Examples of the the word, cache , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cache ), is the 5779 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Limitations and electrical/ cache latency complications of running an external, cache ,at such a high speed. The Slot-A Athlon were the first multiplier-locked CPUs
  2. Branded as Simpson 2000 series, with lower HyperTransport speed and smaller L2, cache , thus the firm completes its dual-core product portfolio for each market
  3. Cache of the Athlon Classic with 256 KB of on-chip, full-speed exclusive, cache , As a general rule, more cache improves performance, but faster cache improves
  4. In the L2 cache . Thunderbird moved to an exclusive design where the L1, cache , 's contents are not duplicated in the L2. This increases total cache size of
  5. The L2) and a very fast region (the L1). Because of Athlon's very large L1, cache , and the exclusive design which turns the L2 cache into basically a" victim
  6. Was a lower cost and limited version of the Athlon (64 KB instead of 256 KB L2, cache , ) in a 462-pin pocketed PGA (socket A) or soldered directly on to the
  7. Processor and effectively makes caching behave as if there is a very large L1, cache , with a slower region (the L2) and a very fast region (the L1). Because of
  8. Issues that the original Phenom had including low clock speed, a small L3, cache , and a Cool'n'Quiet bug that decreased performance. This was price and
  9. Of Athlon's very large L1 cache and the exclusive design which turns the L2, cache , into basically a" victim cache ", the need for high L2 performance and size
  10. From any iTunes library on the network along with 8 GB of flash memory to, cache ,media downloaded. Apple with the Apple TV has added another device to its
  11. Will report write operations as complete once the data is stored in its onboard, cache ,memory, before the data is written to the (slow) magnetic storage. This
  12. When the hard drive can satisfy all I/O requests by reading from its internal, cache ,— a very unusual situation, especially considering that such data are usually
  13. Clocked up to 700 MHz. Faster Slot-A processors were forced to compromise with, cache ,clock speed and ran at 2/5 (up to 850 MHz) or 1/3 (up to 1 GHz). The SRAM
  14. Schedule operations as efficiently as possible. As computer innovations such as, cache ,memory, and SIMS execution became commercially available, APL programs ported
  15. As a result, and allowed it to have a relatively high latency. A simpler L2, cache , reduced the possibility of the L2 cache causing clock scaling and yield issues.
  16. Direct basis for its successor — the Bred with an additional 256 KB of L2, cache , ( for 512 KB total) became the Barton core.; Specifications * Front side bus:
  17. Katmai-based Pentium III, the Athlon Classic contained 512 KB of L2 cache . This, cache , again like its competitors, ran at a fraction of the core clock rate and had
  18. They were marked with higher PR-ratings by featuring an increased 512 KB L2, cache , ; later models additionally supported an increased 200 MHz (400 MT/s) front
  19. ID 24 John Thornton and veteran journalist http://docs.google.com/gview? A VFQ, cache ,: hBlDrDKv-lUJ: newsweekly. Com/documents/Ramsay.
