Examples of the the word, readiness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( readiness ), is the 5596 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Backed by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and the, readiness ,to do so, in order to respond to international crises without prejudice to
  2. Personnel),currently serving conscripts and a large reserve. The standard, readiness ,strength is 34,700 people in uniform, of which 25 % are professional soldiers.
  3. About the location of consciousness. Tibet, says Bennett, tells when the, readiness ,potential occurs objectively, using electrodes, but relies on the subject
  4. T-54/55,100 T-62 tanks, and 1,100 armored personnel carriers (APC's),but, readiness ,was estimated to only be about 30 % operational because of the withdrawal of
  5. The military members are able to obtain practical experience and to show, readiness ,to cooperate with NATO and with other partner countries' forces. Currently
  6. S impending invasion, and had ordered his lords to maintain a high level of, readiness , News of Henry's landing reached Richard on 11 August, but it took three to
  7. Form of 'truth' or a statement of their politics. Nevertheless, they found a, readiness ,for critics to" seize upon" key statements and portray punctuated equilibrium
  8. Of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certified that repeal would not harm military, readiness , followed by a 60-day waiting period. A July 6,2011, ruling from a federal
  9. They completed the process of assuring that its end would not impact combat, readiness , On March 28,the LCR filed a brief asking that the court deny the
  10. At the site.; Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT): Also known as operational, readiness ,testing, this refers to the checking done to a system to ensure that processes
  11. The duration of the mission is six months and participation is voluntary. The, readiness ,assessment criteria are, as follows: health condition, physical fitness
  12. During peacetime the Army maintains permanent combat and mobilization, readiness , They become part of multinational military formations in compliance with
  13. Victims of Cheney repression were 'bourgeois hostages' rounded up and held in, readiness ,for summary execution in reprisal for any alleged counter-revolutionary act.
  14. Incorporated fully or in part into the defense forces when required by defense, readiness , The Army is divided into four military provinces () (Southern, Western
  15. Been sufficient to upgrade all ground force formations and many of the lower, readiness ,units still have older, Soviet-legacy systems that have not been upgraded or in
  16. Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in October 2005. Martin Luther King said," By our, readiness ,to allow arms to be purchased at will and fired at whim ... we have created an
  17. That can perform various kinds of missions and maintain around-the-clock, readiness , It is much smaller and lighter than its predecessors, but uses advanced
  18. Of the church, to enable the monks to attend the nocturnal services with, readiness , A passage at the other end leads to the" necessarily" ( I),a portion of
  19. But can be incorporated into the Defense Forces when required for defense, readiness , Economy Finland has a highly industrialized mixed economy with a per capita
  20. And necessary upgrades, costing the army dearly both financially and in overall, readiness , The ground force is currently engaged in an effort of reassessment
  21. Fancy or dream ". According to Holmes Welch: It is not hard to understand the, readiness ,of early scholars to assert that the doctrine of the Trinity was revealed in
  22. Gladys Love Presley. In the two-room shotgun house built by his father in, readiness ,for the birth, Jesse Aaron Presley, his identical twin brother, was delivered
  23. Of the Palestinian Authority (PA),Ali Keisha, which expressed the PA's, readiness ,to recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC over“ the territory of Palestine. ”
  24. For their high regard for personal honor, for their tribe loyalty and for their, readiness ,to use force to settle disputes. As tribal warfare and internecine feuding has
  25. Combined arms operations. Doctrine helps standardize operations, facilitating, readiness , by establishing common ways of accomplishing infantry tasks. Doctrine links
  26. Honourable friends of the nobility and others who would have arms and horses in, readiness ,". Turner's report did not, however,mention Fawkes's pseudonym in England
  27. During the war with Iraq in the 1980s and the simple F-5 had a good service, readiness ,until late in the war. Initially Iran took spare parts from foreign sources
  28. London on a charge of treason. John Pym claimed that Wentworth's statements of, readiness ,to campaign against" the kingdom" were aimed in fact at England itself.
  29. The reaction speed is increased, with an entire brigade on standby, readiness ,; the military retains the capability to continually deploy 2,000 soldiers in
  30. Capable of being reliably initiated, if at all. Volatility is the, readiness ,with which a substance vaporizes. Excessive volatility often results in the
  31. Armour, weapons,and other things of the kind were ordered to be in, readiness , and the ancient spoils gathered from the enemy were taken down from the
  32. Officers),extended with conscripts and reservists such that the standard, readiness ,strength is 34,700 people in uniform (27,300 Army,3,000 Navy, and 4,400 Air
  33. Must do so under enemy attack. The infantry must maintain their cohesion and, readiness ,during the move to ensure their usefulness when they reach their objective.
  34. Channels; resentment over Jewish nationalism and the Zionist movement; and the, readiness ,of unpopular regimes to scapegoat local Jews for political purposes. After the
  35. Nicker, nip and nudge the mare, as well as sniff her urine to determine her, readiness ,for mating. Once fertilized, the oocyte (egg) remains in the oviduct for
  36. Tibia is sharpened into a probe called a Shinto, which is used to test the, readiness ,of a (pig) ham as it cures. In Asia, the saga is a horsehide vessel used in
  37. And the disbandment of many capable units led to an overall drop in combat, readiness , morale and discipline. After partially recovering from the 1990s crisis, the
  38. Thoroughly: measuring the viral load, how fast CD4 declines, and patient, readiness , They then decide when to recommend starting treatment. HEART neither cures the
  39. The armed forces were assessed in 2008 as not having a high state of battle, readiness ,and being ill-prepared for wide scale combat operations. However, August 2011
  40. To leave Sinai" without delay. " The EU Border Monitors indicated their, readiness ,to return to monitor the border, should Hamas guarantee their safety; while the
  41. Rumsfeld raised the defense condition signaling of the United States offensive, readiness ,to DEFCON 3; the highest it had been since the Arab-Israeli war in 1973. On the
  42. That he could be unusually warlike for a lyric poet. Other examples of his, readiness ,for both warlike and warlike subjects are lyrics celebrating his brother's
  43. With the Gemini, made that impractical. This became moot when slippage in, readiness ,of the AS-204 spacecraft caused the last-quarter 1966 target date to be missed
  44. But he believes subjects still have a" conscious veto ", since the, readiness ,potential does not invariably lead to an action. In Freedom Evolves
  45. Soviet Union strongly opposed the Munich deal and repeatedly reaffirmed its, readiness ,to militarily back the Soviet commitments given earlier to Czechoslovakia, the
  46. Some of the oldest such data is the Bereitschaftspotential or ", readiness ,potential" in which electrical activity related to voluntary actions can be
  47. To return by midnight on Sunday. A small force of conscripts are kept in, readiness ,on weekends to aid civil agencies in various types of emergency situations, too
  48. Plea, regardless of the type of attorney. This difference reflects the relative, readiness ,of State courts, compared to Federal courts, to accept an alternative plea. "
  49. All through December until the day before launch, including various levels of, readiness ,testing from December 5 through 11. Final testing of modifications to address
  50. With the stated purpose" to amend title 10,United States Code, to enhance the, readiness ,of the Armed Forces by replacing the current policy concerning homosexuality in

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