Examples of the the word, heavenly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( heavenly ), is the 9672 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And F,you're a feather in my arms: G, you look good to me: H,you're so, heavenly ,: I,you're the one I idolize: J,we're like Jack and Jill: K,you're so
- In the New Heaven and Earth. The idea of the Eucharist as a foretaste of the, heavenly ,banquet is also explored by British Methodist Geoffrey Wainwright in his book
- On behalf of mankind. # There is an investigative judgment going on in the, heavenly ,sanctuary that began on October 22, 1844 to determine who will come forth in
- And seraphic, are derived from Persian art, and are usually shown only in, heavenly ,contexts, as opposed to performing tasks on earth. They often appear in the
- And witchcraft. According to Professor Deepak Law,Augustine's vision of the, heavenly ,city has influenced the secular projects and traditions of the Enlightenment
- The resurrection, spirits are assigned" permanently" to three degrees of, heavenly ,glory––Celestial, Terrestrial,and Celestial – – (1 Cor 15:44-42; Doctrine and
- While keeping the original features of celestial divinities,i.e. transcendent, heavenly ,power and abstention from direct rule in worldly matters, did not share the
- Dwelling on high mountains and in sacred woods. Diana therefore reflects the, heavenly ,world (drum means sky or open air) in its sovereignty, supremacy
- The world laments the death of Charles ... O Christ, you who govern the, heavenly ,host, grant a peaceful place to Charles in your kingdom. Alas, for miserable me.
- Of David" became in the last two pre-Christian centuries the apocalyptic and, heavenly ,who would deliver Israel and usher in a new kingdom. This was the background to
- Was called Car Arianrhod, ‘ the Castle of the Silver Circle,’ and was the, heavenly ,abode of the Lady Arianrhod (Squire,2000:154-155). The Australian natives
- Are: *Valhalla: (lit. " Hall of the Slain" i.e." the Chosen Ones" ) This, heavenly ,abode, somewhat analogous to the Greek Elysium, is reserved for those brave
- The mainline SDA's and Dravidians are: # The judgment of the living began in the, heavenly ,sanctuary in 1955. # Daily worship should be kept at the 3rd and 9th hours of
- Visions of Ezekiel, the prophet is transported to a high mountain, where a, heavenly ,messenger measures the symmetrical new Jerusalem, complete with high walls and
- In it, the poet dreamed he had been transported after death to some place of, heavenly ,enlightenment. The Ephemeral presented a theological doctrine of a vastly
- Of Aphrodite, represented by the two stories: Aphrodite Urania (", heavenly ," Aphrodite),and Aphrodite Pan demos (" Common" Aphrodite). Adulthood
- Matter in the Articles of Religion holds that the presence is real only in a, heavenly ,and spiritual sense. Some Christians reject the concept of the real presence
- Is mentioned in many Psalms attributed to David. He comments,“ Fervor is a, heavenly ,ingredient in prayer. An arrow drawn with full strength hath a speedier issue.
- By a dream the night before the battle, wherein he was advised" to mark the, heavenly ,sign of God on the shields of his soldiers ... by means of a slanted letter X
- Field of physics, Alhazen, in his Epitome of Astronomy, discovered that the, heavenly ,bodies" were accountable to the laws of physics ". Alhazen's Milan Al-Hakam
- Water were earthly and corruptible, since no changes had been perceived in the, heavenly ,regions, the stars cannot be made out of the four elements but must be
- Which means" the abandonment "," the downfall ", or " the darkening of a, heavenly ,body ", which is derived from the verb () which means" to abandon "," to
- 8:2). ####An eighth angel takes a" golden censer ", filled with fire from the, heavenly ,altar, and throws it to the earth (8:3-5). What follows are" peals of
- Character of their own, because they are believed to come forth, not from the, heavenly ,abode of God, but from the nether world. In the Hebrew tradition demons were
- Christ will appear at the end of the millennium to lead his people into the, heavenly ,city, the New Jerusalem. Amillennialism does not believe in a
- It is true that, as he has been told, soldiers slain in battle are reborn in a, heavenly ,realm. The Buddha reluctantly replies that if he is killed in battle while his
- Would fit well the figure of Janus. Fraser identifies the two with the supreme, heavenly ,couple Jupiter-Juno and additionally ties in these figures to the overarching
- Had a dream the following night, in which Christ appeared with the same, heavenly ,sign, and told him to make a standard, the lab arum, for his army in that form.
- Said that the moon had mountains, and he believed that it was inhabited. The, heavenly ,bodies, he asserted, were masses of stone torn from the earth and ignited by
- To depression and treatment. Notes = In Roman mythology, Diana (Lt. ", heavenly ," or" divine" ) was the goddess of the hunt and moon and birthing, being
- Was more fully developed in City of God. There he conceives of the church as a, heavenly ,city or kingdom, ruled by love, which will ultimately triumph over all earthly
- Closely associated with historical astronomy, the use of historical records of, heavenly ,events to answer astronomical problems and the history of astronomy, which uses
- Muhammad, speaks of Muhammad's wonderment at seeing fellow prophets in their, heavenly ,glory: Aaron was also mentioned by Muhammad in likeness to Ali. Muhammad had
- Rise up; in air, rain falls and flame rises. Outside all the other spheres,the, heavenly , fifth element, manifested in the stars and planets, moves in the perfection of
- Be the Messiah of the Demiurge, the better to spread the truth concerning His, heavenly ,Father. The true believer in Christ entered into God's kingdom, the unbeliever
- Nonmaterial truths, and used styles that showed the higher unseen glory of a, heavenly ,world, such as the use of gold in the background of paintings, or glass in
- S Christology centers on the dialectics of the dual natures of the earthly and, heavenly ,manifestations of existence of the Christ, while Matthew's Christology focuses
- Of the wine. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will receive, heavenly ,salvation and thus spend eternity with God in heaven, as under priests and
- Kings or noble men, or coming catastrophes, or even interpreted as attacks by, heavenly ,beings against terrestrial inhabitants. From ancient sources, such as Chinese
- Modern idea of heat. *Ether, which is the divine substance that makes up the, heavenly ,spheres and heavenly bodies (stars and planets). Each of the four earthly
- Introduced the church to a full accounting of his First Vision, in which two, heavenly ," personages" ( LDS interpret them to be God the Father and his Son, Jesus
- Church's official recognition of sanctity implies that the persons are now in, heavenly ,glory, that they may be publicly invoked and mentioned officially in the
- Ether, which is the divine substance that makes up the heavenly spheres and, heavenly ,bodies (stars and planets). Each of the four earthly elements has its natural
- Works, but one of the celestial beings who stand before God in the, heavenly ,court. As a member of a divine council" the adversary" observes human
- World, both physical and ethical. The topics dealt with are the nature of the, heavenly ,motions and the relationship between the unchangeable celestial realm and the
- Eucharist as both a re-enactment of the Last Supper and a foreshadowing of the, heavenly ,banquet – the fulfillment of the Eucharistic promise. Other Low Church Anglicans
- And 9th hours of the natural day, in harmony with Christ's intercession in the, heavenly ,sanctuary. This includes partaking in the Lord's Supper. # The family is the
- Began at the inauguration of Christ's kingdom reign when he ascended to his, heavenly ,throne and happens, not as a result of the coming of Christ, but as the global
- Out of the four elements but must be made of a different, unchangeable, heavenly , substance. Classical elements in Egypt A Greek text called the" More Cosmos "
- To planets or any luminous celestial object. The notion of it signifying all, heavenly ,bodies is evident in early Babylonian astrology where cuneiform depictions for
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