Examples of the the word, levy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( levy ), is the 5595 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Body; only the colonial assemblies, where the colonists were represented, could, levy , taxes upon the colonies. Hancock was not yet a political activist; however, he
  2. Marx, Lenin,Stalin, and other socialist leaders. The Kuomintang attempted to, levy ,taxes upon merchants in Canton, and the merchants resisted by raising an army
  3. Of Right on 26 May, calling upon the king to acknowledge that he could not, levy ,taxes without Parliament's consent, impose martial law on civilians, imprison
  4. Arrangements with different airports, enter and exit routes easily, and to, levy ,airfares and supply flights according to market demand. The entry barriers for
  5. Spawning the expression" not worth a continental ". Congress could not, levy ,taxes and could only make requisitions upon the States. Less than a million and
  6. Heating oil, which the Green Party had sought before the election. A carbon, levy ,was however introduced in the 2010 Budget. The 2008 budget did include a
  7. Ireland became the first country in the world to introduce an environmental, levy ,for plastic shopping bags in 2002 and a public smoking ban in 2004. It was also
  8. County governments. The City and County of Denver and the City of Aurora both, levy ,an Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT or Head Tax) on employers and employees.
  9. Other things, that the Sovereign could not suspend laws passed by Parliament, levy ,taxes without parliamentary consent, infringe the right to petition, raise a
  10. Seven electoral votes in imperial elections, and many suffragan dioceses to, levy ,dues. According to canon law Albert was too young to hold such a position and
  11. During Alfonso V's minority, and in return received a confirmation of this, levy , Henry also promoted the colonization of the Azores during Peter's regency (
  12. The country. Legislation enacted in 1790 abolished the Church's authority to, levy ,a tax on crops, cancelled special privileges for the clergy, and confiscated
  13. From Morocco in 1340,and at the taking of Algebras in 1344 he led the armed, levy ,of his archbishopric. In 1343, he had been sent to Pope Clement VI at Avignon to
  14. Controversy surrounding its release. The continued presence of the Easy, levy ,in the 1970s,combined with a loosening of censorship rules, also brought on a
  15. Public and separate school boards in Alberta had the legislative authority to, levy ,a local tax on property, as supplementary support for local education. In 1994
  16. Airport, Lindbergh personally campaigned in the city in 1928,and the next bond, levy ,passed that year. Geography The confluence of the Scott and Olen tangy rivers
  17. During the reign of Nicholas II and was suspended; instead Finland paid a, levy ,tax," military millions" as compensation for abolition of conscription. In
  18. Common external tariff, the Common Agricultural Policy and the requirement to, levy ,Value added tax. Financial institutions operating in Gibraltar are regulated by
  19. Redevelopment, or other services. Some of these districts have authority to, levy ,sales tax and well as property tax and use fees. This has led to a hodgepodge
  20. Elites riding to battle but dismounting to fight, providing a hard core for the, levy ,of the infantry war bands. As the 8th century progressed into the Carolingian
  21. Of that body and defying the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service to, levy ,taxes on his income. Train asserts that he" is not subject to the jurisdiction
  22. The coast of Africa, the Spaniards fortified the islet of Penn and imposed a, levy ,intended to suppress corsair activity. Ottoman rule In 1516,the Amir of
  23. And replaced him with his older brother, Jehoiakim. Echo imposed on Judah a, levy ,of a hundred talents of silver (about 3 3/4 tons or about 3.4 metric tons)
  24. Peace. It involved the continent's first European tax. This was a flat tax,a, levy ,on production with a maximum rate of one percent. Given that the European
  25. Dutch),'expedition' ( Latin) or sometimes 'LE ING' ( Old English),was a, levy ,of free farmers conscripted into coastal fleets for seasonal excursions and in
  26. The imperial campaigns of Russification. The Church was allowed by the State to, levy ,taxes on the peasants. Therefore, the Church, along with the imperial regime
  27. Field force. If this entailed transforming the West Saxon Ford from a sporadic, levy ,of king's men and their retinues into a mounted standing army, so be it. If
  28. And" devoted men" ( a military term like" retainers" ); they formed the, levy ,of the Lombard army, and they were, if infrequently, sometimes called to serve
  29. Privileges on kerosene and for international flights, introduce an air ticket, levy , Restrict speeds nationwide on the highways to 120 km / h and country roads to
  30. Budget The 2008 budget, announced on 6 December 2007,did not include a carbon, levy ,on fuels such as petrol, diesel and home heating oil, which the Green Party had
  31. Of Columbus to the nation for such a hub. Following the failure of a bond, levy ,in 1927 to build the airport, Lindbergh personally campaigned in the city in
  32. Goods and services for food in a market system, or receive food through the, levy ,of tribute, redistributive taxation, tariffs or tithes from the food producing
  33. Louisiana Tourism Promotion District sales tax. Political subdivisions also, levy ,their own sales tax in addition to the state fees. The state also has a use tax
  34. A Roman Catholic plot against her. Bacon's opposition to a bill that would, levy ,triple subsidies in half the usual time offended many people. Opponents accused
  35. Under $50 from sales tax was repealed as of July 1,2011. Connecticut does not, levy ,an intangible personal property tax. According to the Tax Foundation, the 2010
  36. Of only five states with no state sales tax, one of seven states that do not, levy ,an individual income tax, and one of two states that has neither. The
  37. Are run by library boards; such boards are elected bodies and have the power to, levy ,taxes in their district. Library boards in some districts are elected at the
  38. Notes and coins within the islands for most practical purposes; however, banks, levy , a small exchange rate for the purchase of US dollars with Bermudian dollars.
  39. Individuals of religion other than Islam (shimmies),a tax in addition to the, levy ,on agricultural land (hardly). The term comes from the Syriac (guitar)
  40. Debit cards around the world In some countries, banks tend to, levy ,a small fee for each debit card transaction. In some countries (for example
  41. No Khazar paid taxes to the central government. Revenue came from a 10 %, levy ,on goods transiting through the region, and from tribute paid by subject
  42. A 1 cent per U. S. gallon tax on gasoline, becoming the first U. S. state to, levy ,a gasoline tax. *1921 – Tbilisi, capital of the Democratic Republic of Georgia
  43. Reduce greenhouse emissions. To achieve this an agricultural emissions research, levy ,was proposed, which promptly became known as a" fart tax" or" flatulence tax
  44. 2011,the Guinean government announced the establishment of an air solidarity, levy ,on all flights taking off from national soil, with funds going to UNIT AID to
  45. No representation in the Parliament. Parliament insisted it had the right to, levy ,any tax without colonial approval, to demonstrate that it had authority over
  46. States to act as contingency fee auditors for unclaimed property. A state may, levy , however, a franchise tax on the corporations incorporated in it. Franchise
  47. 1393,the" great ships" of the pirates could not be boarded by the Norwegian, levy ,ships called out by Margaret I of Denmark and the raiders were able to sack the
  48. Act, which provided additional funds for the Poor Law through a 6p in the pound, levy ,on all rateable properties in Ireland. Wilton testified that" comparatively
  49. That each individual would be counted by head and the members alone would, levy ,taxes. Shortly thereafter, on June 20,the National Assembly attempted to meet
  50. Act in 1850,which allowed all cities with populations exceeding 10,000 to, levy ,taxes for the support of public libraries. Another important act was the 1870

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