Examples of the the word, industry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( industry ), is the 412 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1930s animation became an alternative format of storytelling to the live-action, industry ,in Japan. But it suffered competition from foreign producers and many animators
  2. Allow viewers on the East Coast to go to bed earlier. For many years the film, industry ,had opposed a Sunday broadcast because it would cut into the weekend box office
  3. For example, recent proposals for a voluntary code of conduct for the livestock, industry ,that would have provided incentives for improving standards for health, and
  4. Play with the idea of going abroad and producing a film outside the Soviet film, industry , During 1975,Tchaikovsky also worked on the screenplay Hoffmanniana, about the
  5. To identify and respond to the current need for standards in the nuclear, industry , American national standards *The ASA (as for American Standards Association)
  6. Resources. However, increasing pressure being placed on water resources by, industry , cities and the involving biofuels industry means that water scarcity is
  7. And Sciences (AMPS) to recognize excellence of professionals in the film, industry , including directors, actors,and writers. The formal ceremony at which the
  8. Refused his award (Best Actor in 1972 for The Godfather),citing the film, industry ,'s discrimination and mistreatment of Native Americans. At the 45th Academy
  9. Men on a mission to the Moon; more, still,than the efforts of a government and, industry ,team; more, even,than the efforts of one nation. We feel that this stands as a
  10. In Ankara is one of the largest international expositions of the global arms, industry , A large percentage of the employment in Ankara is provided by the state
  11. February 1942,the commitment of more than 500 workers and employees of the oil, industry ,of Azerbaijan was awarded orders and medals. Operation Edelweiss carried out by
  12. And checking of drawings before they are shot – practices favored by the anime, industry , Other mediums are mostly limited to independently made short films, examples
  13. The Baku subways are noted for their lavish decor. Cinematography The film, industry ,in Azerbaijan dates back to 1898. In fact, Azerbaijan was among the first
  14. The 1980s,yet, the Nagorno-Karabakh War during the 1990s crippled the tourist, industry ,and damaged the image of Azerbaijan as a tourist destination. It was not until
  15. City in the U. S. and held more than 30 % of the population of the state. Heavy, industry ,and mining were the basis of the economy. Industrial development related to the
  16. Application Simulator, a large hydraulic motion simulator for the theme park, industry ,Literature and press * Atlas, a book of photography by German artist Gerhard
  17. Even further back into January, citing TV viewers' fatigue with the film, industry ,'s long awards season. But such an accelerated schedule would dramatically
  18. Rafael Marques, a journalist and human rights activist, described the diamond, industry ,in his 2006 Angola's Deadly Diamonds report as plagued by" murders, beatings
  19. The intense lobbying and ad campaigns associated with Oscar season in the film, industry , Another reason was because of the growing TV ratings success of the NCAA Men
  20. Centres. Due to its large and extremely competitive information technology, industry , India has become a major hub for outsourcing. In 2010,Asia had 3.3 million
  21. Of Azerbaijan as a tourist destination. It was not until 2000s that the tourism, industry ,began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high rate of growth
  22. Edmonton's oil refineries provide the raw materials for a large petrochemical, industry ,to the east of Edmonton. The Athabasca oil sands have estimated unconventional
  23. Is one of the strongest in Canada, supported by the burgeoning petroleum, industry ,and to a lesser extent, agriculture and technology. The per capita GDP in 2007
  24. Stampede, a celebration of Canada's own Wild West and the cattle ranching, industry , About 700,000 people enjoy Edmonton's Capital Ex (formerly Klondike Days).
  25. Past 50 years has helped farmers double food production. Safety The agriculture, industry ,works with government agencies and other organizations to ensure that farmers
  26. Of Azerbaijan for 2011 are set at $4.46 billion USD. Azerbaijani defense, industry ,manufactures small arms, artillery systems, tanks,armors and Activision
  27. Income for 2007 was $40,042,ranking 15th in the nation. The oil and gas, industry ,dominates the Alaskan economy, with more than 80 % of the state's revenues
  28. New government to improve the country's infrastructure and especially improve, industry ,and agricultural land. Popular protests – since 2010 Following a wave of
  29. Surpassed in late 2005 and was expected to grow to by 2007. Control of the oil, industry ,is consolidated in Mongol Group, a conglomerate which is owned by the Angolan
  30. The Angolan Civil War, but have begun to recover after 2002. The transformation, industry ,that had come into existence in the late colonial period collapsed at
  31. 29 % and 25 % respectively against this figure, but price increases in non-oil, industry ,encouraged inflation in the country. In 2008,Azerbaijan was cited as one of
  32. By the Academy as an award" of merit for distinctive achievement" in the, industry , The first Academy Awards ceremony was held on May 16, 1929,at the Hotel
  33. Of animated short films, typically referred to as" cartoons ", became an, industry ,of its own during the 1910s,and cartoon shorts were produced to be shown in
  34. Into sulfuric acid, purifying the solution and electrowinning. In the chemical, industry , acids react in neutralization reactions to produce salts. For example, nitric
  35. Alabama, as well as their various suppliers. Since 1993,the automobile, industry ,has generated more than 67,800 new jobs in the state. Alabama currently ranks
  36. Dynamic programming was invented for optimization of resource consumption in, industry , but is now used in solving a broad range of problems in many fields. By
  37. In realizing prospective projects to turn itself into a country with a space, industry , Demographics From the total population of 9,165,000 people as of July 2011
  38. And their Congresses, for implementing that will; and then, with the agency and, industry ,teams that built our spacecraft, the Saturn, the Columbia, the Eagle, and the
  39. And wine and spirits are also important farm products. The Caspian fishing, industry ,is concentrated on the dwindling stocks of sturgeon and beluga. In 2002 the
  40. Catalonia. Andorra is a prosperous country mainly because of its tourism, industry , which services an estimated 10.2 million visitors annually, and also because
  41. In New York in 2009,describing it as" the greatest promotion scheme that any, industry ,ever devised for itself. " In addition, some winners critical of the Academy
  42. S economic growth is due to the state's expanding automotive manufacturing, industry , Located in the state are Honda Manufacturing of Alabama, Hyundai Motor
  43. In late-2005 and which is expected to grow to by 2007. Control of the oil, industry ,is consolidated in Mongol Group, a conglomerate which is owned by the Angolan
  44. In Chicago. However, he had a strong interest in the fledgling motion picture, industry ,and when Essay Studios offered him the opportunity to become a scriptwriter
  45. Less. Furthermore," in the mercantilist view no child was too young to go into, industry ,". In those times, the " somewhat more humane attitudes of an earlier day had
  46. Awarded, honoring artists, directors and other personalities of the filmmaking, industry ,of the time for their works during the 1927–1928 period. Winners had been
  47. Being placed on water resources by industry , cities and the involving biofuels, industry ,means that water scarcity is increasing and agriculture is facing the challenge
  48. To make it flow in pipelines) is known as digit in the Canadian petroleum, industry , while bitumen" upgraded" to synthetic crude oil is known as syn crude and
  49. Autonomous country/state within the Kingdom),oil processing was the dominant, industry ,in Aruba despite expansion of the tourism sector. Today, the influence of the
  50. Earl Hurd, patented the CEL animation process which dominated the animation, industry ,for the rest of the decade. El Pistol (Spanish:" The Apostle" ) was a 1917

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