or from cuttings, it could have been
  24. A new Act of Parliament introduced administrative reforms. It became easier to, lend ,objects, the constitution of the Board of Trustees changed and the Natural
  25. Despite pleas from Nelson and Hamilton, King Ferdinand of Naples refused to, lend ,his frigates to the British fleet, fearing French reprisals. On 22 June, Nelson
  26. This band, but never above or below, because the central bank will always, lend ,to them at the top of the band, and take deposits at the bottom of the band; in
  27. Deposits at the bottom of the band; in principle, the capacity to borrow and, lend ,at the extremes of the band are unlimited. Other central banks use similar
  28. Bell then needed money to purchase entry into the NFL, but his father would not, lend ,him any because he disapproved of football as a career. So Bell borrowed money
  29. Structure ','order ', and 'relation '. He wrote of those that they do not, lend ,themselves to explication in words, but only by exhibiting how to use them in
  30. Personally cultivate... and the positive refusal of the protecting power to, lend ,its aid to the collection of any rent, whatsoever. " Embrace of" egoism "
  31. Who mysteriously disappeared in protest after he was given a court order to, lend ,money to an incompetent applicant. When the order came down he liquidated his
  32. Novella, a neurologist at Yale School of Medicine wrote that it" is used to, lend ,an appearance of legitimacy to treatments that are not legitimate. " Dr. Marcia
  33. Of Proverbs. The parallels in the roles of Christ and Wisdom, they argue, lend ,credence to understanding canal as possessed rather than created. They argue
  34. In Cairo of mummified dachshund-like dogs from ancient Egyptian burial urns may, lend ,credibility to this theory. In its modern incarnation, the dachshund is a
  35. Concepts apply more readily toward sexually reproducing organisms while others, lend ,themselves better toward asexual organisms. Despite the diversity of various
  36. Be anticipated, are supported. In contrast, tables that are not normalized, lend ,themselves to some types of queries, but not others. For example, consider an
  37. Of Chapter LIX and most of the following chapters of Cervantes' Segundo Part, lend ,some insight into the effects upon him; Cervantes manages to work in some
  38. Many slang terms. In present day feature films rhyming slang is often used to, lend ,authenticity to an East End setting. Examples include Lock, Stock and Two
  39. Of later jurists who attributed it to the venerated caliph Umar I in order to, lend ,greater authority to their own opinions. The similarities between the Pact of
  40. That makes for excellent deportment. But Lady Table seems much too innocent to, lend ,credit to her part in the play. " Welles as Kane There are autobiographical
  41. Measure, the Curtis-Crisp Act, which would have created a federal board to, lend ,money to farm co-operatives in times of surplus; the bill did not pass.
  42. So. Recent finds of Diprotodon bones which appear to display butchering marks, lend ,support to this theory. Critics of this theory regard it as simplistic, arguing
  43. Small and medium-sized enterprises) headquartered in Luxembourg. It does not, lend ,money to SMEs directly; rather it provides finance through private banks and
  44. Towards a 'target rate' ( whichever specific rate is used) is generally to, lend ,money or borrow money in theoretically unlimited quantities, until the targeted
  45. Branches rather unevenly, the hierarchy of the Linnaeus system does not always, lend ,itself well to representing clades. The result is that when it comes to naming
  46. They felt that as by far the most popular officer in Germany, he would, lend ,their cause badly needed credibility with the populace. Additionally, the
  47. Had not been on active duty since 1942. Sometime in February, Rommel agreed to, lend ,his support to the conspiracy in order to, as he put it," come to the rescue
  48. Described by historians. In order to gain funds, Caligula asked the public to, lend ,the state money. Caligula levied taxes on lawsuits, marriage and prostitution.
  49. Number of public cars that transit the roads, and the fact that they do not, lend ,itself to regulation or central control, which causes frequent transit problems
  50. Michael D. Organ makes an interesting point regarding genre that can also, lend ,a hand to the interpretation of this metaphor. Organ describes the importance

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