Examples of the the word, graduation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( graduation ), is the 5092 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the corner of a comm link – hometowns, first steps, first loves, family, graduation , spacewalk. " The leaders in SMAC comprise: Lady Deirdre Skye (voiced by
  2. Grades, he also competed in high school speech tournaments regionally. After, graduation ,from high school in 1952,against his parents' wishes he majored in drama at
  3. Yellow and white:: Contra-mestre: blue and white:: Master: white Children's, graduation ,(until 14 years old) - the same as the basic graduation , but adding the gray
  4. Where many players go on to participate at higher levels of competition after, graduation , In the 2003–04 season,1,002,797 boys and girls represented their schools in
  5. Restructuring. In 2003 USAID considered Croatia to be on a" glide path for, graduation ," along with Bulgaria. Its 2002/2003/2004 funding includes around $10 million
  6. Flank Formation Football -- Stress:: Defense. Thesis 796. W228f Following, graduation , Walsh coached at Washington High School in Fremont, leading the football and
  7. Diploma Examinations set by Alberta Education, and they may grant high school, graduation ,certificates endorsed by Alberta Education. Universities The University of
  8. Enrollment was 41,089 students with a student-teacher ratio of 13.5 to 1. The, graduation ,rate is up to 52 % in 2008,up from 45 % in 2007,and 50 % in 2006. More than
  9. Never existed a ranking system accepted by most of the masters. That means, graduation ,style changes a lot depending on the group's traditions. Master Bimbo was the
  10. With a degree in history and government in 1962. Coaching career Army After, graduation ,in 1962,Knight coached junior varsity basketball at Cuyahoga Falls High School
  11. Ceremony for companies) for new employees those who newly hired after their, graduation ,from schools, on this day. *Japanese school calendar also starts from April 1
  12. At Kabul University he became well known for his works on Islam. Soon after his, graduation ,in 1963,he was hired as a professor at Kabul University. In order to enhance
  13. A judge, a prosecutor or a" lawyer" in accordance of their grades upon, graduation , A" lawyer" does not have any limitation of practice. Spain has a
  14. Separate his students, based on their skill and experience. New students had no, graduation , Nowadays, the most common system is using cords (strings) tied around the
  15. It was released in the Spring of 1978,one month before her high school, graduation , That fall she performed her first ticketed concert—in Fort Worth, Texas—after
  16. Mechanic, in September 1942 he entered enlisted pilot training and upon, graduation ,was promoted to the rank of flight officer (the World War II USAAF equivalent
  17. To other states. According to U. S. Census data,Alabama's high school, graduation ,rate – 75 % – is the second lowest in the United States (after Mississippi).
  18. Of Schools and Colleges. The school has improved under Principal Chris Shaheed, graduation ,rates hover around 98 %, and 70 % of students gain college admission. Community
  19. Inns that actually" call" the student to the Bar at a ceremony similar to a, graduation , Social functions include dining with other members and guests and hosting
  20. Most of the highest academic achievers, leave the state after high school, graduation ,and do not return. The University of Alaska has attempted to combat this by
  21. And yellow:: Advanced: green and blue:: Trainee: yellow and blue Advanced adult, graduation ,- Teacher of Capoeira:: Formed: green, yellow and blue:: Monitor: green and
  22. Fulbright. He is a member of Kappa Psi honorary band fraternity. Upon, graduation , he won a Rhodes Scholarship to University College, Oxford where he studied
  23. Completing it, if the child is still under 14,he'll earn the green adult, graduation , Initial cords can be earned in less than a year. Advanced cords, notably the
  24. 40 % of the undergraduate and 29 % of the graduate student body. The four-year, graduation ,rate is 80.7 % and the six-year rate is 90.3 %, but substantially higher than
  25. From sea to shining sea. Wellesley's students honor Bates with a version at, graduation , substituting: And crown thy good with Sisterhood, : From sea to shining sea.
  26. Nationalist. The top students were encouraged to go into the artillery. After, graduation ,and a brief sojourn at the Military School of Paris Napoleon applied for
  27. Who achieves a task. In modern times, it may be given on an event such as a, graduation ,from college. The Pawnee considered eagles as symbols of fertility because
  28. Regularly in the Huntsville Times and the Monroe (Ala. ) Journal. After, graduation ,in 1980,he joined the Atlanta Constitution as an editorial staff artist.
  29. Was in the 1960s and 70s. Students majoring in STEM fields traditionally have, graduation ,rates below 70 %. Faculty and staff Richard Feynman was perhaps the most
  30. A thesis concerned with some aspects of atomic stopping problems. Following, graduation , he became an associate at the Niels Bohr Institute. Bohr worked at the
  31. Stage debut at age five, singing " What Child Is This? " At her kindergarten, graduation , She said about her ambition as a child," I was in my own world, ... I found
  32. Count high school computer science courses as a core academic subject in their, graduation ,requirements. In tandem with" Running on Empty," a new, non-partisan advocacy
  33. Do teach its own core writing courses and has its own distinctive set of, graduation ,requirements. The origin of the U. S. usage The founders of the first
  34. Billie Holiday was one of Crystal's babysitters during his childhood. After, graduation ,from Long Beach High School, Crystal attended Marshall University in Huntington
  35. And the Molten Man in #28 (Sept. 1965),an issue that also featured Parker's, graduation ,from high school. Parker began attending Empire State University in #31 (Dec.
  36. And contracts in Development Business a mandatory requirement. Members (DMC), graduation , stages ADB has 67 members (as of 2 February 2007). Names are as recognized by
  37. Is that students who pass through the gates for a second time before, graduation ,do not graduate. The Brown University Band famously flouts this tradition by
  38. And traditions In Chalmers, tradition is taken very seriously. From the pompous, graduation ,ceremony to the for-fun Cortège procession, everything is based on
  39. Hospital - feature prominently in his film The Mirror. Following high school, graduation , from 1951 to 1952,Tchaikovsky studied Arabic at the Oriental Institute in
  40. Film. Sophomores are also required to write and direct such a project. Before, graduation , seniors produce a sizable project on 16 mm color negative film. Nevertheless
  41. White Children's graduation (until 14 years old) - the same as the basic, graduation , but adding the gray color. After completing it, if the child is still under 14
  42. Year Mohammad Kiddie Far hang, initiated both to pro-Moscow leftist views. After, graduation ,he entered the Ministry of Planning, keeping in close touch with those who had
  43. For at-risk children in the area. In 2009 the graduating class had 100 percent, graduation ,rate and expected a 100 percent college acceptance rate. Among other
  44. depending on the group's traditions. Master Bimbo was the first to establish a, graduation ,system in 1930. He used silk scales to separate his students, based on their
  45. Where new students will get recognized as capoeiristas and earn their first, graduation , Also, more experienced students may go up in rank, depending on their skills
  46. Confederacy Brasilia de Capoeira's ranking system Basic adult, graduation ,(since 14 years old):: Beginner: no string:: Baptized: green:: Graduated:
  47. Expelled for setting fire to a fellow cadet during a fight with pokers. On, graduation ,he joined the 1st Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment in September 1908
  48. Many entities (Leagues, Federations e Confederations) which try to unify the, graduation ,system. The most usual is the system of the Confederacy Brasilia de Capoeira
  49. At the Hebrew University, in addition to rabbinical studies. Following, graduation , he established several experimental schools after an unsuccessful attempt to
  50. University after receiving his B. A. in English literature in 1926. After, graduation , he spent a year at his parents' home in Scranton attempting to become a

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