Examples of the the word, circumcision , in a Sentence Context
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- And Humanistic Jews Movement, that also has members in Israel, argues that ", circumcision ,is not required for Jewish identity. " Business ethics
- An, which does allow for dam Brit. Unlike the traditional Jewish method, when, circumcision , is performed by a urologist or other surgeon the foreskin is removed by
- Theme. Obedience ties in the Jordan crossing, the defeat of Jericho and Ai, circumcision ,and Passover, and the public display and reading of the Law. Disobedience
- Decided that Gentile converts were not subject to most Mosaic Law, including, circumcision , but required them to stay away from eating meat with blood still on it, eating
- Was probably in order to prevent the possibility of obliterating the traces of, circumcision ,that the rabbis added to the requirement of cutting the foreskin that of Priam.
- As a true follower of the Law? He had, of course, the instruction to practice, circumcision , but of the rest of the law he knew nothing. The rabbis (traditional teachers
- The fact that the apostles and elders of the Jerusalem church had not laid, circumcision ,as a requirement upon the Gentiles considering the topic of the epistle after
- offhand conversation" about serious topics from the Virgin birth of Jesus to, circumcision , The book did not sell well; a Boston lawyer bought 750 copies to use as waste
- B'pen, ( alt. Mezizah),or oral suction, where the model sucks blood from the, circumcision ,wound. The traditional reason for this procedure is to minimize the potential
- This is not the intentional spilling of blood. The standard medical methods of, circumcision ,through constriction do not meet the requirements of the Galahad for Brit
- Brit Milan (b'it MI'LA, Ashkenazi pronunciation, bris Milo," covenant of, circumcision ,"; Yiddish pronunciation, bris) is a Jewish religious circumcision ceremony
- To do so as well by the ties of blood, as on account of the institution of, circumcision , These are the laws which I have already stated were formerly enforced
- Been circumcised would continue to be considered as Jews. Although the issue of, circumcision ,of converts continues to be debated, the necessity of Brit Milan for Jewish
- Girls as a welcoming ritual into Judaism. With a continuing negativity towards, circumcision ,still present within a minority of modern-day Reform, Judaic scholar Jon
- Philosopher Phil (20 BC - AD 50) gives six reasons for the practice of, circumcision , He attributes four of the reasons to" men of divine spirit and wisdom ".
- Taken during the Adriatic persecution, in which period a prohibition against, circumcision ,was issued. Thus, hypothesize the editors, it was probably in order to prevent
- Should be circumcised, though the issue of converts remains controversial and, circumcision ,of converts is not mandatory in either movement. However, the connection of the
- Medical papers done in Israel, Canada,and the USA, oral suction following, circumcision ,was suggested as a cause in 11 cases of neonatal herpes. Researchers noted that
- Rulers desecrating the Temple and banning Jewish religious practices, such as, circumcision , Shabbat observance, study of Jewish religious books, etc. Examples may also be
- In. Conversion to Judaism for non-Israelites in Biblical times necessitated, circumcision ,otherwise one could not partake in the Passover offering (). Today, as in the
- Of the movement in Germany, some classical Reformers hoped to replace ritual, circumcision ," with a symbolic act, as has been done for other bloody practices, such as the
- S essay A Plea for Inclusion, she argues that, even in the absence of, circumcision , committed Jews should never be turned away, especially by a movement" where
- The reasons to" men of divine spirit and wisdom ". These include the idea that, circumcision ,1) protects against disease,2) secures cleanliness" in a way that is suited
- Especially in the context of whether Gentile converts were obligated to undergo, circumcision , which was a requirement for Jewish boys. The issue was hotly debated in the
- Who has not converted to Judaism. The laws of conversion and conversion-related, circumcision ,in Orthodox Judaism have numerous complications, and authorities recommend that
- Traditional Jewish sources, the 'Priam' is performed, as part of the Jewish, circumcision , since the Israelites first inhabited the Land of Israel. However, the Oxford
- Leadership in the German Reform Movement reasserted" the supreme importance of, circumcision ,in Judaism ", though those who had not been circumcised would continue to be
- Vienna at the time, needed the ruling because of a governmental attempt to ban, circumcision ,completely if it included Metztitzah b'pen. He therefore asked the Chasm Safer
- Many Hellenistic Jews had an operation performed to conceal the fact of their, circumcision , and that similar action was taken during the Adriatic persecution, in which
- Of semen. To these, Philo added two of his own reasons, including the idea that, circumcision ,5) " signified figuratively the excision of all superfluous and excessive
- Noticing and documenting genocide, infanticide,racism, mutilation including, circumcision ,and subincision, and torture. Topics like racism, slavery or human sacrifice
- Their ancient doctrines and abandon their religious ceremonies, such as, circumcision , the observance of the Sabbath, and all their other rites. But although he, too
- Theodore Herzl. In the US, an official Reform resolution in 1893 abolished, circumcision ,for converts, and this ambivalence towards the practice has carried over to
- A different meeting. Members of the Jerusalem church have been preaching that, circumcision ,is required for salvation. Paul and his associates strongly disagree. After
- Covenant of circumcision "; Yiddish pronunciation, bris) is a Jewish religious, circumcision ,ceremony performed on 8-day old male infants by a model. The Brit Milan is
- Leaders of Reform Judaism in early nineteenth century Germany at first rejected, circumcision , claiming it to be 'barbaric '. By 1871,rabbinic leadership in the German
- By the Micah could be obtained repeatedly, while Christian baptism, like, circumcision , is, in the general view of Christians, unique and not repeatable. Even the
- Jews, incensed at this harsh decree as well as by Hadrian's law forbidding, circumcision , secretly started putting aside arms from the Roman munitions workshops; soon
- By some early Reform leaders will return with a vengeance ", proclaiming that, circumcision ,will be" the latest front in the battle over the Jewish future in America. "
- The same manner, causing pain and hemostasis. The expressly ritual element of, circumcision ,in Judaism, as distinguished from its non-ritual requirement in Islam, is shown
- Decree () and was that most Mosaic law, including the requirement for, circumcision ,of males, was not obligatory for Gentile converts, possibly in order to make it
- Obligation to undergo either a full Brit Milan or Arafat dam Brit. Reasons for, circumcision ,In Of the Special Laws, Book 1,the Jewish philosopher Phil (20 BC - AD 50)
- Form of his soul. Talmud professor Daniel Born offered two explanations for, circumcision , One is that it is a literal inscription on the Jewish body of the name of God
- Of habit, because it was a custom, it is a custom of the Jews ", says of, circumcision ,:" I don't regard it as a religious act at all ... if it's medically not
- The author of Refer ha-Chinuch provides three reasons for the practice of, circumcision ,: #To complete the form of man, by removing what he claims to be a redundant
- In 167 BCE Antioch us ordered an altar to Zeus erected in the Temple. He banned, circumcision ,and ordered pigs to be sacrificed at the altar of the temple. Antiochus's
- Being a great Torah scholar was also a physician and philosopher, argued that, circumcision ,acts to repress sexual pleasure and serves as a common bodily sign to members
- Will eat it and must cease slaughtering sheep themselves, and cease the rite of, circumcision , Traditionally, there is a distinction between northern and southern Chinese
- Mishnah Shabbat 19:2,which lists it as one of the four steps involved in the, circumcision ,rite. The Chasm Safer observed that the Talmud states that the rationale for
- The functional replacement and sacramental equivalent of the Abrahamic rite of, circumcision ,and symbolizes the internal cleansing from sin, among other things. Catholic In
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