  20. Was of an inclusive design where data from the L1 is duplicated in the L2, cache , Thunderbird moved to an exclusive design where the L1 cache 's contents are
  21. Exclusive cache . As a general rule, more cache improves performance, but faster, cache ,improves it further still. AMD changed cache design significantly with the
  22. War of the Pacific. *1900 – Archaeologists in Knossos, Crete,discover a large, cache ,of clay tablets with hieroglyphic writing in a script they call Linear B. *1904
  23. An implementation of the extended MMX subset of Intel SSE. The Athlon's CPU, cache ,consisted of the typical two levels. Athlon was the first x86 processor with a
  24. And the exclusive design which turns the L2 cache into basically a" victim, cache ,", the need for high L2 performance and size was lessened. AMD kept the 64-bit
  25. Version were also re-added, such as global font customization and a smaller, cache ,usage, although the Get File function has yet to return. Also, new in this
  26. With 256 KB of on-chip, full-speed exclusive cache . As a general rule, more, cache , improves performance, but faster cache improves it further still. AMD changed
  27. Graphics processing unit (GPU) – 32-bit RISC architecture,4 KB internal, cache , provides wide array of graphic effects **Object Processor – 64-bit RISC
  28. Device may be 'woken up '. CPU The CPU core (defined in APM as the CPU clock, cache , system bus and system timers) is treated specially in APM, as it is the last
  29. Processor with a 128 KB split-level 1 cache ; a 2-way associative, later 16-way, cache , separated into 2×64 KB for data and instructions (Harvard architecture). The
  30. Searched, the aux-aux index and much of the aux index may reside in a disk, cache , so they would not incur a disk read. Insertions and deletions cause trouble If
  31. Which is asymptotically optimal for a comparison sort. In practice, the poor, cache ,performance and added overhead in time and space for a tree-based sort (
  32. Where a computational task did not" benefit more" from the additional, cache ,to make up for the loss in raw clock speed created situations where a lower
  33. Called a" back-side bus ", that allowed concurrent system front side bus and, cache ,accesses. Initially, the L2 cache was run at half the CPU clock speed, on
  34. The time was incapable of matching the Athlon's clock scalability, due both to, cache ,chip technology limitations and electrical/ cache latency complications of
  35. The need for high L2 performance and size was lessened. AMD kept the 64-bit L2, cache , data bus from the older Athlon, as a result, and allowed it to have a
  36. Management **Digital Signal Processor – 32-bit RISC architecture,8 KB internal, cache ,***Same RISC core as the GPU, but not limited to graphic production ***Two Days
  37. AMD's processors. Unfortunately for AMD, a simple increase in size of the L2, cache , to 512 KB did not have nearly the same impact as it did for Intel's Pentium 4
  38. Bus. The Thorton core was a later variant of the Barton with half of the L2, cache , disabled,and thus was functionally identical to the Thoroughbred-B core. The
  39. Allowed concurrent system front side bus and cache accesses. Initially, the L2, cache , was run at half the CPU clock speed, on Athlon CPUs clocked up to 700 MHz.
  40. Coppermine-based Pentium III, AMD replaced the 512 KB external reduced-speed, cache ,of the Athlon Classic with 256 KB of on-chip, full-speed exclusive cache . As a
  41. Slot A package could clock up to 1 GHz). The major difference, however,was, cache ,design. Just as Intel had done when they replaced the old Katmai-based Pentium
  42. Improves performance, but faster cache improves it further still. AMD changed, cache ,design significantly with the Thunderbird core. With the older Athlon CPUs, the
  43. Of the wrong CPU. The cartridge assembly allowed the use of higher speed, cache ,memory than can be put on the motherboard. Like Pentium II and the Katmai-based
  44. The L1 cache 's contents are not duplicated in the L2. These increases total, cache ,size of the processor and effectively makes caching behave as if there is a
  45. II and the Katmai-based Pentium III, the Athlon Classic contained 512 KB of L2, cache , This cache , again like its competitors, ran at a fraction of the core clock
  46. Michael Venturis, subsequently assisted by the scholar, John Chadwick. A major, cache ,discovered by Carl Been at the site of ancient Pylons included hundreds of
  47. Exclusive- cache architecture and shorter pipeline made it less sensitive to L2, cache , size,and the Barton only saw an increase of several percents gained in
  48. Arbitrary royal indictments that could not be appealed. Besides holding a large, cache ,of ammunition and gunpowder, the Bastille had been known for holding political
  49. A relatively high latency. A simpler L2 cache reduced the possibility of the L2, cache , causing clock scaling and yield issues. Still, instead of the 2-way associative
  50. Two levels. Athlon was the first x86 processor with a 128 KB split-level 1, cache , ; a 2-way associative, later 16-way, cache separated into 2×64 KB for data and

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