Examples of the the word, darkness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( darkness ), is the 4331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drunken party and envisioning him, as he stoops down to pick up a rock in the, darkness , accidentally picking up a fresh turd instead. He is then envisioned hurling
  2. Forestays running:: :You convey a glow to a ship in trouble, : :Sailed in the, darkness , The poem was written in Sapphire stanzas, a verse form popularly associated
  3. In heaven, / Their candles are all out ". This premonition of the coming, darkness ,in association with Macbeth's murders is repeated just before Ban quo is killed
  4. The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the, darkness ,of mere being. - Carl Jung Under the heading ‘ Individuality in Thought and
  5. Paris hit Burma, Suu FYI lost the roof of her house and lived in virtual, darkness ,after losing electricity in her dilapidated lakeside residence. She used
  6. Of an extensive missionary effort by righteous spirits to redeem those still in, darkness ,- a spirit prison or" hell" where the spirits of the dead remain until
  7. One is completely freed of all material desires, which are caused by the dense, darkness ,of ignorance, one cannot fully engage in the devotional service of the Lord.
  8. And men) as her squadron leader Defense had done hours earlier. Lost in the, darkness , the battlecruisers and had similar point-blank encounters with the British
  9. Organisms or can make other chemical constituents such as ammonia toxic. In, darkness , when no photosynthesis occurs, respiration processes release carbon dioxide
  10. Thomas Gray: The plowman homeward plods his weary way / And leaves the world to, darkness ,and to me, ( from" Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," 1751). Legacy
  11. Popular to produce a kind of text art that relied on overprinting — the overall, darkness ,of a particular character space dependent on how many characters, as well as
  12. Prophecy deals with the ongoing struggle between the forces of light and, darkness , and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. Its message is purely a spiritual
  13. On, Columbia,roll on, roll on, Columbia,roll on / Your power is turning our, darkness ,to dawn / Roll on, Columbia,roll on. Lyrics from Woody Guthrie's Roll on
  14. On a day when the Sun was darkened. The day turned into night, which sudden, darkness ,was believed to be an eclipse of the Sun. It occurred on 17 July 709 BC, with a
  15. Forward, and it is the Eon Sophia, associated with Eleventh, who encounters, darkness ,and becomes involved in the chain of events that leads to the Demiurge's rule
  16. Radar, which was effective beyond visual contact and was effective in complete, darkness ,or adverse weather conditions, was introduced to supplement optical fire
  17. Of the mind, dying to sin and living to righteousness, and translation from, darkness ,to light. Jesus Christ used the" birth" analogy in tracing spiritual newness
  18. Deviation. On the evening of 22 June,Nelson's fleet passed the French in the, darkness , overtaking the slow invasion convoy without realizing how close they were to
  19. Of antiquity are full of examples for imitation, which would all lie unseen in, darkness ,without the light of literature ”. Legacy of the Classical World The Classical
  20. Carbohydrate energy for themselves and oxygen as a waste product. But in, darkness ,photosynthesis cannot occur, and during the resultant respiration small amounts
  21. Of evil within the play, praying to heaven for help, while Macbeth seeks, darkness , and prays that evil powers will aid him. This is visible in act two; after
  22. Of mourning and is worn during funerals. * In English heraldry, black means, darkness , doubt, ignorance,and uncertainty. * The Black Sun is an occult symbol that is
  23. Luther believed that without God's help Scripture would be" enveloped in, darkness , " John Calvin wrote," all who ... follow the Holy Spirit as their guide, find
  24. Seaplane flying from New York, it had to land in the ocean once because of, darkness ,and then again to refuel. Navigation and weather forecasting improved in 1933
  25. He replied:" When you will be wrapped in darkness , for it says,'Behold, darkness ,shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the nations; then shall the Lord rise
  26. Scorches the Earth with intense heat. (16:8-9) ####Fifth Bowl: There is total, darkness ,and great pain in the Beast's kingdom. (16:10-11) ####Sixth Bowl:
  27. Original act of creation. ):" And the earth was without form, and void; and, darkness ,was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
  28. Contained scenes of great solemnity and festivity; yet overshadowing it all was, darkness ,and revenge. The opera depicted politically motivated murder, filial duty and
  29. Dark. After Alexander's death, his strong realm was plunged into a period of, darkness ,that would eventually lead to war with England. Had Alexander, who was a strong
  30. Mount Sinai during his 40-day stay upon the mountain within the thick cloud and, darkness ,where God was (Ex. 19:20; 24:18) and he was shown the pattern for the
  31. To enter. The term applies to natural cavities some part of which is in total, darkness , The word cave also includes smaller spaces like rock shelters, sea caves, and
  32. The brightest variety which we call either, the muddiest which we call mist and, darkness , and other kinds for which we have no name ...." Among the early Greek
  33. Israel, and the prophet warns his audience:" Is not the day of the Lord, darkness , not light, and gloom with no brightness in it? " (Amos 5:20) The" day of
  34. That used to lie there underground, a passage of Acheron-like solemnity and, darkness , now all closed and filled up, and soon to be utterly forgotten, with all its
  35. To the plate in a lightless Wrigley Field that was gradually being overcome by, darkness ,and visibility was becoming difficult. With two outs in the bottom of the ninth
  36. Is required for landing (1999 est. ) Flights to the continent in the permanent, darkness ,of the winter are normally only undertaken in an emergency, with burning
  37. Efforts to join the engagement, focusing on the flashes of gunfire in the, darkness , Warned away from the About shoals by the grounded Cullen, Captain Benjamin
  38. In a tone of mockery, whereupon he replied:" When you will be wrapped in, darkness , for it says,'Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the
  39. S most explosively entertaining movie to lead us back into the liberating, darkness ,of dreams. " He praised the performances:" Pfeiffer gives this feminist
  40. Until they are rescued by the wizard Medellin who reveals that the forces of, darkness ,are amassing at the Edge in search of the titular" weird stone of Brisingamen "
  41. Not engage the Egyptian Army immediately, despite his requests. Under cover of, darkness ,Sharon's forces moved to a point on the Suez Canal that had been prepared
  42. Spiritual eye. Then bring to the light of day that which you have seen in the, darkness ,so that it may react upon others from the outside inwards. " He rejected the
  43. An ambush patrol must deploy into the area covertly, ideally under the cover of, darkness , The patrol will establish secure and covert positions overlooking the killing
  44. In darkness , for it says,'Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross, darkness ,the nations; then shall the Lord rise upon thee and His glory shall be seen on
  45. Base, in hopes of continuing the battle next morning, but under the cover of, darkness , Sheer sailed behind the British fleet and returned to port. Both sides
  46. Dims when passing through non-clear atmosphere or air * soft shadows — varying, darkness ,caused by partially obscured light sources * reflection — mirror-like or highly
  47. Hideous old man seemed like some loathsome reptile, engendered in the slime and, darkness ,through which he moved, crawling forth by night in search of some rich offal
  48. Advice she was given. That same month Anne wrote her last poem," A dreadful, darkness ,closes in ", in which she deals with the realization of being terminally ill.
  49. A third of the sun, the moon, and the stars were darkened creating complete, darkness ,for a third of the day and the night. (8:12-13) ###Fifth Trumpet: The First
  50. By dividing the world sharply between the forces of light and the forces of, darkness , They trace all evil back to a single source, the conspirators and their agents

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