Examples of the the word, enjoyable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enjoyable ), is the 5593 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Good is pleasure, which meant not just the absence of pain, but positively, enjoyable ,sensations. Of these, momentary pleasures, especially physical ones, are
  2. Just the two of them. He had found working with Pain on The Frost Report an, enjoyable ,experience and invited him to join the series. Pain had previously been
  3. Which is usually carried out for. Because a wide variety of activities are, enjoyable , numerous types of games have developed. What creates an enjoyable game varies
  4. Especially saturated fats, are thicker and rich and are thus considered more, enjoyable ,to eat. Sweet Generally regarded as the most pleasant taste, sweetness is
  5. And bonds the Scout even more to the group. Activities and games provide an, enjoyable ,way to develop skills such as dexterity. In an outdoor setting, they also
  6. Accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally, enjoyable ,activities. This cluster of symptoms (syndrome) was named, described and
  7. Some Jews might find activities, such as writing or cooking for leisure, to be, enjoyable ,enhancements to Shabbat and its holiness, and therefore may encourage such
  8. That captures the spirit of mainstream pop quite effectively... an immensely, enjoyable ,and pleasant project ", while Creek characterized it as" a perfect blend of
  9. Player. More than anything else, the caddy is there to make the player's round, enjoyable ,by taking care of menial tasks, speeding up play, and providing mental support
  10. Albums. He added," When I make music these days, I want it to be fun, nice, enjoyable , and I find those conditions with this new band. This new album is really
  11. Lower realms. The three higher realms are: * God realm: the gods lead long and, enjoyable ,lives full of pleasure and abundance, but they spend their lives pursuing
  12. Quick succession, or thoughts race and preoccupy the person; over indulgence in, enjoyable ,behaviors with high risk of a negative outcome (e.g., extravagant shopping
  13. Second edition of Bachet's Problems peasants et delectable (Pleasant and, enjoyable ,problems,1624). In the 19th century, the Euclidean algorithm led to the
  14. Justified in extreme circumstances and that consuming a living creature for its, enjoyable ,taste, convenience,or nutritional value is not sufficient cause. Another
  15. PC and Atari ST ports,a Games Machine reviewer called Maniac Mansion" an, enjoyable ,romp ", with a structure superior to subsequent Lucasarts adventure games.
  16. Part of waterspout and navy safety training. Entering water from a height is an, enjoyable ,leisure activity, as is underwater swimming. Such non-competitive diving can
  17. At first, rapidly becomes pleasant to the reader, and to the Tamil it is as, enjoyable ,as the end rhyme. The other rhyme and related patterns are called money (
  18. Is often referred to as" being in the closet. " Individuals capable of, enjoyable ,sexual relations with both sexes or one sex may feel inclined to restrict
  19. More than seven years on this job, during all of which fair treatment and, enjoyable ,working conditions were received, this decision is made with considerable and
  20. Adventures. A good game master draws the players into the adventure, making it, enjoyable ,for everyone. Good game masters have quick minds, sharp wits, and rich
  21. Encourage game masters to ignore their gaming systems if it makes for a more, enjoyable ,story, even though they may not describe themselves as" storytelling" games.
  22. Thinking on homosexuality. In Böhm’s view, curing homosexuality meant making, enjoyable ,heterosexual functioning possible rather than eliminating homosexual behavior.
  23. And biking by making these active modes of transport comfortable, safe and, enjoyable , These attributes result from applying the principle of" filtered permeability
  24. Are enjoyable , numerous types of games have developed. What creates an, enjoyable ,game varies from one individual to the next. Age, understanding (of the game)
  25. Work roles that can be done by everyone in the family to help contribute to an, enjoyable ,outdoor adventure for all. A style of casual coastal cruising called gunkholing
  26. Players were knights searching for the Holy Grail. Considered one of the more, enjoyable ,Microbursts. *3204 - Treasure of the Silver Dragon (ME#4). Notable for its
  27. Its" improved controls, sound and graphics are an evolutionary leap to a more, enjoyable ,gaming experience ". He praised the interface, and summarized the game as "
  28. The perception of flavor from eating and drinking. Certain tastes are more, enjoyable ,than others, for evolutionary purposes. Taste perception Animals, specifically
  29. Intangible qualities such as expressiveness and musicianship. Pieces are more, enjoyable ,for most students than theory or scales, and an emphasis on pieces is usually
  30. Pakistan until March 1973,and recalled his stay in Pakistan as one of the most, enjoyable ,times of his life. During his stay he spent most of his time flying in an F-86
  31. And others. Although" severely elevated mood" sounds somewhat desirable and, enjoyable , the experience of mania is ultimately often quite unpleasant and sometimes
  32. All men should try pegging at least once, as it may introduce them to a new, enjoyable ,sexual activity and illuminate them to the receiver's perspective in sex. A
  33. Use" made a mess of the early recording process ", but the band still had an, enjoyable ,time recording the album. Slovak helped Kinds record his vocals on the album.
  34. Viewing they found the violence against women less offensive and more, enjoyable , One male participant described the screaming, especially Sally's, as the "
  35. Hummable ". In his closing comments, he said that Kid Icarus was a" very, enjoyable ," and" really fun" game that was" worth a play ", and had" just ... a few
  36. While the graphics and gameplay were not the best, the game remained highly, enjoyable ,and easy. Palmer recommended that people new to the genre play this game first.
  37. Such tasks often resemble specially designed games and activities that are both, enjoyable ,for the child and scientifically useful, and researchers have even devised
  38. Not only one of the most imaginative films in the series, but also the most, enjoyable ,to watch. " Japan Hero said," This is definitely a Godzilla movie not to be
  39. When they weren't watching the show, but also because Sesame Street music is, enjoyable ,just for its own sake. The first six albums were released by Columbia Records
  40. Vader claims to be Luke's father. According to Lucas, he found this draft, enjoyable ,to write, as opposed to the yearlong struggles writing the first film, and
  41. And are very pleasurable to eat. In modern times, with advanced technology, enjoyable ,foods are easily available to consumers. Unfortunately, this promotes obesity
  42. Going to be anyone's favorite Sondheim musical, it is a far more forceful and, enjoyable ,evening at the Promenade than it was eight years ago at the Winter Garden ...
  43. And fats) are the most pleasant to eat while others, such as bitter, are not, enjoyable , Water, while important for survival, has no taste. Fats, on the other hand
  44. Many critics felt that his poor performance detracted from an otherwise, enjoyable ,movie. The 1999 science fiction-action hit The Matrix, a film in which Reeves
  45. In the Rhine River Valley is very temperate in the winter time and quite, enjoyable ,in the summer. Rainfall is below average for the surrounding areas. Snow
  46. Disturbances in sleep and appetite; fatigue and loss of interest in usually, enjoyable ,activities; problems concentrating; loneliness, self-loathing,apathy or
  47. About life in Auschwitz for the SS, and how living in the camp was in fact an, enjoyable ,experience. Auschwitz also maintained a motor pool as
  48. And amateur gymnast who found the challenge and movement of bouldering, enjoyable , Bouldering basics Bouldering is a style of climbing emphasizing power
  49. And cartoons tend to appeal to children, though adults may also find them, enjoyable , A major criticism of entertainment is that it diverts people's time and money
  50. At the 2005 Toronto Film Festival. Dust revealed that working with Crowe was, enjoyable , but more demanding than she had expected. With the Chicago Tribune rating it

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