Examples of the the word, eager , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eager ), is the 5088 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Movies than any concept or star. " His studio—Warner Bros. — was therefore ", eager ,to bankroll" his next project, which Kubrick kept" shrouded in secrecy" from
  2. Demand for civil air transport, for both passengers and cargo. They were, eager ,to invest in the newly emerging flagships of air travel such as the Boeing
  3. Answer to how much they are spending. It is want-to-be cruisers who are most, eager ,to know the cost of living the dream. Probably the best way to approximate how
  4. Most endangered of the monuments, having become a favorite perch for tourists, eager ,to witness a glorious sundown at Angkor. * Pre RUP Style (944-968): Under
  5. Have been ordered to pay as much as $300 million in punitive damages. Selim was, eager ,to settle the case because the judge had previously ruled that the Expos could
  6. By the Atacama Desert. Upon his return to Peru in 1537,Alvaro was bitter and, eager ,to once and for all claim the riches of the city of Cuzco for himself. In the
  7. And Loewe unveiled My Fair Lady. Before finishing the musical, Lerner was, eager ,to write while My Fair Lady was taking so long to complete. Burton Lane and
  8. Factory) were often made for commercial reasons: the people being filmed were, eager ,to see, for payment, the film showing them. One notable film clocked in at over
  9. II's reign and were often backed by the Shah of Persia, Ismail,who was, eager ,to promote Shi'ism to undermine the authority of the Ottoman state. Ottoman
  10. Marathon, and the battle; Herodotus, who evidently believed that Miltiades was, eager ,to attack, may have made a mistake whilst seeking to explain this delay. This
  11. To salvation, and sometimes we are fooled by them; but rather they should be, eager ,to do good in which salvation consists. Also, they should be taught not to be
  12. Time as coin collecting became a leisure pursuit of a growing middle class, eager ,to prove their wealth and sophistication. During the 19th and 20th centuries
  13. In defense of the Law. Abbey Mari, through Ben Adret's aid, obtained allies, eager ,to take up his cause, among whom were Don Moneybox Vidal of Barcelona and his
  14. Of Patrick Henry, George Mason, and other antifederalists who were not so, eager ,to give up the local autonomy won by the revolution: Historians have given many
  15. Bali’s chief industry, has provided the island with a foreign audience that is, eager ,to pay for entertainment, thus creating new performance opportunities and more
  16. And Psyche. The Metamorphoses ends with the (once again human) hero, Lucius, eager , to be initiated into the mystery cult of Isis; he abstains from forbidden foods
  17. Following day, but with filming finishing early, Aaliyah and her entourage were, eager ,to return to the United States and made the decision to leave immediately. The
  18. Opened quickly after the city's founding in 1859 and staged many plays for, eager ,settlers. In the 1880s Horace Tabor built Denver's first Opera House. After
  19. Nicht dies Tone" (" O friends, not these sounds" ). Premiere Beethoven was, eager ,to have his work played in Berlin as soon as possible after finishing it, since
  20. Was not faultless. He was impetuous and even head-strong, for by nature he was, eager , passionate, and dauntless. These qualities were both the source of his power
  21. Threats to poorly-known species. While many developing countries have been, eager ,to join CITES, the annual costs of staffing and maintaining a CITES office and
  22. Bore up very well under the strain of life on the march and was always, eager ,to go where it was most dangerous. He read his verse to the wounded and spent a
  23. Like not a few of his undoubtedly orthodox contemporaries) was by no means, eager ,to accept the homoousios (ὁμοούσιος) doctrine - that Jesus Christ and God are
  24. Saw that," fellas kin be more fun than critters. " Kelly is squired about by, eager ,young Hollywood actors with stage names like" Dash Rip rock" and" Bolt
  25. Of Benin the Reserve Du W Du Niger and Punjabi National Park attract tourists, eager ,to see elephants, lions,antelopes, hippos,and monkeys. Historically Benin has
  26. Study of languages, literature,science and history was broad, and she was an, eager ,student. Her artistic talents were recognized early. Although she was provided
  27. The opulent luxury liner, but are warmly greeted by enthusiastic Nazi officers, eager ,to hear their exploits. The captain learns from an envoy of the German
  28. On the island, planted near a water seep, but the dry climate and seabirds, eager ,for anything upon which to perch, did not give the trees or shrubs much of a
  29. To deploy and study the tank in the inter-war years, the German army was very, eager ,to study and master this new technology. Development of German tactical methods
  30. May flash skin and belly button, but in her music and manner,she's too, eager ,not to offend — she's a good girl pretending to be bad. Spears, however,comes
  31. By contrast, the French were confident that they would prevail and were, eager ,to fight. The French believed they would triumph over the English not only
  32. Dies shortly after. In anticipation of Kemmerich's imminent death, Müller was, eager ,to get his boots. While in the hospital, someone stole Kemmerich's watch from
  33. Upon him during Titus' brief reign. Understandably, the new emperor was not, eager ,to alter this arrangement: he would have expected to rule for at least another
  34. The United Kingdom, whose army had occupied Egypt in 1882. As he was young and, eager ,to exercise his new power, he resented the interference of the British Agent
  35. February 18, 2008. After that point, however,most cellular companies were, eager ,to shut down AMPS and use the remaining channels for digital services. OnStar
  36. Hammerstein to ask if he would consider working with him. Hammerstein was, eager ,to do so, and their first collaboration was Oklahoma! (1943). Thomas Fiscal
  37. Had developed between the New Model Army and Parliament, and Charles was, eager ,to exploit it. He was then transferred first to Oat lands and then Hampton Court
  38. Again pursued, then it stands up and reveals that it offers no ground for their, eager ,pursuit, and releases the hunters from all further exertions, for they esteem
  39. In Pausanias's recall. Formation of the League After Byzantine, Sparta was, eager ,to end its involvement in the war. The Spartans were of the view that, with the
  40. S Republic of China conducted its third nuclear test on 9 May 1966,the US was, eager ,to get information on the Chinese capabilities. After the failure of the Black
  41. Lord German and First Lord of the Admiralty Lord Sandwich were especially, eager ,to do so, with a particular emphasis on those who had previously served in
  42. With Ammonium and acquired so complete a training in philosophy that he became, eager ,to make acquaintance with the Persian philosophical discipline and that
  43. Advised his readers," Young Dominicans are also to be instructed not to be, eager ,to see visions or work miracles, since these avail little to salvation, and
  44. Were the forerunners of gospel music, and churches all over the U. S. were, eager ,to acquire them. Moody and Sanka began publishing their compositions in 1875
  45. Get revenge. Several French accounts emphasize that the French leaders were so, eager ,to defeat the English (and win the ransoms of the English men-at-arms) that
  46. Obituary and Decide. Growing popularity By 1989,many bands had been signed by, eager ,record labels wanting to cash in on the subgenre, including Florida's Obituary
  47. Interested in any more episodes. Fortunately, the French magazine Pic sou was, eager ,to publish the stories. From 1999,Don started working freelance for Pic sou
  48. Trials; while they are alert, respond well to food-reward training, and are, eager ,to please, they are easily bored or distracted. They are ranked 72nd in Stanley
  49. Death created a power vacuum which would stir up other power–hungry warlords, eager ,to take his place in the following years. The quiet years of Alfred’s life were
  50. Wholesale into their armies; and in yet other cases nomadic empires proved, eager ,to enlist Chinese infantry and engineering, as in the case of the Mongol Empire

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