Examples of the the word, caesar , in a Sentence Context
The word ( caesar ), is the 10298 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Gallup' dismissal within Constantius' court, surrounded the palace of the, caesar , and arrested him, stripping Gallup of the imperial robes, but assuring him that
- In the East, so he called Gallup at Sirius, raised him to the rank of, caesar , ( 15 March 351),gave him the name Constantius, and strengthened the bonds
- Spahn, which is being extended to Backing. City friendships Research center, caesar , ( Center of Advanced European Study and Research) was founded in 1995 as part
- Period, and subsequently tsar. The title tsar, the Slavic form of the Latin, caesar , ( meaning emperor) but in modern Bulgaria and in pre-1721 Russia equivalent to
- To Rome until her death. In 354 AD, When Constantius called for Gallup,the, caesar , sent Constantine to her brother, with the purpose to mitigate his position in
- Briana, and possibly raises her father Says Ballistics to the rank of, caesar , By topic Arts and Science * The first Christian paintings appear in Rome
- Resented having Norris around and observed that he was," happier than a, caesar ,". Marine Expeditions At the beginning of 1588,Normal returned to England
- Spar persuaded the emperor to appoint his second son, Julius Patricia, as,Caesar, and give him in marriage his daughter Leonid. However, as for the clergy and
- Of Burgas on the Black Sea. The Byzantine forces, led by the emperor and the, caesar , Bardas, were successful in the conflict and reconquered a number of cities
- That is a combination of Kaiser, meaning " emperor ", which is derived from ", caesar ,"; and Fall, meaning " palace ", and itself derived from the Latin platinum
- The military commanders (episodes) Prelab and Voting receive the title of, caesar , In 1348 Susan conquered Virus, Acarnania and Thessaly. He appointed Simeon
- Inscription around the dome: Insignia hand dignitaries AUCAM Karol us, caesar , magnus institute; egregious Do magister explicit, Metensi focus in urge
- Hands worth Riots - Twenty Summers On / bogus, caesar , * http://www.oomgallery.net/gallery.asp? Location 6&c 251 'From Jamaica Row -
- The Modicum Kingdom is ultimately incorporated to the Roman Empire by the Roman, caesar , Claudius (10 BC-54,reigned 41-54). Modicum includes Carinthia and most of
- From the governments of Germany and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia., caesar , is closely associated with the Max Planck Society (MPG). The President of the
- Dynasty The Constantine dynasty properly began with Constantius" Chorus" (, caesar , 293,Augustus,305),an experienced Syrian soldier and general; the
- And Magician reigned in the West as August co-operating with Constantine as, caesar , until the Imperial conference at Sanctum in November 308,whereat Constantine
- Conference at Sanctum in November 308,whereat Constantine confirmed as, caesar , Magician deposed, and Licenses appointed Augustus in his place. Mauritius
- Defeat. His admiral, Abantus, had been outfought by Constantine's son the, caesar , Crispus,despite the latter's distinctly smaller fleet. Following this naval
- Rights under the name municipal Claudia Celia. * Not later than 103 - Roman, caesar , Trajan (53-117,reigned 98-117) moves the Legion XIII Gemini to the north
- Are rare, and very few of them are of Slavic origin (the example is from Latin, caesar , ). A notable rule of Russian orthography is that ‹ ц › is seldom followed by ‹
- In 1112. He also held the high Byzantine titles of propagates (c. 1060) and, caesar , ( c. 1081). Early reign George’s childhood coincided with the civil war
- He appointed Simeon Bros as despots of Virus and Thessaly. He put Voting as, caesar , of Drama. War with Bosnia Susan evidently wanted to expand his rule over the
- For the 2007 Grammy Awards. Ludicrous also shaved his cornrows off for a new ", caesar ," haircut. He said with a new album that was different from his other four
- Anonymously in Antioch by night, asking passersby for their opinion on their, caesar , while Julian records the great amount of time spent by Gallup at the
- Assumption of powers equivalent and parallel to those held by former Byzantine, caesar , and the Tatar khan, both known in Russian sources as Czar. The political effect
- King. At first Arduino was" elected by the Lombards in Pa via and was called ‘, caesar ,’ emperor by all ", according to the chronicler Arnulfo of Milan. He then made
- The fates of the" hairy ones" ( i.e. The Caesars - from the Latin word ", caesar ,", meaning " a fine head of hair" ) who are to rule Rome. The penultimate
- With the Caesar (335-337). For the censor Flavius Dalmatia, father of the, caesar , see Flavius Dalmatia. For saints with this name, see Saint Dalmatia (
- L. Julius L. f. L. n., caesar , entry in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (NR.
- Common imperial appendage was baseless but imperator, princeps, augustus, and,Caesar, were all used sporadically. *Canute the Great (994/995 – 1035): according to
- Methods are utilized for brain research and brain control. At the moment, caesar , is being reorganized thematically. The focus is put on research regarding
- In 305 he was adopted by his maternal uncle Galleries and raised to the rank of, caesar , with the government of Syria and Egypt. In 308,after the elevation of
- Praetorium, http://www.blueletterbible.org/cgi-bin/strongs.pl? Strongs 2541,Caesar, http://www.blueletterbible.org/cgi-bin/strongs.pl? Strongs 2778 censuses
- July 25,306,but the Augustus in the East, Galerius, acknowledged him only as, caesar , to Severus *August: Mauritius (" Imp. Caesar M. Aurelius Valerie Mauritius
- Valeria, who married Galleries (whom Diocletian had adopted and appointed, caesar , on March 1,293). Galerius's sister gave birth to a son, Maximinus Died, and
- Sentenced him to death; the emperor later changed his mind, and ordered the, caesar , to be spared, but Eugenics ordered that the news was not to reach the
- Despot of Price (d. 1371,son of RxJava) *episode Group Columbia, caesar , of Polo (d. after 1361) *episode Brando Rastislalić, domestikos of
- Title of a Russian, Bulgarian or Serbian monarch. It is derived from the word, caesar , much like the word kaiser. The word may also be: *"Czar ", song by Frank Black
- Of David. George is mentioned in prayers dated to 1203 as" king of kings, and,Caesar, of all the East and West ", suggesting that he was still alive and given some
- Many scholars believe that it was simply a use of the Latin expression, caesar , meaning hairy. The Julia Caesars were a specific branch of the gens Julia. The
- The Black Sea were recaptured by the Byzantine army led by Michael III and the, caesar , Bardas. In spite of various reverses, Boris succeeded in maintaining the
- Government over to his uncle Bards, raising him to the highest rank - that of, caesar , It was then that Bards and Michael decided to eliminate Theorists, who was
- Was killed in the Battle of Myriokephalon, while his probable grandson,the, caesar , John Kantakouzenos, married Irene Angelina, the sister of Isaac II Angelo's. By
- emperor's military supremacy and is the source of the English word emperor;, caesar , which was originally a name, but it came to be used for the designated heir (
- Several other titles & offices were regularly accumulated by emperors, such as, caesar , princes senates, consul and pontiff Maximus. The power of Emperors was
- Examination of Religion * Cesarean section (often simply called" a, caesar ,"),surgically assisted birth procedure Other uses Shovelware (sometimes also
- These toxic mushrooms resemble several edible species (most notably, caesar , 's mushroom and the straw mushroom) commonly consumed by humans, increasing
- From France. After the war, Wilhelm took the title kaiser from the Roman title, caesar , proclaimed the German Empire, and all the German states other than Austria
- A website up and running at caesar thegeezer. Co. UK and is on Facebook under, caesar , boogieman Invite FM He later changed his radio name to Caesar the Boogieman
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