Examples of the the word, flip , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flip ), is the 5098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The" ". Break One person is chosen (by a predetermined method, e. g., coin, flip , win or loss of previous game, ) to shoot first and the object ball rack apart.
  2. Will flip , on average, only O (1) triangles – although sometimes it will, flip ,many more. This still leaves the point location time to improve. We can store
  3. 1 in 2,097,152. Therefore, it is equally likely to flip 21 heads as it is to, flip ,20 heads and then 1 tail when flip ping a fair coin 21 times. Furthermore, these
  4. Landing) the port wing could stall and drop so quickly that the fighter could, flip ,over with the rapid increase in power. These potentially lethal characteristics
  5. Websites are also available that convert digital video files into custom-made, flip ,books. Other techniques and approaches Apollo (Attic, Ionic,and Homeric Greek
  6. George Gershwin plays RHAPSODY IN BLUE and his other favorite compositions. The, flip ,side of the LP featured 9 other recordings. In 1975,Columbia Records released
  7. Thirty-two),a believer in the gambler's fallacy might believe that this next, flip ,is less likely to be heads than to be tails. However, this is not correct, and
  8. Vincent ", and received enough radio airplay to reach the Hot 100 chart as a ", flip ,". McLean's 1981 version of the song first appeared on his album Believers
  9. Aligned by the Earth's magnetic field (whose poles can thereby be seen to, flip ,at long intervals). Alloys used for the strongest permanent magnets are" hard
  10. Or Hebrew, and mixing the two was not practical. It is possible to simply, flip ,the left-to-right display order to a right-to-left display order, but doing
  11. Over" back to zero. Other common terms for this bug were" turn over" and ", flip ,over ". Also, an oversight in the small saucer's programming gave rise to a
  12. Commodore changed the vendor of the drive mechanism (Mitsuki) and went to a, flip ,handle that allowed extraction of the disc using your fingers, and no longer
  13. Then another head are both 1 in 2,097,152. Therefore, it is equally likely to, flip ,21 heads as it is to flip 20 heads and then 1 tail when flip ping a fair coin 21
  14. And challenges Barry to a duel. Inside a barn, where the duel is held, a coin, flip ,gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting first, but his pistol misfires.
  15. Have flip tabs for presets, situated across the top of the organ. The left hand, flip ,tab reverts to the tone set by the draw bars. Some models such as the M,M-2 and
  16. The winner. If the teams remain tied, overtime periods continue, with a coin, flip ,determining the first possession. Possessions alternate with each overtime
  17. Display despite having an analog mechanism—these are commonly referred to as, flip ,clocks. Alternative systems have been proposed. For example, the
  18. It, however,requires a five base binding between the mRNA and tRNA with a, flip ,of the anti-codon creating a triplet coding, even though it is a five base
  19. Through all the triangles to find the one that contains v, then we potentially, flip ,away every triangle. Then the overall runtime is O (n2). If we insert
  20. First discussion. The discussions also became more family-friendly, including a, flip ,chart with pictures, in part to encourage the participation of children.
  21. Interesting effect when animated because of the light contrast. * Flip book: A, flip ,book (sometimes, especially in British English, called a flick book) is a
  22. Order, it turns out (by a somewhat intricate proof) that each insertion will, flip , on average, only O (1) triangles – although sometimes it will flip many more
  23. Post construction tests in 1941. The spillways were modified in 1947 by adding, flip ,buckets, which both slow the water and decrease the spillway's effective
  24. V is added, we split in three the triangle that contains v, then we apply the, flip ,algorithm. Done naively, this will take O (n) time: we search through all the
  25. Flip algorithms As mentioned above, if a triangle is non-Delaunay, we can, flip ,one of its edges. This leads to a straightforward algorithm: construct any
  26. Value of a random variable. For example, specifying the outcome of a fair coin, flip ,(two equally likely outcomes) provides less information (lower entropy)
  27. Tell without looking at the rest of the input, which bits of the output will, flip ,if the input bit is flip ped; so care must be taken to use all 32 bits when
  28. A programmable logic device, a programmable logic controller, logic gates and, flip ,flops or relays. More specifically, a hardware implementation requires a
  29. Straightforward algorithm: construct any triangulation of the points, and then, flip ,edges until no triangle is non-Delaunay. Unfortunately, this can take O (n2)
  30. Their Rb-85 atoms repulsive and creating a stable condensate. The reversible, flip ,from attraction to repulsion stems from quantum interference among condensate
  31. Had been invented in 180 AD. The phenakistoscope, praxinoscope, and the common, flip ,book were early popular animation devices invented during the 19th century.
  32. 1. SHIRR: Roger. CAP COM 1: All we've agreed to do on this is, flip ,it. SHIRR: ... with two commanders, Apollo 7 CAP COM 1: All we
  33. Singer to have a nationwide hit in May 1924 with" Wreck of the Old '97 ". The, flip ,side of the record was" Lonesome Road Blues," which also became very popular.
  34. Went nuts. " This massive audience response forced the record company to, flip ,the songs, so that subsequent copies of the single listed the more popular song
  35. When braking, can generate enough stopping force at the front wheel to, flip ,longitudinally. The act of purposefully using this force to lift the rear wheel
  36. Example when searching for Smith, if Rogers and Thomas have been found, one can, flip ,to a page about halfway between the previous guesses. If this shows Samson, it
  37. Apollo 7 CAP COM 1: All we have agreed to on this particular pass is to, flip ,the switch on. No other activity is associated with TV; I think we are still
  38. To the Degree of Difficulty of the dives. Some divers may find pike easier in a, flip ,than tuck, and most find straight the easiest in a front/back dive, although it
  39. On all modern biathlon ranges, the targets are self-indicating, in that they, flip ,from black to white when hit, giving the biathlete as well as the spectators
  40. The original jazz-band accompaniment, conducted by Michael Wilson Thomas. The, flip ,side of the Columbia Masterworks release features Wilson Thomas leading the New
  41. Bosons carry one unit of angular momentum, the fermion's spin direction will, flip ,from + to − (or vice versa) during such an exchange (in units of the reduced
  42. As transducers to provide a sound closer to that of an acoustic guitar with the, flip ,of a switch or knob, rather than switching guitars. Those that combine
  43. Amongst others. Other Hammond models such as the M-100 and L-100 series have, flip ,tabs for presets, situated across the top of the organ. The left hand flip tab
  44. Is an algorithm for it that has the following properties: *It is allowed to, flip ,coins and make random decisions *On any given run of the algorithm, it has a
  45. Called Feedback resonance involving a sweep of the magnetic field causing spin, flip ,collisions, the JILL researchers lowered the characteristic, discrete energies
  46. Their playoff run. Despite rumblings in July and August that the Actors might, flip ,him to another contender, Beltrán would prove instrumental to the Actors '
  47. Values to the alternatives, is,in fact, choosing not to make a choice — to, flip ,a coin, as it were, and to leave everything to chance. This is considered to be
  48. In two ways. Perceptions of such objects remain stable for a time, then may, flip , a phenomenon called multistable perception. The opposite of such ambiguous
  49. Coin has been flip ped 9 times and Heads appears each time, that on the tenth, flip , there is a greater than 50 % chance of getting Tails. (Note: The field of
  50. Move he makes is torture / He cannot speak words anymore / Our sister likes to, flip ,him on his back / And watch little brother squirm FSF can stand for:

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